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Scientific Activity and Publications
133 Publications in total:
3 Books
8 Book Chapters
8 Course Notebooks
1 Lab Workbooks
1 Habilitation Theses
1 PhD Theses
3 PhD Reports
45 Journal Papers (with a cummulated IF: 45.655)
59 Conference Papers
4 Application Notes
25 Publications as First Author
24 Publications as Single Author
Citation Report
2024, Dec:Scientific citations report, Google Scholar Database:
1192Total citations
14h-index (the number of h works published by the author, that have each been cited at least h times)
20i10-index (the number of works published by the author, that have each been cited at least 10 times)
Scientific Expertise
2022 - 2023:Guest Editor, Mathematics, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, Special Issue - Numerical Methods in Real-Time and Embedded Systems
[Guest Editor Certificate | Special Issue Flyer | Special Issue Webpage Info]
2017 - pres:Member of the International Program Committee (IPC) and Associate Editor, at national and international scientific conferences, including:
2014 - pres:General Chair, at national and international scientific conferences, including:
2008 - pres:Topic / Session Chair, at national and international scientific conferences, including:
2005 - 2008:Member of the Editorial Board, Annual Report of the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
2002 - pres:Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and Peer Reviewer, at national and international scientific conferences, including:
2001 - pres:Peer Reviewer, for scientific journals and periodicals, including:
1999 - 2000:Scientific Advisor, Panlatin Internet Glossary, Ministry of Public Works and Government Services, Canada, Romanian language section, ISBN 0-662-31313-5
1996 - pres:Chair or member of the Organizing Committee, at national and international scientific conferences, including:
Awards and Recognition (2)
2018, Oct:Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, "In recognition of professional standing"
2017, Feb:Outstanding Reviewers of 2016, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, Instrumentation and Measurement Society, USA, "In appreciation of outstanding service to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement And Recognition as one of Transactions Outstanding Reviewers of 2016"
Publications: Books (3)
[Book 3]Prelucrarea numerica a semnalelor in domeniul timp
(Time-Domain Digital Signal Processing)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In series: Colectia Prelucrarea Semnalelor
Publisher: Editura Politehnica
Timisoara, Romania, 2009
Pages: 254, ISBN 978-973-625-927-2
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Digital signal processing; Time domain; Discrete-time signals; Signal conversion; Discrete-time systems; Convolution; Correlation; Time-domain system analysis
This book has been written as a result of the experience accumulated by the author in more than 15 years of didactic, scientific and applicative activities in the field, at the Computer and Software Engineering Department, Politehnica University of Timisoara.
A modern approach has been intended for the development of this work, focusing on including as many visual elements as possible: 149 figures, diagrams and graphs. A balanced coverage of both theoretical elements, and of the practical, applicative aspects, has also been continuously pursued. Thus, the book includes 35 examples and proposes 41 exercises, to help deepen the understanding of the theoretical elements introduced in each chapter. Additional reference material is suggested by the 86 bibliographic items at the end. An index with 343 entries facilitates the search of terms and topics of interest while also providing a dictionary of acronyms used throughout the book.
The work contains 6 chapters. An introduction into the topic of digital signal acquisition and processing is provided in the first chapter. It also contains a comparative discussion on analog and digital signal processing approaches, a presentation of the main digital signal processing architectures and several examples out of the countless application domains of digital signal processing.
Chapter 2 contains an introduction and a presentation of the discrete-time signals, starting from elementary signals and their importance in the field. It continues with the study and the classification of signals, based on their key characteristics. The chapter ends with the presentation of the basic operations with discrete-time signals.
The next chapter provides theoretical details about the conversion of continuous-time signals into discrete-time signals (analog-to-digital conversion) and the reciprocal operation (digital-to-analog conversion). The relation between the main parameters of analog and digital signals is presented. A special emphasis is put on the discussion of the Sampling Theorem, as one of the most important theorems in the field. Signal quantization and binary coding are also detailed and exemplified in this chapter.
The discrete-time systems are studied in Chapter 4, using the input-output method. This chapter also contains a detailed presentation of the main characteristics of discrete-time systems, including their linearity, dynamism, causality, time invariance and stability.
Chapter 5 provides a detailed study of the convolution as a key operation in the time-domain analysis of signals and systems. The discussion covers aspects such as the definition, practical calculation and interpretation of the linear and circular convolutions, as well as a set of efficient methods for the algorithmic computation of the linear and circular convolution, especially in the case of long signals. The impulse response of linear time-invariant systems is also introduced and detailed here, focusing on its importance for the time-domain study of systems.
The next chapter contains a thorough discussion on the correlation, as a very efficient method of determining the degree of resemblance of two signals. Its main properties are presented, along with the exemplification some of the most interesting applications, including digital communications, pattern recognition and target detection and ranging systems (RADAR and SONAR).
The last chapter adds further details to the elements introduced in Chapter 4, regarding time-domain analysis of discrete-time systems. It uses the two mainstream techniques in the field: the convolution and impulse response of systems, and the linear difference equation form of the input-output description of the systems. The chapter ends with the presentation of the fundamental implementation structures of discrete-time systems.
[Book 2]Proiectarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice
(Design of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In series: Colectia Calculatoare - Informatica
Publisher: Editura Orizonturi Universitare
Timisoara, Romania, 2005
Pages: 175, ISBN 973-638-222-2
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Real-time systems; Critical applications; Data acquisition; Digital signal processing; Time model; Hard real-time tasks; Hard real-time scheduling; Non-preemptive; Hard real-time system model
The main focus of this work is the design and analysis of real-time systems for critical applications of digital signal acquisition and processing, and embedded control. An overview of the main concepts in the field of real-time and embedded systems is presented in Chapter 2. The next chapter contains a discussion of the most important problems and issues in the field, which will be approached in the remaining of the work. Chapter 4 describes in details the homogenous set of models proposed for real-time, signal and task representation. A special attention is given to the temporal analysis of the real-time tasks, which becomes a basis for the definition of the hard real-time task model, the ModX. The problem of real-time task scheduling is approached in Chapter 5, from the perspective of the proposed set for time, signals and models. Here, a detailed study of the non-preemptive offline and online scheduling techniques for sets of independent ModXs and FModXs (ModXs with fixed start times within each of their respective execution periods). Chapter 6 contains the performance evaluations and comparative studies of the scheduling algorithms discussed in the previous section. The model of a self-contained system, OPEN-HARTS, which unifies all the concepts previously introduced and discussed in this book, is presented in the last chapter. The bibliography section ends this book.
[Book 1]Internet - infrastructura si servicii
(Internet: Infrastructure and Services)
Author(s): Robu, Nicolae; Stoicu Tivadar, Vasile; Stoicu Tivadar, Lacramioara; Micea, Mihai Victor
In series: Colectia Calculatoare
Publisher: Editura Politehnica
Timisoara, Romania, 2002
Pages: 330, ISBN 973-625-013-X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Computer networks; OSI model; Internet structure; Internet protocols; Intranet; Internet security; Internet services and applications
This work focuses on the structure and services of the Internet system. The general architecture and operating principles of computer networks are presented in Chapter 2, along with a discussion of the standard OSI Model. The Internet system is described in the next chapter, starting from the historical perspective. Its philosophy, architecture, operation and protocols are further discussed. The security issues of Internet systems are the main focus of the Chapter 4. In the next sections, the main Internet services are presented in detail: Telnet (Chapter 5), File Transfer Protocol - FTP (Chapter 6), E-mail (Chapter 7), and the World Wide Web - WWW (Chapter 8). Basic elements of webpage authoring are presented in the following chapter, while some advanced web techniques, such as the CGI scripts and the Java applets, are discussed in Chapter 10. The bibliography section ends this book.
Publications: Book Chapters (8)
[BChp 8]Automating Research Problem Framing and Exploration through Knowledge Extraction from Bibliometric Data
Author(s): Curiac, Christian Daniel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Plosca, Traian Radu; Curiac, Daniel Ioan; Doboli, Simona; Doboli, Alex
In: Bibliometrics - An Essential Methodological Tool for Research Projects
Section 3
Editor(s): de Oliveira, Otavio Jose
Publisher: InTech
Rijeka, Croatia, Jun. 2024
, ISBN 978-0-85466-802-1, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005575
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Book info
Bibliometric data; Research trend analysis; Research problem framing; Research team formation; Publication latency
The steep rate at which the number of research outputs has been growing (e.g., books, journal articles, conference proceedings, patents, and other work in digital format) produces not only many intriguing opportunities but also significant challenges. Efficiently managing the research outputs in various very large digital databases has become much more difficult and error-prone than before. It is hard to precisely track all published documents in a way that is usable by humans to frame and explore new research problems. Methodologies and software tools are necessary to automate the time and resource-consuming activities in research. This chapter overviews the existing work and envisioned opportunities to automate the analysis of the research outputs available in digital databases to maximize the research quality and impact. A novel system architecture is also suggested to support research problem framing and exploration. The architecture includes smart recommender modules that also address other research activities, like researcher and institution assessment, bibliography recommendation, and research team formation.
[BChp 7]Dense and Sparse Optic Flows Aggregation for Accurate Motion Segmentation in Monocular Video Sequences
Author(s): Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Volume 7324, Section 25
Editor(s): Campilho, Aurelio; Kamel, Mohamed
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Aveiro, Portugal, Jun. 2012
Pages: 208 - 215, ISBN 978-3-642-31294-6, ISSN 0302-9743, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31295-3_25
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000323558000025)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Book info | Springer Link Index Record | DBLP Index Record
Optical flow; Motion analysis; Segmentation; Aggregation
This paper proposes a new approach to motion segmentation in video sequences based on the aggregation of velocity fields produced by dense and sparse optic flow estimators. In the beginning, sparse optic flow information is used to identify a set of control points on moving objects. The next step relies on dense optical flow to cluster the set of control points and determine the concave hull of moving image regions. In the final step, the silhouette of these regions is extracted using active contours. The result of the proposed algorithm is a pixel-accurate motion mask that can serve as input in various scenarios ranging from surveillance systems to videoconferencing applications.
[BChp 6]Sensor-Level Real-Time Support for XBee-Based Wireless Communication
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina; Filote, Constantin
In: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (AISC)
Volume 145, Section 20
Editor(s): Gaol, Ford Lumban; Nguyen, Quang Vinh
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Berlin, Germany, Jan. 2012
Pages: 147 - 154, ISBN 978-3-642-28307-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28308-6_20
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000310243500020)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Book info | Conference guide | Springer Link Index Record
Wireless sensors; Real-time support; Wireless communication; XBee modules; Predictability
The ZigBee standard is focused on low-cost, low-power, wireless mesh networking, having a wide applicability mainly in the field of wireless sensor networks. A growing number of such applications require real-time behavior, both at the wireless communication and at the sensor levels. This paper proposes a solution to the problem of providing sensor-level real-time support for wireless platforms using ZigBee-based devices such as the XBee module. The discussion of the experimental results proves the predictable behavior of the XBee sensor platform used as a case study.
[BChp 5]Distance Measurement for Indoor Robotic Collectives
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stancovici, Andrei; Indreica, Sinziana
In: Mobile Robots - Control Architectures, Bio-Interfacing, Navigation, Multi Robot Motion Planning and Operator Training
Section 16
Editor(s): Bedkowski, Janusz
Publisher: InTech
Rijeka, Croatia, Dec. 2011
Pages: 353 - 372, ISBN 978-953-307-842-7

Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Book info
Location monitoring; Distance measurement; Indoor operation; Robotic collectives; Inter-robot alignment; CTOF method
We introduce a framework for collaborative inter-robot distance measurement along with a procedure for accurate robotic alignment. The proposed alignment algorithm is based on evaluating and comparing the strength of ultrasonic signals at different angles, processing (filtering) the measured data and ensuring a good synchronization during the process. Further on, we present the CTOF (Combined Time-of- Flight) method for distance measurement, which brings significant improvements to the classical TOF technique, and we show how this new technique meets the above specified design constraints. The experimental data show how the distance estimation accuracy can be increased by applying the Kalman filter algorithm on repetitive measurements.
[BChp 4]Emergent Behavior Control Patterns in Robotic Collectives
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Racoceanu, Daniel
In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
Volume 5928, Section 16
Editor(s): Xie, Ming; Xiong, Youlun; Xiong, Caihua; Liu, Honghai; Hu, Zhencheng
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2009
Pages: 165 - 173, ISBN 978-3-642-10816-7, ISSN 0302-9743, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10817-4_16
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000279602600016)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Book info | Springer Link Index Record | DBLP Index Record
Integrated models; Emergent behavior control patterns; Robotic environments; Emergent behavior simulator; Performance metrics
This paper focuses on the implementation and evaluation of a set of integrated models for the representation of emergent behavior control patterns in robotic environments. The models have been validated on a custom developed emergent behavior simulator and tested using the CORE-TX (COllaborative Robotic Environment - the Timisoara eXperiment) prototype platform. Four metrics (pheromone intensity, path affinity, reachability and liveness) are introduced and used to evaluate the performance of the proposed control patterns. Experimental results for an environment which employs ant colony behavior patterns in obstacle avoidance applications show that the emergent behavior of the robotic collective is triggered by a number ranging from 9 to 11 entities. The results are also consistent with the theoretical model-based predictions. When doubling the number of entities, the performance of the system can be further increased by 19.3%. On the other hand, a high concentration of entities has been noted to affect the emergent behavior of the system and, thus, its performance, mainly due to the interaction overhead. An upper bound to the number of individuals has been computed, based on a set of parameters which model each particular application. The experimental validation of the proposed behavior control patterns endorses them as a good framework for the analysis and development of complex applications which require collaborative and distributed intelligence, perception and operation.
[BChp 3]Power Characterization of Multi-Threading Mobile Applications
Author(s): Marcu, Marius; Tudor, Dacian; Fuicu, Sebastian; Micea, Mihai Victor; Copil-Crisan, Silvia; Maticu, Florin
In: New Aspects of Computers
Volume 2
Editor(s): Mastorakis, N. E.; Mladenov, V.; Bojkovic, Z.; Simian, D.; Kartalopoulos, S.; Varonides, A.; et al.
Publisher: WSEAS Press
Heraklion, Greece, Jul. 2008
Pages: 583 - 588, ISBN 978-960-6766-85-5, ISSN 1790-5109
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000260369300090)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info | ACM Index Record
Power consumption; Multi-threading; Multi-core; Mobile applications; Power profiling
The evolution of portable and mobile computation systems towards an increased feature set as well as hardware and software requirements demands, together with the significant increase of market penetration in our modern society, is raising complex problems from a reasonable energy consumption level point of view under different usage scenarios. In this paper we aim to define a software execution framework for mobile systems in order to characterize the power consumption profile of multi-threading mobile applications.
[BChp 2]Emergent System for Information Retrieval
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Chiciudean, Dan
In: Artificial Intelligence and Innovations 2007: From Theory to Applications (IFIP Series)
Volume 247, Section 44
Editor(s): Boukis, Christos; Pnevmatikakis, Aristodemos; Polymenakos, Lazaros
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media
Boston, USA, Sep. 2007
Pages: 409 - 417, ISBN 978-0-387-74160-4, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10817-4_16
Indexed: Springer Link, Springer Science + Business Media
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info
Distributed web crawlers; Emergent behavior; Pheromone-based communication; Information retrieval; Full-text searching and indexing
Stand alone as well as distributed web crawlers employ high performance, sophisticated algorithms which, on the other hand, require a high degree of computational power. They also use complex interprocess communication techniques (multithreading, shared memory, etc). As opposed to the distributed web crawlers, the ERRIE crawler system presented in this paper displays emergent behavior by employing extremely simple algorithms that are very efficient when dealing with a large number of entities but are unpredictable and nondeterministic. The paper discusses the ERRIE web crawler system alongside with a comparison between it and a common, standalone web crawling application called WIRE.
[BChp 1]Centralized Management System for Mobile Communications with Pocket PCs
Author(s): Popa, Mircea; Popa, Anca Sorana; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering
Section 58
Editor(s): Sobh, Tarek
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media
Dordecht, The Netherlands, Jun. 2007
Pages: 327 - 332, ISBN 978-1-4020-6267-4, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6268-1_58
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000253882400058)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info | Springer Record
Mobile communications; Pocket PC; Centralized management
Pocket PCs are mobile computing devices largely used for mobile communications. Often Pocket PCs are long time used and modifications of the connection parameters to different networks are necessary. There is also need for installing different software packages. The mentioned operations can be manually done, by each user, this being a difficult and error prone solution or automatically, from a centralized location. This paper presents a centralized management system for mobile communications with Pocket PCs. It is useful for remotely setting connection parameters (dial-up phone numbers, SMSC numbers, DNS servers addresses etc.) and loading software packets to all or part of the Pocket PCs from a group leading to important saved times and the possibility to offer customized programs and graphical elements.
Publications: Course Notebooks (8)
[CNbk 8]Digital Signal Processing: Course Notebook, 3.3-rd Edition
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, May. 2015
Pages: 140, Online
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Digital signal processing; Discrete-time signals; Signal conversion; Sampling Theorem; Discrete-time systems; Convolution; Correlation; Time-domain analysis; Z Transform; Frequency-domain analysis
The general goal of the course is to provide detailed knowledge on the basic techniques used in digital signal processing and building the necessary skills to apply these techniques in various domains. Its specific objectives are as follows:
  • Learning the basic techniques used in the conversion, analysis and processing of digital signals and systems in the time and frequency domains
  • Building the necessary skills of using computing systems and specialized equipments (digital signal processors - DSPs) in signal processing applications
  • Developing abilities of designing, implementing, testing, debugging and improving the performances of hardware and software systems used in digital signal processing applications
[CNbk 7]Multimedia Systems: Course Support, 2-nd Edition
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 2010
, Online
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Text; Sound; Images and video; Interactivity; Design elements; Multimedia data storage; Multimedia information processing; Multimedia systems and applications; Intellectual property
The course focuses on providing comprehensive knowledge on the main principles and techniques used in multimedia production. The main information media will be studied (text, sound and audio, graphics and images, animation and video sequences), along with elements of interactivity and design, which are used in professional multimedia presentaions. Students will gain abilities of using specialized systems and applications of multimedia production.
The course consists of a set of multimedia presentations and video projections. Students can receive the course support in electronic format.
The lab and application workshops will be hosted by the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories - DSPLabs, on specialized workstations, equipement and software applications.
Interested students have the opportunity to collaborate at various projects and research contracts, developed within the DSPLabs. Such participation replaces the applicative activities required by the syllabus.
[CNbk 6]Telecomunicatii digitale moderne: Suport de curs, 3-rd Edition
(Modern Digital Telecommunications: Course Notebook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Apr. 2008
Pages: 138, Print Order 270
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Telecommunication channel model; Analog and digital communication channels; OSI model; Mobile digital telecommunications; GSM system; GPRS system; PSTN system; Alcatel 1000 E 10 switching center; ISDN system; Intelligent networks
This work is organized into three sections. The first section starts with general considerations on analog and digital telecommunication channels, followed by a description of the communication channel model and a presentation of the analog and digital channels from key perspectives such as the transmission, modulation, multiplexation and switching of the human voice and user data. MODEM and FAX equipments and their operating principles are presented next. In the last chapters of this section, the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is discussed, along with some of the main technologies involved at its first level, the Physical Layer.
Section two discusses the mobile digital telecommunications. Its first chapter introduces the key concepts related to the mobile telecommunications, including cellular coverage and frequency reuse, along with the most important procedures developed to increase the spectral efficiency of the mobile communication systems. The next chapter contains a detailed presentation of the GSM standard, emphasizing its particular features and technologies, such as the general architecture of the GSM system, the radio interface, communication transactions and the GSM services. A general presentation of the GPRS system is provided in the last chapter of this section.
The third section contains a presentation of the public switched telephone networks, focusing on the general architecture of PSTN systems, the Alcatel 1000E10 switching center and its OCB283 core, and the ISDN networks. The section ends with a discussion on the functional structure and some applications and services of intelligent networks (IN).
This work contains the presentation slides to be projected and discussed during the course. On each page, a blank space is provided under the slide image, to be used for student notes and comments.
[CNbk 5]Advanced Digital Signal Processing: Course Support, 2-nd Edition
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, May. 2007
, Online
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Discrete time systems; Digital filtering; Multirate signal processing; Adaptive filtering; Spectral analysis and estimation; Linear prediction; Optimum linear filters
The course focuses on the advanced techniques and algorithms used in digital signal processing. Students will learn the main design and analysis techniques of advanced types of digital filters such as: efficient FIR and IIR filters, adaptive filters, linear prediction and optimum filters. Students will also gain abilities of designing and implementing advanced digital signal processing algorithms and systems using generic and specialized digital devices (Digital Signal Processors - DSPs).
The course is presented using PowerPoint slides with a video projector. Students can receive the course support (course slides) in electronic format.
The lab and application workshops will be hosted by the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories - DSPLabs, which provides latest generation equipments and specialized modules through various partnerships with top-ranking companies in the domain, such as: Motorola/Freescale, Analog Devices, Alcatel-Lucent, etc.
Interested students have the opportunity to collaborate at various projects and research contracts, developed within the DSPLabs. Such participation replaces the applicative activities required by the syllabus.
[CNbk 4]Introducere in prelucrarea numerica a semnalelor: Suport de curs, 2-nd Edition
(Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Course Notebook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 2007
Pages: 174, Print Order 350
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Digital signal processing; Discrete-time signals; Signal conversion; Sampling Theorem; Discrete-time systems; Convolution; Correlation; Time-domain analysis; Z Transform; Fourier Transform; Frequency-domain analysis
Note on This Edition:
This second edition appeared as a natural and necessary follow-up to the first edition, being motivated mainly by the constant care to offer a printed course support to the students following the Digital Signal Processing course at the Faculty of Automation and Computers, to facilitate their learning and assimilation process.
On the other hand, this work features a series of corrections and additional material, as a result of the didactic and scientific activity of the author in the field, during the four years since the publication of the first edition. The entire material has been revisited. Some of the main changes from the previous edition include the following:
* An updated and more detailed discussion on the time-invariance of discrete-time systems;
* More material has been added to illustrate the formal demonstration of the time-invariance of the discrete-time systems;
* The titles of the subsections in the chapter "9. Time-Domain Analysis of Signals and Systems" have been modified to emphasize the difference between the continuous and the discrete domains;
* A set of corrections have been made, especially to the material in chapters "9. Time-Domain Analysis of Signals and Systems" and "11. Fourier Transform";
*A set of figures and graphs have been redrawn especially in the chapters "10. Z Transform" and "12. Frequency-Domain Analysis of Signals and Systems";
* The Bibliography section has been supplemented with several recent and important titles in the field.
[CNbk 3]Telecomunicatii digitale moderne: Suport de curs, 2-nd Edition
(Modern Digital Telecommunications: Course Notebook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Alcatel Romania
Timisoara, Romania, Feb. 2004
Pages: 125
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture
Telecommunication channel model; Analog and digital communication channels; OSI model; Mobile digital telecommunications; GSM system; GPRS system; PSTN system; Alcatel 1000 E 10 switching center; ISDN system; Intelligent networks
This work is organized into three sections. The first section starts with general considerations on analog and digital telecommunication channels, followed by a description of the communication channel model and a presentation of the analog and digital channels from key perspectives such as the transmission, modulation, multiplexation and switching of the human voice and user data. MODEM and FAX equipments and their operating principles are presented next. In the last chapters of this section, the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is discussed, along with some of the main technologies involved at its first level, the Physical Layer.
Section two discusses the mobile digital telecommunications. Its first chapter introduces the key concepts related to the mobile telecommunications, including cellular coverage and frequency reuse, along with the most important procedures developed to increase the spectral efficiency of the mobile communication systems. The next chapter contains a detailed presentation of the GSM standard, emphasizing its particular features and technologies, such as the general architecture of the GSM system, the radio interface, communication transactions and the GSM services. A general presentation of the GPRS system is provided in the last chapter of this section.
The third section contains a presentation of the public switched telephone networks, focusing on the general architecture of PSTN systems, the Alcatel 1000E10 switching center and its OCB283 core, and the ISDN networks. The section ends with a discussion on the functional structure and some applications and services of intelligent networks (IN).
This work contains the presentation slides to be projected and discussed during the course. On each page, a blank space is provided under the slide image, to be used for student notes and comments.
[CNbk 2]Introducere in prelucrarea numerica a semnalelor: Suport de curs
(Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Course Notebook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Jul. 2003
Pages: 172, Print Order 120
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Digital signal processing; Discrete-time signals; Signal conversion; Sampling Theorem; Discrete-time systems; Convolution; Correlation; Time-domain analysis; Z Transform; Fourier Transform; Frequency-domain analysis
This work is organized into three sections. The introductory section contains three chapters: general considerations on the digital signal processing field of engineering, a short presentation of several application domains, and the description of the course structure and of the main notations and conventions used in the material.
The second section focuses on the discrete-time domain signal and system analysis. It covers the description of discrete-time signals, the basics of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion theory, and the presentation of discrete-time systems and their main properties. A special emphasis is put on the convolution of two discrete-time signals, as one of the key operations in the field. The signal correlation is discussed further on, along with some of its most important practical applications. The last chapter of this section deals with the time-domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, and some of the basic techniques employed here.
Section 3 is dedicated to the frequency-domain analysis of signals and systems. The Z Transform is introduced and discussed in the first chapter of the section, as a key operation of the frequency-domain signal processing. The next chapter presents another basic operation in the field, the Fourier Transform. In the last chapter, the frequency-domain of signals and systems is treated. The main types of digital filters are introduced and their main properties are discussed here.
This work contains the presentation slides to be projected and discussed during the course. On each page, a blank space is provided under the slide image, to be used for student notes and comments.
[CNbk 1]Telecomunicatii digitale moderne: Suport de curs
(Modern Digital Telecommunications: Course Notebook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Alcatel Romania
Timisoara, Romania, Feb. 2002
Pages: 125
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture
Telecommunication channel model; Analog and digital communication channels; OSI model; Mobile digital telecommunications; GSM system; GPRS system; PSTN system; Alcatel 1000 E 10 switching center; ISDN system; Intelligent networks
This work is organized into three sections. The first section starts with general considerations on analog and digital telecommunication channels, followed by a description of the communication channel model and a presentation of the analog and digital channels from key perspectives such as the transmission, modulation, multiplexation and switching of the human voice and user data. MODEM and FAX equipments and their operating principles are presented next. In the last chapters of this section, the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is discussed, along with some of the main technologies involved at its first level, the Physical Layer.
Section two discusses the mobile digital telecommunications. Its first chapter introduces the key concepts related to the mobile telecommunications, including cellular coverage and frequency reuse, along with the most important procedures developed to increase the spectral efficiency of the mobile communication systems. The next chapter contains a detailed presentation of the GSM standard, emphasizing its particular features and technologies, such as the general architecture of the GSM system, the radio interface, communication transactions and the GSM services. A general presentation of the GPRS system is provided in the last chapter of this section.
The third section contains a presentation of the public switched telephone networks, focusing on the general architecture of PSTN systems, the Alcatel 1000E10 switching center and its OCB283 core, and the ISDN networks. The section ends with a discussion on the functional structure and some applications and services of intelligent networks (IN).
This work contains the presentation slides to be projected and discussed during the course. On each page, a blank space is provided under the slide image, to be used for student notes and comments.
Publications: Lab Workbooks (1)
[Labs 1]Sisteme de achizitie numerica a datelor: Indrumator de laborator
(Signal Acquisition and Conditioning Systems: Laboratory Workbook)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 2000
Pages: 182, Print Order 270
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Book info (RO)
Data acquisition; Signal conditioning; Operational amplifiers; Analog multiplexers; Sample and hold; Digital-to-analog converters; Analog-to-digital converters; DAQ systems
This work focuses on the data acquisition and signal conditioning systems, allocating up to three sections to discuss each of the system components. Thus, the main topics of the workbook are: operational amplifiers, analog multiplexers/de-multiplexers, sample and hold circuits, digital-to-analog converters, analog-to-digital converters, and the structure, operation, programming principles and modes of use of a fully-equipped data acquisition and conditioning system. Two distinct sections are allocated for each of these topics. The theoretical section focuses on the architecture and operating principles of the respective class of circuits, with particular emphasis on the presentation and discussion of the main catalog parameters, with real-life exemplifications. The practical section consists of a set of practical (experimental) workshops and applications, specifically designed to study, test and measure each of the main parameters of the respective class of circuits. The measurement results will also be compared with the catalog specifications. Each workshop defines the parameter of interest, the graphical schematics of the electronic setup of the experiment, the required measurement and control equipment, and the necessary steps of the experiment. The audience of this workbook is intended to contain, besides the students of the DAQ Systems course, also professionals or even amateurs which are interested in this very attractive field of engineering.
Publications: Habilitation Theses (1)
[HabT 1]Research and Achievements in Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Intelligent Sensor Networks and Robotic Environments
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Timisoara, Romania, Feb. 2015
Pages: 113
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Post doctoral research; Real-time systems; Embedded systems; Intelligent sensor networks; Collaborative robotic environments; Energy efficiency; Power management

This Habilitation Thesis presents some of the most important results of my post doctoral research activity, which has been carried on since 2005 at the Department of Computer and Software Engineering, Politehnica University of Timisoara.

A synopsis of my overall scientific and professional achievements is presented in the first chapter. During over 17 years of academic and research activity, I have gained a rich expertise in the following fields of interest: real-time and embedded hardware/software systems, digital measurement and instrumentation, digital signal processing and multimedia, wireless sensor networks, digital telecommunication systems, collaborative robotic environments, and energy-efficiency and power management mechanisms.

In these fields, I published over 89 scientific works, out of which, 8 articles appeared in high ranked journals indexed by the Thomson ISI database with impact factors, 20 papers in ISI-indexed proceedings of international conferences, and 22 works are indexed in other international scientific databases. The ISI-indexed papers cumulate a total impact factor of 11.978. The published works are cited by more than 62 papers published by other authors, out of which 28 are ISI-indexed.

I have also been actively involved in more than 40 research and development projects and programs, as director (13), manager (7) or team member. As project/program director or manager, I have been in charge of executing a total value of over 0.8 Mil. EUR.

My professional activity has been recognized by the academic and scientific community through several awards, distinctions and prizes, such as the Eminent Young Researcher of Timisoara Prize and Medal, from the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), Romania, the Eminent Researcher Prize, from the Orizonturi Universitare Association, Timisoara, and a total of 8 prizes, won at 11 editions of the International Computers Contest for Students, Hard&Soft Suceava, as coach or advisor of the teams of students.

In Chapter 2, some of my most relevant post doctoral contributions to the field of real-time and embedded systems are presented. The first part describes a full framework for inter-task communication and synchronization on the HARETICK hard real-time operating kernel. The proposed mechanisms, including the persistent data structures for hard real-time task output parameters and guarded buffers for hard- to soft- real-time data exchange, provide a highly predictable, feasible and efficient inter-task communication support. Another research focus in this area has been to increase the scheduling performance (acceptance ratio) and flexibility of real-time embedded platforms, while preserving maximum execution predictability. As a solution, we proposed and validated the H2RTS hybrid hard real-time scheduling mechanism. It combines the high predictability of a non-preemptive cyclic scheduler with the efficiency of a modified version of the Earliest Deadline First algorithm.

Advances and results, obtained by our research team in the field of intelligent sensor networks, are described in Chapter 3. The CORE-TX (Collaborative Robotic Environments - The Timisoara Experiment) platform has been designed and implemented at prototype level, for the study and development of real-time systems, distributed artificial perception applications, intelligent sensor networks and collaborative robotic environments. The PARSECS (Predictable ARchitecture for Sensor Communication Systems) data communication system has been specifically designed and implemented to sustain, at low costs and complexity, the predictable communication of multiprocessor or distributed hard real-time systems.

In the field of collaborative robotic environments, several important contributions of our research team are discussed in Chapter 4. A collaborative robotic alignment algorithm has been developed as the first stage of some more complex robotic location management procedures. Further on, the MTDOA (Modified Time-Difference-of-Arrival) inter-robot distance measurement technique has been introduced and tested, yielding a worst case accuracy of 7.3 cm for inter-robot distances of up to 300 cm. To increase the accuracy and the performance of inter-robot distance measurement, the CTOF (Combined Time-of-Flight) method has been designed and implemented. By applying the Kalman filter to repetitive CTOF distance measurements, an accuracy of 1 cm can be achieved for distances of 300 cm between robots and without the need of fixed landmarks. Based on the previous results, a location management and robotic positioning methodology has been developed. The methodology relies on the collaborative inter-robot alignment and CTOF distance measurement techniques and employs the triangulation and the trilateration methods to determine the coordinates of a robotic and/or sensing node within a collaborative environment.

Chapter 5 covers some of the main contributions to the field of energy efficiency and power management techniques. We designed and tested a software execution framework for measuring and evaluating power consumption signatures, along with a set of power consumption benchmarks, with direct applicability in the power profiling of mobile systems and their multi-threading applications. A novel methodology for online State-of-Health battery assessment has also been developed and implemented, along with a fully functional hardware/software battery management system (BMS), for resource-constrained Ni-MH battery powered embedded devices. The paper with the most relevant results of this research is currently being cited by more than 12 scientific articles, published by other authors in major journals or conference proceedings in the field.

The thesis is concluded by a set of principles and concrete elements of my scientific and academic development plan, as well as by the references used in this material, sorted in several distinct categories.

Publications: PhD Theses (1)
[PhDT 1]Proiectarea si implementarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitie si prelucrare numerica de semnal
(Design and Implementation of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
Scientific Advisor: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 2004
Pages: 263
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Rea-time systems; Embedded systems; Execution predictability; Timing specification and analysis; Hard real-time task scheduling; Hard real-time system modeling; Real-time operating kernel; Time management; Task management; Kernel operation; Real-time executive
Embedded systems and digital signal processing (DSP) systems are widely used in today's digital control applications, requiring in most cases real-time behavior of the hardware-software components. Many applications have a critical impact on the environment and/or on the human factor which they interact with. Examples of such applications include: modern flight control systems, fly-by-wire, auto-pilot, automotive control, industrial mechatronics, nuclear plant surveillance, and so on.
There are two essential characteristics a hardware-software platform has to meet in order to provide correct operation results for critical applications: (a) the entire process of system/application development should include the time coordinate, and (b) the system must provide maximum of predictability for the hard real-time tasks.
Although a very large number of projects have been developed in the field of real-time and embedded systems, both in the industry and the academic communities, there still are many important issues to be addressed. Three problems we consider of key importance are: (i) the large number and variety of real-time system development and analysis methodologies, correlated with the lack of their compatibility and standardization, many of them lacking also in providing proper integration of the time coordination; (ii) most current hardware-software architectures are designed and optimized to provide a good average case behavior, while the requirements of real-time applications specify a correct behavior of the system even in the worst case operating conditions; (iii) the unrestricted use of interrupts and of the associated asynchronous mechanisms and tasks in real-time systems generates severe predictability problems.
This work addresses the Design and Implementation of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing topic, providing a set of homogenous solutions to the main problems stated above and to some other related issues.
A uniform set of models for real-time signals and tasks has been developed and proved, based on a proper representation of the time. The ModX is the resulting model for hard real-time tasks, defining modular, periodic tasks, which are scheduled and executed in a non-preemptive environment. The asynchronous events occurring in the system are processed using polling techniques and proper task scheduling.
The OPEN-HARTS system (Operating Environment for Hard Real-Time Systems) is a new methodology introduced for the development and implementation of hard real-time systems and applications, based on the previously defined set of models for time, signals and tasks. The methodology specifies the interconnection of two sub-systems: INVERTA (Integrated Visual Environment for Real-Time Application Analysis and Development) and HARETICK (Hard Real-Time Compact Kernel).
In order to provide timing guarantee and to maximize the operation predictability of critical and hard real-time applications, special task scheduling techniques must be considered with care. The thesis focuses on studying and developing non-preemptive scheduling algorithms for hard real-time tasks, and the associated mechanisms to solve the problem of asynchronous event processing within hard real-time systems.
As a case study for the principles and mechanisms introduced and discussed with the OPEN-HARTS methodology, a test version of the HARETICK kernel has been developed. The kernel is implemented on the Motorola DSP56307EVM platform and provides a fully operational environment for applications containing both hard real-time as well as soft (non-) real-time tasks. The applications used to test the HARETICK kernel proved its correct behavior, according to their functional and timing specifications. For example, a particular application demonstrates that the kernel provides the necessary support for generating perfectly periodic output signals which satisfy all their specified parameters (period, impulse length, etc.), thus proving that the entire system can reach the maximum level of predictability - one of the main objectives of our research.
In nature, as well as in the practice of digital control applications, there are many phenomena and sequences of actions that perform without admitting interrupts. On the other hand, many interruptible operations can also be sliced in nonpreemptive sub-sequences. This work proves the theoretical and practical validity of the non-preemptive techniques, used in conjunction with a proper and homogenous set of models for time, events and actions. The simulation and experimental results provided by real-time systems based on non-preemptive principles are similar with those provided by classical systems, with respect to the correctness of the operations performed. Nevertheless, when predictability and timing guarantees are needed, the non-preemptive based systems are the only ones able to operate correctly even in the worst case conditions.
Publications: PhD Reports (3)
[PhDR 3]Proiectarea si implementarea sistemelor timp-real stricte pentru aplicatii critice: sistemul HARETICK
(Design and Implementation of Hard Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications: the HARETICK System)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
PhD. Report, Issue 3
Scientific Advisor: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Timisoara, Romania, Nov. 2003
Pages: 74
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Real-time operating kernel; Time management; Task management; Kernel operation; Real-time executive
This report focuses on the principles and techniques employed in the design and implementation of a hard real-time (HRT) operating kernel, emphasizing on the particular aspects related to a practical case study: the implementation of the HARETICK operating kernel on the Motorola DSP56307 platform. Chapter 2 presents the general characteristics of the HARETICK kernel, as a top level component of the OPEN-HARTS methodology of developing and analyzing HRT applications. The next chapter focuses on the general architecture of the HARETICK, detailing its main functional modules. The data structures and mechanisms introduced to represent and manage the real-time, as an essential operating parameter of the kernel, are described in Chapter 4. The following chapter presents the implementation structures and mechanisms developed for task representation and management in the HARETICK kernel. The principles of operation of the two execution contexts of the kernel, the HRT and the soft real-time (SRT) context, are detailed in Chapter 6. Further on, the main functional component of the kernel, its HRT executive, called HDIS, is described. Chapter 8 closes the work with the conclusions.
[PhDR 2]Consideratii referitoare la proiectarea si implementarea sistemelor timp-real stricte pentru aplicatii critice
(On Design and Implementation of Hard Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
PhD. Report, Issue 2
Scientific Advisor: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 2003
Pages: 117
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Rea-time systems; Embedded systems; Execution predictability; Timing specification and analysis; Hard real-time task scheduling; Hard real-time system modeling
This report approaches the problem of hard real-time (HRT) systems for critical embedded, and digital signal acquisition and processing applications. The work advances the following main ideas: (a) the preemptive paradigm usage in HRT systems generates serious predictability issues, with direct impact on the system capacity of guaranteeing that the hard deadlines specified to the tasks will be met; (b) to maximize the operating predictability of the HRT systems in critical applications, a non-preemptive approach is necessary for signal and task modeling and for scheduling techniques. Chapter 2 presents the state of the art in the fields of real-time and embedded systems. Current issues related to the development of HRT systems, the execution predictability of HRT tasks, and the specification, programming and temporal analysis of critical applications are discussed in the next chapter. A general requirements model for a HRT system is also derived. Chapter 4 presents a homogenous set of models for the real-time, and for signals and tasks, including the model for HRT tasks, the ModX. The next chapter contains a detailed study of the non-preemptive scheduling algorithms, applied on the set of time, signal and task models previously introduced. It starts with the two most important algorithms for independent sets of ModXs: the Earliest Deadline First Non-Preemptive (EDFNP) and the Minimum Laxity First Non-Preemptive (MLFNP) algorithms, along with the corresponding schedulability conditions and tests. Then, the online scheduling and execution perspective is introduced and discussed. Finally, the case of fixed execution ModXs (FModXs) is presented and studied in details. Chapter 6 presents the general architecture and operating principles of the proposed model for HRT systems for critical embedded and digital signal acquisition and processing applications, called OPEN-HARTS. The resulting conclusions are synthesized in the last chapter.
[PhDR 1]Real-Time Data Acquisistion and Digital Signal Processing Systems: Present and Prospects
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
PhD. Report, Issue 1
Scientific Advisor: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Timisoara, Romania, May. 2002
Pages: 92
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Data acquisition systems; Digital signal processing systems; DAQ and DSP applications; High-performance multiprocessor DSPs
This report focuses on the real-time data acquisition and digital signal processing architectures, their design and implementation issues and the prospects in this modern field of digital engineering. The general architecture and the operating principles of digital signal acquisition and processing systems (DSAPS) are given in the next section. Some of the most common types of DSAPS found in real-life applications are discussed further on. As the processing needs of most current applications (e.g. multimedia systems and realtime digital communication systems) grow continuously, design and implementation of high performance DSAPS is a key issue. New techniques are required for design of the system architecture, data communication hardware and protocols as well as for real-time operating software. This topic is also approached in section 2 of the paper. Section 3 discusses some of the most important digital signal acquisition and processing applications developed by the author within recent research projects and grants at national and international level. These projects approach various application fields, such as laboratory instrumentation, testing and study of electrical machines, analysis of fluid dynamics, SONAR systems, autonomous robots, digital audio processing, digital image processing and recognition, and many others. High performance digital signal processing platforms are currently the most efficient solutions for embedded and real-time applications involving signal acquisition and processing. Such an example of platform is the Motorola StarCore digital signal processing core - an innovative parallel architecture providing exceptional performance, efficient code development and execution, based on a variable-length execution set (VLES), and low power consumption. Section 4 addresses the StarCore platform description along with the digital signal processors developed with this core: Motorola MSC8101DSP and MSC8102DSP.
Publications: Journal Papers (45)
[Jrnl 45]Unidirectional Communications in Secure IoT Systems-A Survey
Author(s): Gaina, Lucian; Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Stanescu, Daniela; Gusita, Bianca; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Sensors
Volume 24, Issue 23
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Dec. 2024
Pages: 7528 - 7556, ISSN 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s24237528
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001377712700001)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Security; Internet of Things (IoT); Unidirectional communications; Critical infrastructure; Data diodes; Network pumps; Unidirectional gateways; Unidirectional protocols
The security of Internet of Things (IoT) systems has consistently been a challenge, particularly in the context of critical infrastructure. One particular approach not yet employed in this domain is the unidirectional communication paradigm. This survey presents an analysis of the most prevalent unidirectional communication solutions, namely, data diodes, network pumps, unidirectional gateways, and unidirectional protocols. The objective of the survey is to present an analysis of the unidirectional communication methods that meet the requirements of IoT security. These methods are classified according to their implementation and operational mode. The survey analyzes the unidirectional communication solutions based on their performance, the level of security offered, the cost-effectiveness, and their cost of implementation. Additionally, it includes an analysis of the existing off-the-shelf unidirectional communication implementations found in the industry. Furthermore, it identifies some of the most important current issues and development directions.
[Jrnl 44]Dataset for Bibliometric Data-Driven Research Team Formation: Case of Politehnica University of Timisoara Scholars for the Interval 2010-2022
Author(s): Curiac, Christian Daniel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Plosca, Traian Radu; Curiac, Daniel Ioan; Doboli, Alex
In: Data in Brief
Volume 53
Publisher: Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Mar. 2024
Pages: 110275 - 110282, ISSN 2352-3409, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110275
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001203358600001)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper | Dataset record
Bibliometrics; Team formation; Data science; Collaboration
Data-driven expert team formation is a complicated and multifaceted process that requires access to accurate information to identify researchers' areas and level of expertise and their collaborative prospects. In this respect, bibliometric data represents a valuable and reliable source of information that can be effectively employed in revealing key insights regarding candidates. Due to its complex and complete structure of publication metadata records, IEEE Xplore database may offer the possibility to compute an extensive set of indicators about researchers' publication production and how they have interacted during time. Considering the case of Politehnica University of Timisoara scholars for the interval 2010-2022, current dataset encapsulates relevant and rich information for assembling multidisciplinary research teams, being also a testing ground for experimenting and calibrating the expert team formation methods and mechanisms.
[Jrnl 43]PARSECS_RT: A Real-Time PARSECS-Based Communication Protocol Stack for Critical Sensing Applications
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Curiac, Daniel Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Internet of Things
Volume 25
Publisher: Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Feb. 2024
Pages: 101139 - 101158, ISSN 2543-1536, DOI: 10.1016/j.iot.2024.101139
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001219511400001)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Real-time communication; Protocol stack; SPI bus; PARSECS protocol
The real-time characteristics of modular systems have been a long sought-after goal in many industries including automotive, aeronautics or mobile robotics. Yet scientists and practitioners are still struggling to find widespread implementation solutions that may accommodate diverse inter-modular real-time communication requirements. In an attempt to cover this research gap, the current paper proposes a real-time version of the PARSECS protocol for low -end devices. Our new protocol, coined as PARSECS_RT, was designed according to Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model. It offers a full communication stack from the physical layer to the application layer on top of the SPI interface in order to provide a stable, hard real-time communication platform. PARSECS_RT was evaluated in real and simulated environments providing promising results.
[Jrnl 42]Mamdani vs. Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems in the Calibration of Continuous-Time Car-Following Models
Author(s): Pop, Madalin Dorin; Pescaru, Dan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Sensors
Volume 23, Issue 21
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 2023
Pages: 1 - 18, ISSN 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s23218791
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001100238400001), IF: 3.4
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Intelligent transportation systems; Fuzzy inference; Car-following model; Control systems; Mamdani; Takagi-Sugeno; Online calibration
The transition to intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) is necessary to improve traffic flow in urban areas and reduce traffic congestion. Traffic modeling simplifies the understanding of the traffic paradigm and helps researchers to estimate traffic behavior and identify appropriate solutions for traffic control. One of the most used traffic models is the car-following model, which aims to control the movement of a vehicle based on the behavior of the vehicle ahead while ensuring collision avoidance. Differences between the simulated and observed model are present because the modeling process is affected by uncertainties. Furthermore, the measurement of traffic parameters also introduces uncertainties through measurement errors. To ensure that a simulation model fully replicates the observed model, it is necessary to have a calibration process that applies the appropriate compensation values to the simulation model parameters to reduce the differences compared to the observed model parameters. Fuzzy inference techniques proved their ability to solve uncertainties in continuous-time models. This article aims to provide a comparative analysis of the application of Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference systems (FISs) in the calibration of a continuous-time car-following model by proposing a methodology that allows for parallel data processing and the determination of the simulated model output resulting from the application of both fuzzy techniques. Evaluation of their impact on the follower vehicle considers the running distance and the dynamic safety distance based on the observed behavior of the leader vehicle. In this way, the identification of the appropriate compensation values to be applied to the input of the simulated model has a great impact on the development of autonomous driving solutions, where the real-time processing of sensor data has a crucial impact on establishing the car-following strategy while ensuring collision avoidance. This research performs a simulation experiment in Simulink (MATLAB R2023a, Natick, MA, USA: The MathWorks Inc.) and considers traffic data collected by inductive loops as parameters of the observed model. To emphasize the role of Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno FISs, a noise injection is applied to the model parameters with the help of a band-limited white-noise Simulink block to simulate sensor measurement errors and errors introduced by the simulation process. A discussion based on performance evaluation follows the simulation experiment, and even though both techniques can be successfully applied in the calibration of the car-following models, the Takagi-Sugeno FIS provides more accurate compensation values, which leads to a closer behavior to the observed model.
[Jrnl 41]Multi-Core Time-Triggered OCBP-Based Scheduling for Mixed Criticality Periodic Task Systems
Author(s): Baciu, Marian D.; Capota, Eugenia A.; Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Curiac, Daniel Ioan
In: Sensors
Volume 23, Issue 4
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Feb. 2023
Pages: 1 - 14, ISSN 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s23041960
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000941703000001), IF: 3.4
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Mixed criticality systems; Real-time scheduling; Embedded systems; Non-preemptive scheduling; Multiprocessor systems; Time-triggered scheduling
Mixed criticality systems are one of the relatively new directions of development for the classical real-time systems. As the real-time embedded systems become more and more complex, incorporating different tasks with different criticality levels, the continuous development of mixed criticality systems is only natural. These systems have practically entered every field where embedded systems are present: avionics, automotive, medical systems, wearable devices, home automation, industry and even the Internet of Things. While scheduling techniques have already been proposed in the literature for different types of mixed criticality systems, the number of papers addressing multiprocessor platforms running in a time-triggered mixed criticality environment is relatively low. These algorithms are easier to certify due to their complete determinism and isolation between components of different criticalities. Our research has centered on the problem of real-time scheduling on multiprocessor platforms for periodic tasks in a time-triggered mixed criticality environment. A partitioned, non-preemptive, table-driven scheduling algorithm was proposed, called Partitioned Time-Triggered Own Criticality Based Priority, based on a uniprocessor mixed criticality method. Furthermore, an analysis of the scheduling algorithm is provided in terms of success ratio by comparing it against an event-driven and a time-triggered method.
[Jrnl 40]Identifying Hot Information Security Topics Using LDA and Multivariate Mann-Kendall Test
Author(s): Curiac, Christian Daniel; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: IEEE Access
Volume 11
Publisher: IEEE
Pages: 18374 - 18384, ISSN 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3247588
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000942263400001), IF: 3.4
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Market research; Bibliometrics; Natural language processing; Databases; Data mining; Time series analysis; Information security; Metadata; LDA topic modeling; Multivariate Mann-Kendall test; Natural language processing; Paper metadata; Research theme; Research trend
Discovering promising research themes in a scientific domain by evaluating semantic information extracted from bibliometric databases represents a challenging task for Natural Language Processing (NLP). While existing NLP methods generally characterize the research topics using unique key terms, we take a step further by more accurately modeling the research themes as finite sets of key terms. The proposed approach involves two stages: identifying the research themes from paper metadata using LDA topic modeling; and, evaluation of research theme trends by employing a version of the Mann-Kendall test that is able to cope with multivariate time series of term occurrences. The results obtained by applying this general methodology to Information Security domain confirm its viability.
[Jrnl 39]Novel Reinforcement Learning Research Platform for Role-Playing Games
Author(s): Csereoka, Petra; Roman, Bogdan I.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Popa, Calin Adrian
In: Mathematics
Volume 10, Issue 22
Editor(s): Darabant, A.S.; Borza, D.L.
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 2022
Pages: 1 - 12, ISSN 2227-7390, DOI: 10.3390/math10224363
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000887345100001), IF: 2.4
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Deep Q-Network; Deep Recurrent Q-Network; Dark Souls III; Video games; Visualbased reinforcement learning; Neural networks
The latest achievements in the field of reinforcement learning have encouraged the development of vision-based learning methods that compete with human-provided results obtained on various games and training environments. Convolutional neural networks together with Q-learning-based approaches have managed to solve and outperform human players in environments such as Atari 2600, Doom or StarCraft II, but the niche of 3D realistic games with a high degree of freedom of movement and rich graphics remains unexplored, despite having the highest resemblance to real-world situations. In this paper, we propose a novel testbed to push the limits of deep learning methods, namely an OpenAI Gym-like environment based on Dark Souls III, a notoriously difficult role-playing game, where even human players have reportedly struggled. We explore two types of architectures, Deep Q-Network and Deep Recurrent Q-Network, providing the results of a first incursion into this new problem class. The source code for the training environment and baselines is made available.
[Jrnl 38]A Hardware-Aware Application Execution Model in Mixed-Criticality Internet of Things
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Capota, Eugenia A.; Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Curiac, Daniel Ioan
In: Mathematics
Volume 10, Issue 9
Editor(s): Andrade, M.A.P.
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, May. 2022
Pages: 1 - 21, ISSN 2227-7390, DOI: 10.3390/math10091537
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000794782000001), IF: 2.4
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Distributed computing; Scheduling; Scheduling algorithm
The Real-Time Internet of Things is an emerging technology intended to enable real-time information communication and processing over a global network of devices at the edge level. Given the lessons learned from general real-time systems, where the mixed-criticality scheduling concept has proven to be an effective approach for complex applications, this paper formalizes the paradigm of the Mixed-Criticality Internet of Things. In this context, the evolution of real-time scheduling models is presented, reviewing all the key points in their development, together with some connections between different models. Starting from the classical mixed-criticality model, a mathematical formalization of the Mixed-Criticality Internet of Things concept, together with a specifically tailored methodology for scheduling mixed-criticality applications on IoT nodes at the edge level, is presented. Therefore, a novel real-time hardware-aware task model for distributed mixed-criticality systems is proposed. This study also offers a model for setting task parameters based on an IoT node-related affinity score, evaluates the proposed mapping algorithm for task scheduling, and presents some use cases.
[Jrnl 37]Evaluating Research Trends from Journal Paper Metadata, Considering the Research Publication Latency
Author(s): Curiac, Christian Daniel; Banias, Oviciu; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Mathematics
Volume 10, Issue 2
Editor(s): Hristea, F.; Caragea, C.
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Jan. 2022
Pages: 1 - 11, ISSN 2227-7390, DOI: 10.3390/math10020233
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000749810600001), IF: 2.4
Times cited: 9
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper
Mann-Kendall test; Sen's slope; Auto-ARIMA method; Paper metadata; Research trend
Investigating the research trends within a scientific domain by analyzing semantic information extracted from scientific journals has been a topic of interest in the natural language processing (NLP) field. A research trend evaluation is generally based on the time evolution of the term occurrence or the term topic, but it neglects an important aspect-research publication latency. The average time lag between the research and its publication may vary from one month to more than one year, and it is a characteristic that may have significant impact when assessing research trends, mainly for rapidly evolving scientific areas. To cope with this problem, the present paper is the first work that explicitly considers research publication latency as a parameter in the trend evaluation process. Consequently, we provide a new trend detection methodology that mixes auto-ARIMA prediction with Mann-Kendall trend evaluations. The experimental results in an electronic design automation case study prove the viability of our approach.
[Jrnl 36]Novel battery wear leveling method for large-scale reconfigurable battery packs
Author(s): Carstoiu, Gabriel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Ungurean, Lucian; Marcu, Marius
In: International Journal of Energy Research
Volume 45, Issue 2
Editor(s): Dincer, Ibrahim
Publisher: Wiley
USA, Feb. 2021
Pages: 1932 - 1947, ISSN 0363-907X, DOI: 10.1002/er.5879
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000566702500001), IF: 5.164
Times cited: 9
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | TOP (#1) Journal, "Science - NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY" Section
Battery; Large-scale battery pack; Reconfigurable battery management system; State of health; Wear leveling
As the market and the application areas of high capacity battery energy storage systems are rapidly increasing, there is a correspondingly high interest in the topic of minimizing battery state of health degradation in battery packs. In this article, a novel method for battery management in large-scale battery packs is introduced, aiming to minimize battery degradation by enforcing a special wear leveling (WL) policy, adapted from the flash memory arrays. Using this method in conjunction with a hybrid mathematical-electrochemical battery model, a reconfigurable battery management system (BMS) is proposed and evaluated. The results of the performance analysis and in-depth comparisons with other state-of-the-art solution shows that the proposed method achieves significantly longer operating times for the battery packs-for example, 415% improvement over the classical BMS in the load current variation scenario. As the computing and memory requirements are relatively low, the new battery WL method can also be implemented on embedded systems with limited resources.
[Jrnl 35]Towards Fully Jitterless Applications: Periodic Scheduling in Multiprocessor MCSs Using a Table-Driven Approach
Author(s): Capota, Eugenia Ana; Stangaciu, Cristina Sorina; Micea, Mihai Victor; Curiac, Daniel Ioan
In: Applied Sciences - Basel
Volume 10, Issue 19
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 2020
Pages: 6702 - 6723, ISSN 2076-3417, DOI: 10.3390/app10196702
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000587185100001), IF: 2.679
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper | UEFISCDI PRECISI Prize
Real-time scheduling; Non-preemptive scheduling; Mixed criticality systems; Jitter; Embedded systems
In mixed criticality systems (MCSs), the time-triggered scheduling approach focuses on a special case of safety-critical embedded applications which run in a time-triggered environment. Sometimes, for these types of MCSs, perfectly periodical (i.e., jitterless) scheduling for certain critical tasks is needed. In this paper, we propose FENP_MC (Fixed Execution Non-Preemptive Mixed Criticality), a real-time, table-driven, non-preemptive scheduling method specifically adapted to mixed criticality systems which guarantees jitterless execution in a mixed criticality time-triggered environment. We also provide a multiprocessor version, namely, P_FENP_MC (Partitioned Fixed Execution Non-Preemptive Mixed Criticality), using a partitioning heuristic. Feasibility tests are proposed for both uniprocessor and homogenous multiprocessor systems. An analysis of the algorithm performance is presented in terms of success ratio and scheduling jitter by comparing it against a time-triggered and an event-driven method in a non-preemptive context.
[Jrnl 34]Online state of health prediction method for lithium-ion batteries, based on gated recurrent unit neural networks
Author(s): Ungurean, Lucian; Micea, Mihai Victor; Carstoiu, Gabriel
In: International Journal of Energy Research
Volume 44, Issue 8
Editor(s): Dincer, Ibrahim
Publisher: Wiley
USA, Jun. 2020
Pages: 6767 - 6777, ISSN 0363-907X, DOI: 10.1002/er.5413
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000524334200001), IF: 5.164
Times cited: 109
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | TOP (#1) Journal, "Science - NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY" Section | UEFISCDI PRECISI Prize
Battery management system; Gated recurrent unit; Lithium-ion battery; Long-short term memory; Online state prediction; Recurrent neural networks; State of health
Online state of health {SOH) prediction of lithium-ion batteries remains a very important problem in assessing the safety and reliability of batterypowered systems. Deep learning techniques based on recurrent neural networks with memory, such as the long short-term memory {LSTM) and gated recurrent unit {GRU), have very promising advantages, when compared to other SOH estimation algorithms. This work addresses the battery SOH prediction based on GRU. A complete BMS is presented along with the internal structure and configuration parameters. The neural network was highly optimized by adaptive moment estimation {Adam) algorithm. Experimental data show very good estimation results for different temperature values, not only at room value. Comparisons performed against other relevant estimation methods highlight the performance of the recursive neural network algorithms such as GRU and LSTM, with the exception ofthe battery regeneration points. Compared to LSTM, the GRU algorithm gives slightly higher estimation errors, but within similar prediction error range, while needing significantly fewer parameters {about 25% fewer), thus making it a very suitable candidate for embedded implementations.
[Jrnl 33]Towards mixed criticality task scheduling in cyber physical systems: Challenges and perspectives
Author(s): Capota, Eugenia A.; Stangaciu, Cristina Sorina; Micea, Mihai Victor; Curiac, Daniel Ioan
In: Journal of Systems and Software
Volume 156
Editor(s): Avgeriou, P.; Shepherd, D.
Publisher: Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 2019
Pages: 204 - 216, Online, ISSN 0164-1212, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.06.099
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000483658000013), IF: 2.45
Times cited: 37
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper | UEFISCDI PRECISI Prize
Cyber physical systems; Real-time scheduling; Mixed criticality systems; Multiple processing units
Cyber physical systems (CPSs) are a fast-evolving technology based on a strong synergy between heterogeneous sensing, networking, computation and control modules. When coping with critical applications that require real-time performance and autonomous operation in uncertain conditions, the design of such complex systems is still facing significant difficulties. A particular challenge in this respect derives from the software intensive nature of these systems - the need to develop flexible and specifically tailored task scheduling techniques. In our view, an appropriate line of thinking is to take advantage of mixed criticality concepts following the lessons learned from avionics and automotive domains, where complexity, safety, determinism and real-time constraints are extreme. From this perspective, our work aims at facilitating the integration of mixed criticality systems-based strategy in cyber physical systems by identifying the particularities of the latter and their influence on scheduling mechanisms, by describing the standard mixed-criticality task model in the cyber physical systems context, and by analyzing and proposing the most suitable scheduling algorithms to be implemented in cyber physical systems. Moreover, the perspectives on future developments in this area are discussed, as new horizons in research arise with the integration of mixed criticality concepts in the cyber physical systems context.
[Jrnl 32]Novel Hybrid Scheduling Technique for Sensor Nodes with Mixed Criticality Tasks
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stangaciu, Cristina-Sorina; Stangaciu, Valentin; Curiac, Daniel-Ioan
In: Sensors
Volume 17, Issue 7
Editor(s): Reindl, Leonhard M.
Publisher: MDPI
Basel, Switzerland, Jul. 2017
Pages: 1 - 21, ISSN 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s17071504
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000407517600043), IF: 2.475
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Full paper | Q1 Journal, "Science - INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION" Section | UEFISCDI PRECISI Prize
Real-time scheduling; Control system; Hard real-time system; Mixed-criticality system; Hybrid scheduling; Schedulability analysis
Sensor networks become increasingly a key technology for complex control applications. Their potential use in safety- and time-critical domains has raised the need for task scheduling mechanisms specially adapted to sensor node specific requirements, often materialized in predictable jitter-less execution of tasks characterized by different criticality levels. This paper offers an efficient scheduling solution, named Hybrid Hard Real-Time Scheduling ((HRTS)-R-2), which combines a static, clock driven method with a dynamic, event driven scheduling technique, in order to provide high execution predictability, while keeping a high node Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization factor. From the detailed, integrated schedulability analysis of the (HRTS)-R-2, a set of sufficiency tests are introduced and demonstrated based on the processor demand and linear upper bound metrics. The performance and correct behavior of the proposed hybrid scheduling technique have been extensively evaluated and validated both on a simulator and on a sensor mote equipped with ARM7 microcontroller.
[Jrnl 31]Battery state of health estimation: a structured review of models, methods and commercial devices
Author(s): Ungurean, Lucian; Carstoiu, Gabriel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Groza, Voicu
In: International Journal of Energy Research
Volume 41, Issue 2
Editor(s): Dincer, Ibrahim
Publisher: Wiley
USA, Feb. 2017
Pages: 151 - 181, ISSN 0363-907X, DOI: 10.1002/er.3598
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000394784300001), IF: 3.009
Times cited: 264
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | Wiley Journal Index Record | TOP (#1) Journal, "Science - NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY" Section | UEFISCDI PRECISI Prize
Battery state estimation; State of health; Remaining useful life; Battery model; Embedded application; Battery fuel gauge
Estimating the dynamic status parameters of a battery, such as its state of health (SoH) and remaining useful life (RUL), is still a very difficult and complex task. In this paper we perform a structured review of the most relevant state of the art models, algorithms and commercial devices employed in the estimation of the SoH/RUL battery performance figures, in the context of embedded applications. The models and estimation techniques are thoroughly classified and, for each taxonomy class, a presentation of the working principles is made. A comprehensive set of metrics is then introduced for the evaluation of the SoH/RUL estimation techniques from the perspective of their implementation and operation efficiency in embedded systems. These algorithms are then analyzed and discussed in a comparative manner, with concrete figures and results. The capability and the performance of the different types of off-the-shelf fuel gauges to estimate the battery SoH/RUL parameters are also evaluated in this paper.
[Jrnl 30]MAC-Level Communication Time Modeling and Analysis for Real-Time WSNs
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Volume 16, Issue 1
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, Feb. 2016
Pages: 35 - 40, Online, ISSN 1582-7445, DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2016.01005
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000376995400005), IF: 0.459
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | AECE Journal Index Record | Full paper
Wireless sensor networks; Real-time systems; Wireless communication; Access protocol; Time measurement
Low-level communication protocols and their timing behavior are essential to developing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) able to provide the support and operating guarantees required by many current real-time applications. Nevertheless, this aspect still remains an issue in the state-of-the-art. In this paper we provide a detailed analysis of a recently proposed MAC-level communication timing model and demonstrate its usability in designing real-time protocols. The results of a large set of measurements are also presented and discussed here, in direct relation to the main time parameters of the analyzed model.
[Jrnl 29]An Analysis of a Hard Real-Time Execution Environment Extension for FreeRTOS
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Volume 15, Issue 3
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, Nov. 2015
Pages: 79 - 86, Online, ISSN 1582-7445, DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2015.03011
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000360171500011), IF: 0.529
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | AECE Journal Index Record | Full paper
Jitter; Operating systems; Performance analysis; Real time systems; Scheduling algorithm
FreeRTOS is a popular real-time operating system, which has been under a significant attention in the last years due to its main advantages: it is open source, portable, well documented and implemented on more than 30 architectures. FreeRTOS execution environment is dynamic, preemptive and priority based, but it is not suitable for hard real-time tasks, because it provides task execution determinism only to a certain degree and cannot guarantee the absence of task execution jitter. As a solution to this problem, we propose a hard real time execution extension to FreeRTOS in order to support a particular model of HRT tasks, called ModXs, which are executed with no jitter. This article presents a detailed analysis, in terms of scheduling, task execution and memory usage of this hard real time execution environment extension. The article is concluding with the advantages this extension brings to the system compared to the small memory and timing overhead introduced.
[Jrnl 28]Analysis of Non-Preemptive Scheduling Techniques for HRT Systems
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Electronics and Communications
Volume 60, Issue 1
Editor(s): Nafornita, Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Jul. 2015
Pages: 9 - 14, Online, ISSN 1583-3380
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Scheduling; Embedded; Hard real-time; Non-preemptive
Special cases of hard-real time (HRT) scheduling mechanisms, which provide high predictability regarding task scheduling and execution, are studied in this paper. These mechanisms are all based on a proposed task model called ModX. Extensive evaluation tests have been performed to simulate and analyze the proposed scheduling algorithms and their comparative performance, which is also discussed in this paper.
[Jrnl 27]INVERTA: Specification of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Datcu, Olivia; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Electronics and Communications
Volume 60, Issue 1
Editor(s): Nafornita, Ioan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Jul. 2015
Pages: 15 - 20, Online, ISSN 1583-3380
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Scheduling; Real-time; Simulator
This paper describes how the scheduling algorithms for real time applications can be specified formally and the development of a simulator that verifies if a set of tasks for a real time application can be scheduled with an existing scheduling algorithm or with an algorithm defined by the user. This simulator is part of the integrated visual environment for designing and analysing real-time applications called INVERTA.
[Jrnl 26]A Combined Optical Flow and Graph Cut Approach for Foreground Extraction in Videoconference Applications
Author(s): Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Nouri, Marwen; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Studies in Informatics and Control
Volume 21, Issue 4
Editor(s): Filip, F. G.
Publisher: National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI)
Bucharest, Romania, Dec. 2012
Pages: 413 - 422, Online, ISSN 1220-1766
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000312749600007), IF: 0.605
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Foreground extraction; Videoconference; Optical flow; Graph cut; Motion segmentation; Real-time video processing
Immersive videoconferences have added a new dimension to remote collaboration by bringing participants together in a common virtual space. To achieve this, the conferencing system must extract in real-time the foreground from each incoming video stream and translate it into the shared virtual space. The method presented in this paper differentiates itself in the sense that no prior training or assumptions on the video content are used during foreground extraction. A temporally coherent mask is created based on motion cues obtained from the video stream and is used to provide a set of hard constraints. Based on these constraints, a graph cut algorithm is employed to produce the pixel-accurate foreground segmentation. The obtained results are evaluated using a state-of-the-art perceptual metric to provide an objective assessment of the method accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, the presented approach makes use of parallel execution in order to achieve real-time processing capabilities.
[Jrnl 25]moviOS: a Real-Time Multiprocessor Operating System for Multimedia Applications
Author(s): Tite, Teodor; Mihai, Catalin; Macariu, Georgiana; Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Muresan, Valentin; Barry, Brendan
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 57, Issue 1
Editor(s): Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Mar. 2012
Pages: 41 - 50, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Article record
Real-time; Multicore; Hierarchical: Scheduling; Task: Allocation
Operating systems have become a key factor for the success of today's mobile devices. With the rising capabilities of the underlying hardware, the complexity of managing these capabilities grows similarly. In the last years, multi-core hardware has been a major challenge for operating systems and it starts to shape also the real-time subdomain. These challenges, along with one of the best solution for managing complex resource allocations - called hierarchical scheduling - are briefly presented in the Introduction part of this paper. Related work done in the domains of real-time operating systems, multi-core resource allocation and hierarchical scheduling is presented from both the commercial/industrial and the research/academic points of view. The next section is introducing the heterogeneous multi-core platform that will be used for running the real-time operating system proposed in this paper, which is described in detail in section IV. The way the operating system is managing the hierarchical structure of applications and task, the used scheduling policy together with the approach of memory management are described in detail. An important subject of this paper, found in section V, represents the API expression of parallelism and synchronization in the source code of applications that comprises multiple tasks. These API details are accompanied by possible usage scenarios, along with an implemented experimental example, which demonstrates the capabilities of the presented operating system. Finally the main conclusions are briefly recalled and the future research directions are detailed. These future research proposals represent a result of the challenges and experience gained, during this research.
[Jrnl 24]Online State-of-Health Assessment for Battery Management Systems
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Ungurean, Lucian; Carstoiu, Gabriel N.; Groza, Voicu
In: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Volume 60, Issue 6
Publisher: IEEE
Jun. 2011
Pages: 1997 - 2006, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2011.2115630
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000290538700008), IF: 1.357
Times cited: 166
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Battery management; Battery-powered device; Nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH); State-of-health (SoH) prediction
Battery-powered embedded systems have known a rapid evolution in recent years, as nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery technology has enabled important reductions in size and proportional increases in total capacity over the older nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) and lead-acid battery types. This paper addresses the problem of state-of-health (SoH) estimation and prediction for use in resource-constrained Ni-MH-battery-powered embedded systems. We propose a novel SoH prediction methodology, presenting both a theoretical analysis of the estimation algorithm and the detailed description of hardware and software implementation. Two versions of estimation algorithms are proposed, along with the analysis of their performances in terms of prediction accuracy and required processing power, as the SoH prediction is designed to run online, being part of an embedded battery management system.
[Jrnl 23]PARSECS: A Predictable Data Communication System for Smart Sensors and Hard Real-Time Applications
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Carstoiu, Gabriel N.; Ungurean, Lucian; Chiciudean, Dan; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Volume 59, Issue 11
Publisher: IEEE
Nov. 2010
Pages: 2968 - 2981, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2010.2046363
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000283440200022), IF: 1.214
Times cited: 14
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Communication protocols; Hard real-time (HRT); Predictability; Serial peripheral interface (SPI); Smart sensors; Time triggered
This paper studies the problem of data communication protocols for multiprocessor smart sensors and embedded applications with hard real-time (HRT) or critical requirements. We propose a time-triggered communication interface and set of protocols, called Predictable ARchitecture for Sensor Communication Systems (PARSECS), specifically designed to sustain, at low costs and complexity, the predictable operation of such HRT systems. The general interface architecture, data format, and communication protocols are discussed, along with a case study-the implementation of PARSECS on the full-duplex serial peripheral interface for the COllaborative Robotic Environment-the Timisoara eXperiment (CORE-TX) smart sensors platform. Its predictability, timeliness, and overall performance evaluation and validation are presented in detail based on experimental results and measurements. A comparative study with some of the most prominent systems in the field is also provided.
[Jrnl 22]Indoor Inter-Robot Distance Measurement in Collaborative Systems
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stancovici, Andrei; Chiciudean, Dan; Filote, Constantin
In: Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Volume 10, Issue 3
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, Aug. 2010
Pages: 21 - 26, Online, ISSN 1582-7445, DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2010.03004
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000281805600004), IF: 0.555
Times cited: 17
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | AECE Journal Index Record | Full paper
Collaborative system; Distance measurement; Indoor communication; Mobile robots; Sonar
This paper focuses on the problem of autonomous distance calculation between multiple mobile robots in collaborative systems. We propose and discuss two distinct methods, specifically developed under important design and functional constraints, such as the speed of operation, accuracy, energy and cost efficiency. Moreover, the methods are designed to be applied to indoor robotic systems and are independent of fixed landmarks. The measurement results, performed on the CORE-TX case study, show that the proposed solutions meet the design requirements previously specified.
[Jrnl 21]Efficient Generation of Near Optimal Initial Populations to Enhance Genetic Algorithms for Job-Shop Scheduling
Author(s): Kuczapski, Artur M.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Maniu, Laurentiu A.; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Information Technology and Control
Volume 39, Issue 1
Editor(s): Seinauskas, Rimantas; Rubliauskas, Dalius; Telksnys, Laimutis
Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology
Kaunas, Lithuania, 2010
Pages: 32 - 37, Online, ISSN 1392-124X
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000275844300004), IF: 0.88
Times cited: 49
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Genetic algorithms; Job-shop scheduling; Initial populations; Chromosomes
This paper presents an efficient method of enhancing genetic algorithms (GAs) for solving the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP), by generating near optimal initial populations. Since the choice of the initial population has a high impact on the speed of the evolution and the quality of the final results, we focused on generating its individuals using genetically evolved priority dispatching rules. Our experiments show a significant increase in quality and speed of scheduling with GAs, and in some cases the evolved priority rules alone determined better solutions then the GA itself. The analyzed reference GA uses Giffler & Thompson (GT) heuristic and priority lists. To speed up the generation of priority rules, we have used a weighted sum of priority rules formula that revealed significantly better performances than Genetic Programming (GP). For evaluation of the proposed algorithm, the well known benchmark data sets from Fisher & Thompson (F&T) and Laurence Kramer (LA) have been used.
[Jrnl 20]Movement in Collaborative Robotic Environments Based on the Fish Shoal Emergent Patterns
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Petriu, Emil M.
In: Sensors & Transducers Journal
Volume 5, Issue 3
Editor(s): Yurish, Serghey Y.; Payeur, Pierre; Petriu, Emil M.
Publisher: International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA)
Pages: 18 - 36, Online, ISSN 1726-5479
Indexed: ProQuest Central, ProQuest LLC. (Doc ID: 208172986)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | Full paper
Collective robotics; Emergent behavior; Nature inspired movement
Robotic collectives are used for the efficient achievement of complex tasks. There is a significant increase in the interest for emergent, collaborative robotics as a viable alternative to the more centralized classic approach as the dimensions, energy consumption and especially price are becoming required constraints. This paper describes a nature inspired algorithm intended for the movement and communication of such robotic collectives. As a case study, the implementation of the emergent algorithm on a system consisting of LEGO Mindstorm Robots is further discussed along with the most interesting experimental results.
[Jrnl 19]A Scheduling Strategy for Flexible Job Shop Factories with Probabilistic Events, Applicable in Semiconductor Industry
Author(s): Kuczapski, Artur M.; Trebuian, Silviu; Novac, Mihai G.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 53, Issue 4
Editor(s): Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Dec. 2008
Pages: 225 - 232, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Scheduling; Flexible Job Shop; Composite Dispatching Rules; Genetic Programming; Semiconductor Manufacturing; Petri Nets
The paper proposes and analyzes a scheduling strategy and a prediction method for flexible job shops with probabilistic events. The presented strategy uses several scheduling heuristics and simulation methods in order to predict and mitigate the impact of unexpected events, like machine breakdowns, rework cycles and scrapping, which could influence the efficiency of the production. The solution uses Genetic Programming to generate Composite Dispatching Rules that lead to better results and still present robustness against unscheduled events. These dispatching rules are evaluated by advanced simulation methods based on Timed Petri Nets and the Proxel simulation method. The advantage of the Proxel method is that it is able to simulate in parallel multiple execution scenarios and hence make the estimation of the average performance of the production possible. By using the results of the simulation, a better execution forecast is obtained and the generated dispatching rules are thoroughly evaluated. An important feature of the proposed method is that the used algorithms are chosen in such a way that the required computational power makes the solution applicable to large factories like those in the semiconductor industry. In the presented paper, all the measurements and experiments are realized on a virtual semiconductor factory extended from the Intel Five-Machine Six-Step Mini-Fab model.
[Jrnl 18]Power Efficiency Study of Multi-threading Applications for Multi-core Mobile Systems
Author(s): Marcu, Marius; Tudor, Dacian; Fuicu, Sebastian; Copil-Crisan, Silvia; Maticu, Florin; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Volume 7, Issue 12
Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
Wisconsin, USA, Dec. 2008
Pages: 1875 - 1885, ISSN 1109-2750
Indexed: Compendex, Elsevier, Inc. (Compendex: 20090611900400)
Times cited: 11
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal Table of Contents | ACM Index Record
Power consumption; Multi-threading; Multi-core; Mobile applications; Power profiling
One constant in computing which is true also for mobile computing is the continue requirement for greater performance. Every performance advance in mobile processors leads to another level of greater performance demands from newest mobile applications. However, on battery powered devices performance is strictly limited by the battery capacity, therefore energy efficient applications and systems have to be developed. The power consumption problem of mobile systems is in general a very complex one and remained very actual for quite a long time. In this paper we aim to define a software execution framework for mobile systems in order to characterize the power consumption profile of multi-threading mobile applications. Study results for different thread libraries, multi-core processors and multithreaded parallelized applications are also presented.
[Jrnl 17]Maximum Predictability in Signal Interactions with HARETICK Kernel
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Volume 55, Issue 4
Publisher: IEEE
Aug. 2006
Pages: 1317 - 1330, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2006.876530
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000239184900039), IF: 0.832
Times cited: 25
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Execution context; Fixed execution; Operating kernel; Predictability; Real-time; Scheduling; Signal generation; Task model
This paper addresses the problem of the predictability of the critical digital-signal acquisition and processing applications while interacting with signals. The hard real-time compact kernel (HARETICK) is briefly presented along with the model of the hard real-time tasks: the ModX. This paper focuses on the specification, analysis, scheduling, and implementation of the applications able to generate perfectly periodic signals on the HARETICK-based platforms. A specific nonpreemptive technique for scheduling a set of the ModXs with fixed-execution times during their periods-the fixed execution nonpreemptive (FENP) algorithm-was introduced. Some of the most interesting experimental results are also discussed.
[Jrnl 16]Real-Time Person Tracking Video System
Author(s): Chiciudean, Dan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Lovasz, Erwin; Mateas, Marius; Udrescu-Milosav, Mihai
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Mechanics
Volume 50, Issue 3
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 2005
Pages: 9 - 14, ISSN 1224-6077
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Person tracking; Image segmentation; Parametric model; Uncovered background; Motion detection
This paper presents a simple and efficient solution to the real-time automatic person tracking problem. The application objective is a video camera-based system with the ability to follow moving objects appearing in the sequence of images acquired in real-time. The approach refines a method based on image segmentation and uncovered background removal. In order to reduce the complexity of the image and parametric model processing we propose a strip-based model.
[Jrnl 15]Routing Protocols and Algorithms in Sensor Networks
Author(s): Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 50, Issue 2
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Jun. 2005
Pages: 25 - 32, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Wireless sensor networks; Route; Routing protocols; Synchronization
Wireless sensor networks represent a vast and challenging research field for scientists from different areas of computer science. A wireless sensor network consists of a multitude of small devices that have sensing capabilities, processing power and communication possibilities, organized in an ad-hoc, multi-hop network. In such networks, nodes communicate via routes established dynamically and formed by several nodes that circulate the information from one to another until it reaches the destination. Each of these nodes has to implement dynamic routing algorithms in order to form and maintain the communication paths inside the network. This paper makes a brief introduction to wireless sensor networks, presenting the challenges of this domain with respect with the traditional networks for data and voice communication and then several routing protocols and algorithms will be discussed.
[Jrnl 14]Applications of Emergent Behavior Patterns on Intelligent Sensor Networks
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 50, Issue 2
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Jun. 2005
Pages: 15 - 24, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Emergent behavior; Emergence; Emergent property; Sensor networks; Intelligent sensors
Artificial distributed systems employ sophisticated algorithms that are well matured and efficient but require a high degree of computational power. Opposite to artificial distributed systems, natural systems display emergent behavior by employing extremely simple algorithms that are very efficient when dealing with large number of entities but are unpredictable and nondeterministic. In the field of intelligent sensor networks, where there are numerous network nodes, applying emergent behavior patterns is recommended.
[Jrnl 13]Highly Predictable Execution Support for Critical Applications with HARETICK Kernel
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU)
Volume 59, Issue 5
Publisher: Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May. 2005
Pages: 278 - 287, ISSN 1434-8411, DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2005.05.011
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000231216900003), IF: 0.448
Times cited: 13
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Predictability; Real-time; Kernel; Embedded; Task model; Executive
In this paper, the problem of providing a fully predictable execution environment for critical and hard real-time applications on embedded and DSP-based platforms is studied from the viewpoint of system architecture and operation. We introduce a set of homogenous models for time, signals and tasks, which will further serve as a basis for describing the architecture and operation of a particular hard real-time kernel - HARETICK. The kernel provides support for concurrent operation of hard real-time tasks (the HRT execution environment), using non-preemptive scheduling algorithms, along with soft real-time tasks (the SRT environment), using classical, preemptive, priority-based scheduling algorithms. A set of applications has been developed to test the correct operation of the HARETICK kernel according to the theoretical models and to evaluate its abilities to provide high predictability of execution for critical applications. Some of the main testing results are also discussed in the paper.
[Jrnl 12]Program Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Applications
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Patcas, M. Lucian
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 49, Issue 3
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 2004
Pages: 207 - 212, ISSN 1224-600X

Times cited: 14
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Embedded; Real-time; Program analysis; WCET; Non-preemptive; Signal; Task
This paper addresses the problem of program modeling and analysis of real-time (embedded) applications, providing a homogenous set of models and methods that enable the development of applications with hard real-time or even critical timing behavior requirements. Program timing analysis resulting in WCET calculation for hard real-time tasks is also studied.
[Jrnl 11]Instrumentation and Measurement in Romania
Author(s): Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Jurca, Traian; Micea, Mihai Victor; Sora, Ioana
In: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine
Volume 6, Issue 3
Publisher: IEEE
USA, Sep. 2003
Pages: 41 - 47, ISSN 1094-6969, DOI: 10.1109/MIM.2003.1238344
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000185422200006), IF: 0.435
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal Table of Contents | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Calibration; Computerised instrumentation; Data acquisition; Digital signal processing chips; Direct digital synthesis; Flow measurement; Machine testing; Measurement systems; Power measurement; Sonar
This article gives a general overview of instrumentation and measurement in Romania. It describes several practical examples in detail, including a data acquisition card, a flow rate sensor DAQ system, sonar-radar DSP-based applications, electrical machine testing, and power calibrator using direct digital synthesis.
[Jrnl 10]Applications for Experimental Study of Hydraulic Phenomena in Hydrodynamic Circuits
Author(s): Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Anton, Liviu E.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Baya, Alexandru; Resiga, Romeo; Chiciudean, Dan
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 47, Issue 2
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, May. 2002
Pages: 65 - 70, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Hydraulic phenomena; Applications; Hydrodynamic circuit; Darcy coefficient; Weissbach coefficient; Circuit operating characteristics
The paper focuses on the design and implementation of a set of applications for real-time experimental study of hydraulic phenomena in hydrodynamic loops, using distributed computing environments. A closed-circuit hydrodynamic tunnel system was developed as support for the analysis of viscous flow of fluids and the study of some aspects related to the transient operation of the hydraulic generator. The main hydrodynamics parameters - rate flow and pressure - are sampled from the circuit and then converted into digital data using state-of-the-art transducers and a real-time data acquisition system specially designed for this purpose. Using a high-performance distributed computing network and specialized software, such as the National Instruments LabVIEW package, we developed a set of applications for studying theoretical formulas describing essential hydraulic and hydrodynamic phenomena, as well as for calculating key functional parameters of hydrodynamic circuits.
[Jrnl 9]Implementing Professional Audio Effects with DSPs
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stratulat, Mircea; Ardelean, Dan; Aioanei, Daniel
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 46, Issue 1
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Apr. 2001
Pages: 55 - 60, ISSN 1224-600X

Times cited: 15
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | Preprint version
DSP; Digital audio effect; Chain of effects; Real-time; Communication protocol
Digital signal processors are highly used in a large variety of today's domestic and industrial applications. This paper emphasizes on the principles and techniques involved in professional audio processing field. Some basic digital audio effects are described along with the corresponding guidelines for DSP implementation.
[Jrnl 8]Interfacing DAQ Systems to Digital Signal Processors
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 45, Issue 4
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 2000
Pages: 23 - 28, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Data acquisition; Signal conditioning; Hardware and software interface; Digital Signal Processor
Signal conditioning and acquisition is a basic application field for digital signal processing. In most cases the input of the digital signal processing systems comes from data acquisition structures. This paper discusses the techniques used for interfacing a data acquisition system (referred to as DAQ system) to digital signal processors. Both the hardware and software aspects of the interface are presented starting from a particular case of DAQ system towards more generic data acquisition structures. As a case study, the Motorola DSP56303 processor was chosen, to control the data acquisition process over the DAQ system. Some prospects and related future work are also mentioned as conclusion.
[Jrnl 7]Aquarius-DSP, from Design to Real-life Applications Integration
Author(s): Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Guzun, Iurie; Guzun, Viaceslav
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volume 44, Issue 2
Editor(s): Holban, Stefan
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, 1999
Pages: 5 - 16, ISSN 1224-600X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info
Data acquisition system; Application integration; I/O board; PC
Today's PCs are high-performance, powerful tools for computing and process control, able to handle the most demanding and complex real-life applications. As a consequence, PCs are currently involved in most areas of human activities, from home entertainment to complex industrial systems. Digital signal acquisition and processing using PCs is both a classical and a top research and development field of interest in computer science and engineering. Plug-in data acquisition boards and instrument interfaces are available for all the popular platforms - Sun, PC AT, PS2, Macintosh, and many more. In this paper we focus on the production and implementation process of a digital signal acquisition plug-in system for PC, from its technical parameters specification, to the integration in some real-life applications. We emphasize the techniques and tools used for the implementation of the Performant Multifunction I/O Board 'Aquarius-DSP 1' for the IBM PC AT. Also, some real-life applications of this data acquisition system are described.
[Jrnl 6]Real Time Data Acquisition System for a Compound Straight Pipe
Author(s): Baya, Alexandru; Anton, Liviu; Ancusa, Victor; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Mechanics
Volume 44, Issue 1
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, 1999
Pages: 41 - 50, ISSN 1224-6077
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Real-time data acquisition; Compound pipe; Hydraulic circuit
The paper presents a real-time acquisition and computing system, applied to a compound pipe test facility. It consists of an experimental facility, pressure and discharge sensors, a National Instruments acquisition system, a PC and the software written especially for this case. The instalation, realized and tested in the Hydraulic Machines Laboratory of Timisoara, allows to determine the automatic energy distribution along the compound pipe.
[Jrnl 5]Suporturi de stocare pentru multimedia
(Multimedia Data Storage Support)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: PC Report
Volume 7, Issue 68
Publisher: Computer Press Agora
Tg-Mures, Romania, May. 1998
Pages: 39 - 45, ISSN 1220-9856
 [+] Keywords | Cover picture | Preliminary version (RO)
Multimedia; Storage support; Optical disc; Compact Disc; Digital Video Disc
[Jrnl 4]Imaginea in sistemele multimedia
(Image in Multimedia Systems)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: PC Report
Volume 7, Issue 67
Publisher: Computer Press Agora
Tg-Mures, Romania, Apr. 1998
Pages: 31 - 37, ISSN 1220-9856
 [+] Keywords | Cover picture | Preliminary version (RO)
Multimedia; Image; Graphics; Animation; TV; PC
[Jrnl 3]Multimedia - sunetul
(Multimedia: The Sound)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: PC Report
Volume 7, Issue 66
Publisher: Computer Press Agora
Tg-Mures, Romania, Mar. 1998
Pages: 33 - 38, ISSN 1220-9856
 [+] Keywords | Cover picture | Preliminary version (RO)
Multimedia; Sound; PC; Sound card; Audio systems
[Jrnl 2]Monitorul
(The Computer Display)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: PC Report
Volume 6, Issue 62
Publisher: Computer Press Agora
Tg-Mures, Romania, Nov. 1997
Pages: 41 - 46, ISSN 1220-9856
 [+] Keywords | Cover picture | Preliminary version (RO)
Computer display; Monitor; PC; Multimedia
[Jrnl 1]Placa video
(The Video Card)
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: PC Report
Volume 6, Issue 61
Publisher: Computer Press Agora
Tg-Mures, Romania, Oct. 1997
Pages: 37 - 43, ISSN 1220-9856
 [+] Keywords | Cover picture | Preliminary version (RO)
Video card; PC; Multimedia; Video interface
Publications: Conference Papers (59)
[Conf 59]Simulating Human Physical Behavior using Unreal Engine Full Body Inverse Kinematics
Author(s): Pescaru, Alexandru M.; Bertici, Razvan Adrian; Plosca, Traian Radu; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, ISETC 2024
Volume 16
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 07-08 Nov. 2024
Pages: 1 - 4, ISBN 979-8-3503-9087-2, ISSN 2475-7861, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC63109.2024.10797341
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Visual simulation; Behavior analysis; Range of motion; Inverse kinematics; Robotics; Video games
Extracting, analyzing, and simulating human physical behavior have proven to be challenging tasks for researchers all over the world for many years. If developed successfully, they can generate important results that will contribute to progress in many fields. These results can change many people's lives, aiding in a handful of domains, such as security, medicine, autonomous robots, and many more. A direct outcome is to obtain the data necessary to train and validate advanced neural network models implied by many of today's solutions. We propose here an approach that uses Unreal Engine 5 to reproduce the movements characteristic to normal human behavior in a simulated environment, considering restrictions of body joints. This method can be used to aid in creating flawless body animation, both procedural and AI generated. It can be included in healthcare-related body simulations, video game development, and in some other fields involving research on physical human or animal behavior.
[Conf 58]Sending CAN Flexible Data-Rate Frames in an Automatic Manner to Improve Vehicle Diagnose Processes
Author(s): Krech, Florian A.; Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2024
Volume 20
Publisher: IEEE
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2024
Pages: 1 - 7, ISBN 979-8-3315-3997-9, ISSN 2766-8495, DOI: 10.1109/ICCP63557.2024.10793030
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info | Preprint version
CAN FD; Automatic diagnosis; Predictive maintenance; Fault-tolerant systems; Quality control
This paper provides an algorithm for the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol, which enables transmission of CAN single frames and CAN flexible data-rate frames in an automatic manner. The automotive industry is of key importance nowadays and, in this context, our research focuses on autonomous/ automatic diagnosis and predictive maintenance techniques, which can also be easily extended to other important areas such as mechanical engineering, robotics, avionics, healthcare and so on. Our study shows improvements of up to 14% for validating and interpreting the data with respect to the response time of the ECU, which is not negligible for real-life and industrial applications, where time efficiency in detecting malfunctions is a sensitive issue.
[Conf 57]Driving Behavior Extraction Based on Eyes Movement Patterns
Author(s): Pescaru, Alexandru M.; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2024
Volume 18
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 23-25 May. 2024
Pages: 139 - 144, ISBN 979-8-3503-2953-7, ISSN 2833-9010, DOI: 10.1109/SACI60582.2024.10619777
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001301886500025)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info
Autonomous driving; Behavior extraction; Driver behavior modeling
Interest in autonomous driving has increased in the last decade. This generates a growing demand in developing algorithms suitable for such vehicles. In this context, modeling and understanding human driving behavior became increasingly important. The method presented in this paper addresses the problem of identifying driving behavior patterns that can be related to specific vehicle maneuvers. This method uses as input the estimation of driver gaze direction. The extracted patterns are grouped using clustering and linked with a specific driver maneuver. The validation of gaze estimation and pattern clustering was performed against two public datasets, DrivFace and DR(eye)VE.
[Conf 56]Visual Analysis of the Bibliometric Data Associated with the Calibration of Car-Following Models
Author(s): Pop, Madalin Dorin; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Sensor Systems and the Internet of Things, DCOSS-IoT 2024
Volume 20
Publisher: IEEE
Abu Dhabi, UAE, 29 Apr. - 01 May. 2024
Pages: 647 - 652, ISBN 979-8-3503-6945-8, ISSN 2325-2936, DOI: 10.1109/DCOSSIoT61029.2024.00101
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 001298122900090)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info
Bibliometric analysis; Calibration; Car-following model; Intelligent transportation systems; VOSviewer
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) use the latest technologies for real-time traffic control and monitoring to ensure efficient traffic management and reduce the risks of traffic accidents. The microscopic level of traffic modeling is the most appropriate level for controlling and monitoring the interaction between vehicles based on car-following scenarios. However, the data retrieved from sensor networks can be affected by measurement errors, and consequently the implementation of appropriate mechanisms to overcome their propagation to the control system is mandatory. This paper aims to analyse the current research in the calibration of car-following models and provide valuable insights of recent developments in this field. To achieve this goal, VOSviewer has been chosen as a visualisation tool to create bibliographic maps based on the output from the well-known scientific database Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (WoS). The maps obtained provide a visual representation of the main institutions involved in this field of research and identify the research interests based on author and indexing keywords. Furthermore, this paper analyses the top five clusters identified based on the analysis of co-occurrence keywords, presenting discussions about the connections existing within these clusters.
[Conf 55]A Comparative Study of Car Tracking Algorithms for Road Traffic Surveillance Applications
Author(s): Brad, Ana Alexandra; Brad, Maria Cristina; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2023
Volume 27
Editor(s): Precup, Radu Emil
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 11-13 Oct. 2023
Pages: 173 - 177, ISBN 979-8-3503-3798-3, ISSN 2473-5698, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC59206.2023.10308450
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Traffic surveillance; Car detection; Haar Cascades; OpenCV; YOLO
In this paper, we approach the important topic of video surveillance systems which automatically identify and track moving vehicles in different environments. A comparative evaluation has been performed on four algorithms which have been adapted for counting vehicles. Among these algorithms, two of them utilize contour detection techniques to accomplish this task, while the remaining two rely on feature detection techniques to count vehicles passing through a designated region of interest using both contour detection and feature detection techniques. The proposed algorithms have been implemented and tested on a set of video sequences and an accuracy measure was computed to determine the most effective algorithm. The results show that the YOLO-based algorithm has the best average accuracy, while the Algorithm 1, which is based on background detection and tracking, has the most consistent performance.
[Conf 54]Method for Autonomous Lane Detection in Assisted Driving
Author(s): Brad, Maria Cristina; Brad, Ana Alexandra; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the , SACI 2023
Volume 17
Editor(s): Kovacs, Levente; Precup, Radu E.
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 23-26 May. 2023
Pages: 529 - 534, ISBN 979-8-3503-2110-4, ISSN 2765-818X, DOI: 10.1109/SACI58269.2023.10158656
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 23354257)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Image processing; Driver assistance; Lane detection; OpenCV; Deep learning
This paper presents a machine learning-based method for detecting lanes on roads. The proposed approach includes several processing steps such as preprocessing of the original image frames, application of the Hough Line Transform for an initial detection of lanes, computation of the vanishing point to determine the horizon line, and region of interest (ROI) determination. Additionally, the method compensates for the unknown position of the camera facing the road by cropping a triangle-shaped perspective area. To correct errors caused by road discoloration and cracks, a color mask for white and yellow pixels is used. The orientation of the lanes is determined by analyzing the slope of the lines, and the lane coordinates are linked to the image center. The proposed method uses the U-Net neural network and the implementation is based on the Python programming language and OpenCV image processing library. In the final section we also present a comparison with a lane detection method based on convolutional neural networks and discuss the results.
[Conf 53]Evaluation of the Use of an Intelligent System in the Calibration of a Refined Car-Following Model
Author(s): Pop, Madalin Dorin; Prostean, Octavian; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2022
Volume 22
Publisher: IEEE
Budapest, Hungary, 21-22 Nov. 2022
Pages: 107 - 112, ISBN 979-8-3503-9882-3, ISSN 2380-8586, DOI: 10.1109/CINTI-MACRo57952.2022.10029500
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000972597100015)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Preprint version
Computational intelligent system; Fuzzy inference; Refined car-following model; Takagi-Sugeno; Kalman filter; Online calibration; Lane change behavior
This paper aims to extract the computational logic of a hybrid method for online calibration of car-following models and apply it to a refined car-following model that incorporates the behavior of vehicles moving on the adjacent traffic lanes. This calibration method combines the concept of Kalman filters with the Takag-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System (T-S FIS). Furthermore, this paper analyzes the influence of the lane change behavior on the calibration process. The testing of the hybrid calibration method in the case of a refined car-following model uses real traffic data and it is followed by a discussion of the results based on day/night traffic behaviors.
[Conf 52]Evaluating Research Trends Using Key Term Occurrences and Multivariate Mann-Kendall Test
Author(s): Curiac, Christian Daniel; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, ISETC 2022
Volume 15
Editor(s): Alexa, Florin
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 10-11 Nov. 2022
Pages: 1 - 4, ISBN 978-1-6654-5150-5, ISSN 2475-7861, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC56213.2022.10010222
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 22539849)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Preprint version
Research theme; Mann-Kendall test; Multivariate time series; Term occurrence; Natural language processing
This paper offers a quantifiable means for assessing the trend in the interest of scientific community in a particular research theme. Representing the research theme as a set of key terms, we investigate its trend within the scientific literature, using a corpus of paper metadata belonging to flagship journals and conferences that are relevant for the encompassing domain. Our method employs a multivariate version of the Mann-Kendall test that is applied to a multivariate time series of key term occurrences in order to discover if the trend of the research theme is ascending, descending or if there is no monotonic trend. Finally, an illustrative case study, examining the effectiveness of the proposed method for three research themes from Electronic Design Automation field, is presented.
[Conf 51]Energy Consumption Analysis for Raspberry Pi Based Smart Mirrors and Proposed Solutions
Author(s): Rat, Alexandru; Stangaciu, Cristina Sorina; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2022
Volume 16
Editor(s): Kovacs, Levente; Precup, Radu E.
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 25-28 May. 2022
Pages: 197 - 202, ISBN 978-1-6654-8125-0, DOI: 10.1109/SACI55618.2022.9919550
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 22186044)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover pages | Preprint version
IoT device, embedded system, energy consumption
This article presents an analysis regarding energy consumption of a type of smart devices, namely smart mirrors using a reference implementation based on Raspberry Pi and providing features like Internet connectivity, access to different applications, voice command and geolocation. This paper includes a comparative study between different software implementations and configurations proposed for the smart mirror.
[Conf 50]Static Coverage Path Planning for UAVs with Conical Field of View When Monitoring Rectangular Ground Areas
Author(s): Marica, Vlad; Curiac, Christian-Daniel; Quentel, Paul Yves Marie; Stangaciu, Cristina Sorina; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2019
Volume 23
Editor(s): Precup, Radu Emil
Publisher: IEEE
Sinaia, Romania, 09-10 Oct. 2019
Pages: 1 - 5, ISBN 978-1-7281-0699-1, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2019.8885559
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000590181100086)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); Quadcopter; Coverage path planning; Mapping
Finding a suitable UAV path to cover a given ground area is of paramount importance when accomplishing monitoring or mapping missions. In order to obtain an appropriate UAV route to inspect a rectangular ground area using a sensor with a conical field of view, this paper analysis three classic trajectories, namely scan, rectangular spiral and Hilbert paths. Using carefully chosen metrics we conclude that the scan path is the right solution to this static coverage planning problem.
[Conf 49]P_FENP: A Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm
Author(s): Capota, Eugenia A.; Stangaciu, Cristina Sorina; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2018
Volume 12
Editor(s): Rudas, Imre J.; Precup, Radu E.
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 17-19 May. 2018
Pages: 509 - 514, ISBN 978-1-5386-4640-3, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2018.8440932
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000448144200088)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide | Preprint version
Real-time systems; Computational intelligence; Informatics; Scheduling algorithms; Task analysis
This paper addresses the problem of real-time scheduling on multiprocessor systems for periodic tasks when scheduling jitter is not allowed. A partitioned real-time scheduling method based on a table-driven uniprocessor algorithm called fixed execution non-preemptive (FENP) is proposed as a solution for this problem. An analysis of the new proposed algorithm is provided in terms of scheduling jitter and schedulability ratio, by comparison against other popular partitioned real-time scheduling algorithms.
[Conf 48]Application layer protocol for IoT using wireless sensor networks communication protocols
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Suciu, Madalina; Lupu, Loredana; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops, ICUMT 2017
Volume 9
Editor(s): Koucheryavy, Yevgeni; Hosek, Jiri
Publisher: IEEE
Munich, Germany, 06-08 Nov. 2017
Pages: 1 - 6, ISBN 978-1-5386-3435-6, ISSN 2157-023X, DOI: 10.1109/ICUMT.2017.8255160
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000427948400070)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Internet of things (IoT); Wireless sensor networks; Real-time applications; Real-time systems; Communication protocol
This paper aims at providing a communication architecture in order to enable the integration of traditional Wireless Sensor Networks into the Internet of Things paradigm. We focus especially on a communication protocol for providing connectivity between the smart objects and a central IoT hub. From the implementation and testing of the proposed IoT protocol, we measured the smallest memory footprint, which demonstrates that such a protocol may be easily integrated into smart objects represented by small embedded systems low on hardware resources.
[Conf 47]Scalable Interconnected Home Automation System
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Oparlescu, Vlad; Csereoka, Petra; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2017
Volume 21
Editor(s): Voicu, Mihail
Publisher: IEEE
Sinaia, Romania, 19-21 Oct. 2017
Pages: 169 - 174, ISBN 978-1-5386-3842-2, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2017.8107029
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000427419900027)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Internet of things (IoT); Wireless sensor network; Home automation system
Home Automation Systems have been continuously evolving in the past few years: some of the systems are focusing their attention on providing remote access and control of the system, while others are more focused on the interconnectivity of the devices and on integrating them into greater systems, like smart cities. In this paper we propose a hierarchical architecture for Home Automation Systems, which aims at integrating both approaches. We propose a modular and scalable system, with multiple layers, each layer having its own distinct structure, functionality and challenges.
[Conf 46]Cooperative Positioning System for Indoor Surveillance Applications
Author(s): Stancovici, Andrei; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016
Editor(s): Urena, Jesus; O Keefe, Kyle
Publisher: IEEE
Madrid, Spain, 04-07 Oct. 2016
Pages: 1 - 7, Online, ISBN 978-1-5090-2425-4, ISSN 2162-7347, DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2016.7743584
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000390141300004)
Times cited: 13
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Conference guide | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Ultrasonic waves; Line of sight; Indoor positioning; Collaborative robots; Least squares; Particle filter
This paper presents basic characteristics of the problem of positioning errors propagation in collaborative multi robot environments. We propose two localization methods to achieve a cooperative positioning system using a collaborative autonomous robotic team for indoor surveillance applications. Based on case study simulation results, we were able to evaluate the error propagation process and to obtain the two-dimensional (2D) localization errors for the two proposed methods: Iterative Least Square (ILS) Localization and Backtracking Particle Filter (BPF) Localization.
[Conf 45]TEEARTS: Time and Energy Efficiency Analysis for Real Time Systems Framework
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Stoica, Andrei; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2016
Editor(s): Rudas, Imre J.; Ciocarlie, Horia
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 12-14 May. 2016
Pages: 151 - 155, Online, ISBN 978-1-5090-2381-3, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2016.7507362
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000387119900026)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Conference guide | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Energy consumption; Current measurement; Real-time systems; Energy measurement; Power demand; Embedded systems
In this paper we introduce TEEARTS (Time and Energy Efficiency Analysis for Real Time Systems) Framework. TEEARTS is being developed as an energy consumption measurement and estimation framework for embedded systems, with applicability especially in real-time systems. Beside the measurement modules, an energy estimation model is proposed, along with a methodology to determine its parameters. A set of experimental results regarding the use of this methodology and the energy consumption analysis framework on an embedded target are also presented and discussed.
[Conf 44]Analysis and Improvements in Energy Consumption Models for RTS
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Horvath, Andreea M.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2015
Editor(s): Rudas, Imre J.; Ciocarlie, Horia
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 21-23 May. 2015
Pages: 277 - 282, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-9910-1, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2015.7208213
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000380397800051)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Energy consumption reduction; Real-time system; Scheduling method; Energy consumption model
In this paper we perform an analysis of the main software methods for consumption reduction in real time systems (RTS). The study covers both scheduling methods and energy consumption models for RTS, where we focus on sensor nodes. Further on, we propose a new consumption model for a large number of node configurations, which suites most of the main scheduling algorithms. We also introduce a software environment which integrates the new model and provides a set of reports and graphical results to compare the power consumption efficiency of the scheduling algorithms.
[Conf 43]General Slot Stealing TDMA Scheme to Improve the Low Channel Utilization Factor
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP 2015
Editor(s): Varkonyi-Koczy, Annamaria R.; Rocchi, Santina; Watada, Junzo
Publisher: IEEE
Siena, Italy, 15-17 May. 2015
Pages: 1 - 4, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-7252-4, DOI: 10.1109/WISP.2015.7139151
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000380574300001)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
TDMA; Slot-stealing; Real-time; Wired sensor network; Wireless sensor network
Time division multiple access (TDMA) schemes are intensively being the main solution to provide predictability and timeliness in data communication systems requiring real-time operation. In this paper we investigate the problem of low efficiency and channel utilization, common to the TDMA algorithms. As a solution, we propose a general slot stealing version of TDMA, able to significantly increase the channel utilization factor, while preserving the required level of predictability, both in wired and in wireless real-time networks.
[Conf 42]A Professional Project Based Learning Method in Mobile Robotics
Author(s): Kokosy, Annemarie; Micea, Mihai Victor; Saey, Philippe
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2014
Editor(s): Castro, Manuel; Tovar, Edmundo
Publisher: IEEE
Madrid, Spain, 22-25 Oct. 2014
Pages: 2537 - 2543, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-3921-3, DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2014.7044409
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000380490602105)
Times cited: 9
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Preprint version
Project-based learning; Robotics; Project management; Industrial partnership; Collaboration; Team work
Due to its high potential and encouraging results, project-based learning emerges as a highly interesting paradigm in the education systems worldwide. Moreover, robotics is an interdisciplinary field where students could learn and apply their skills in mechanics, electronics, computer science, mathematics and control engineering. This paper presents a robotics project-based learning methodology which focuses on collaborating with the industry to design, develop, evaluate, integrate and manage projects designated to be used in real-life applications. This learning method emphasizes and enables the students to apprehend the importance of fulfilling client requirements and the interactions with the client, the suppliers and with the other members of the team. The students, coached by a partner from industry, have the opportunity to apply and to improve their project management skills under a large-scale, highly complex project. This method is being applied since 2008 at ISEN Lille, France, with good results and significant impact.
[Conf 41]Hard Real-Time Execution Environment Extension for FreeRTOS
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2014
Editor(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Payeur, Pierre; Cretu, Ana-Maria
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 16-18 Oct. 2014
Pages: 124 - 129, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-4927-4, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2014.6953035
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000352863100022)
Times cited: 14
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Hard real-time (HRT); Real-time operating system (RTOS); Execution context; Jitter
In this paper, a hard real-time execution environment extension is proposed for an open source real-time operating system, FreeRTOS, in order to support a special case of hard real-time tasks, called ModXs. The goal is to obtain a real-time system which has both the capabilities offered by a dynamic, preemptive, priority based scheduling and execution environment and the determinism and predictability of a hard real time execution environment. This paper also presents an implementation of the system which was tested and validated on a hardware platform EFM32-G8900-STK.
[Conf 40]Low-Level Communication Time Analysis in Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2014
Editor(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Payeur, Pierre; Cretu, Ana-Maria
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 16-18 Oct. 2014
Pages: 83 - 87, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-4927-4, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2014.6952988
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000352863100015)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Wireless sensor network; Real-time; Communication; Low-level protocol; Time analysis; Measurement framework
Studying the time components and delays introduced by the lower level communication protocols in real-time wireless sensor networks, as well as taking them into consideration at the design phase of such protocols, still remains an open issue in the field. This paper addresses this problem through a detailed analysis of the communication times and their implications in providing a predictable low-level support for real-time sensor networks. A measurement framework is proposed specifically on this purpose and then used in an extensive set of experiments to validate this timing analysis.
[Conf 39]Relative positioning system using Inter-Robot Ultrasonic Localization Turret
Author(s): Stancovici, Andrei; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2014
Editor(s): Miguez, Juan Carlos; Slomovitz, Daniel
Publisher: IEEE
Montevideo, Uruguay, 12-15 May. 2014
Pages: 1427 - 1430, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-6386-0, DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2014.6860981
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000346477200282)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Omnidirectional; Indoor; Ultrasound; Odometry
This paper focuses on the problem of relative localization system in collaborative environments based on our previous proposed relative localization methodology. We propose a low cost hardware module to achieve a relative positioning system used in research scope to develop some methods, techniques and algorithms in Multi Mobile Autonomous Robotic Systems (2MARS) applications. We discuss about existing hardware modules in literature by showing some constraints. We present some important design aspects of our proposed relative positioning system using the low cost hardware module: Inter-Robot Ultrasonic Localization Turret (IRULT).
[Conf 38]Practical Aspects Regarding Implementation of Real Time WSN Applications Based on IEEE 802.15.4
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Pescaru, Dan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2013
Volume 21
Editor(s): Paunovic, Dorde; Milic, Ljiljana
Publisher: IEEE
Belgrade, Serbia, 26-28 Nov. 2013
Pages: 295 - 298, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4799-1419-7, DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716229
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000349857500070)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
WSN; Real time applications; IEEE 802.15.4; ZigBee
Nowadays, systems based on Wireless Sensor Networks are intensively used in various fields. However, there are few real time applications employing WSNs. The problem resides in various limitations especially at the level of their communication capabilities. Various researches were conducted in this direction but theoretical models are still far from physical reality. The work presented in this paper aims to identify some hard-to-be-modeled aspects using practical measurements on a real time WSN. Experiments were conducted on a network using IEEE 802.15.4 compliant communication modules, including the widespread ZigBee solution.
[Conf 37]Simulator based study of robot alignment and localization
Author(s): Indreica, Sinziana; Stancovici, Andrei; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2013
Editor(s): Ben-Tzvi, Pinhas; Giguere, Philippe; Payeur, Pierre
Publisher: IEEE
Washington, USA, 21-23 Oct. 2013
Pages: 107 - 111, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-2938-5, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2013.6698429
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000331116000018)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Robot alignment; Robot simulator; Localization; Turret; Ultrasonic transducer
Localization techniques are of key interest for mobile robot groups. A certain node is usable by the system when its position is known and it can communicate (one-way or two-ways). Ideally, the localization should be quick, precise and with low resource consumption. For this, the possibilities to keep track of the node should be seen as parameters and modified to obtain the best results. To study such a localization case of a group of robots we developed a simulation environment based on the hardware configuration from our previous work (mobile robots with wireless communication and ultrasound based location system). This paper aims to show the impact certain parameters and situations have on the localization problem.
[Conf 36]Energy Efficiency in Real-Time Systems: A Brief Overview
Author(s): Stangaciu, Cristina S.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the 8-th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2013
Editor(s): Rudas, Imre J.; Ciocarlie, Horia
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 23-25 May. 2013
Pages: 275 - 280, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-6397-6, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2013.6608981
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000333188100049)
Times cited: 24
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Power-Aware; Real Time Systems; Scheduling; Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS); Dynamic Power Management (DPM)
As the embedded and real-time control systems become ubiquitous, with increasingly stringent requirements of smaller size, their energy efficiency emerges as a problem of key interest. In this paper we review the state of the art of energy optimization techniques from the real-time systems point of view. The survey approaches both hardware and software aspects, including the real-time hardware support, various power-saving mechanisms, battery models, real-time power-aware scheduling and dynamic power management methods. The relevant solutions found in the literature are classified and briefly presented. A comparative discussion of these methods, focusing on a set of key aspects, summarizes the survey.
[Conf 35]Relative localization methodology for autonomous robots in collaborative environments
Author(s): Stancovici, Andrei; Indreica, Sinziana; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 30-th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2013
Editor(s): Cortner, Max; Zoughi, Reza
Publisher: IEEE
Minneapolis, USA, 06-09 May. 2013
Pages: 1730 - 1733, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-4621-4, ISSN 1091-5281, DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2013.6555711
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000326900400320)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Location management; Triangulation method; Trilateration method; Localization confidence
This paper focuses on the problem of relative location management in a robotic systems starting from the previous developed methods, techniques and algorithms. We discuss about inter-robot alignment, distance measurement and localization using the triangulation and trilateration methods. We will show the importance of the confidence number of the robotic nodes in the system, to the relative localization approaches. The measurement results, performed on the CORE-TX case study, show that the proposed solutions meet the design requirements previously specified.
[Conf 34]Improving the Efficiency of Highly Predictable Wireless Sensor Platforms With Hybrid Scheduling
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stangaciu, Cristina; Stangaciu, Valentin; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2012
Editor(s): Sebastian, Zug; Payeur, Pierre; Ben-Tzvi, Pinhas
Publisher: IEEE
Magdeburg, Germany, 16-18 Nov. 2012
Pages: 73 - 78, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-2705-3, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2012.6402613
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000335755600012)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
?Hard real-time (HRT); Hybrid scheduling; Predictability; Smart sensors; Wireless communication
We focus on increasing the execution efficiency and flexibility of fully predictable embedded platforms, with direct applications in wireless sensor networks. The proposed technique is a hybrid scheduling mechanism, which combines the high predictability of a non-preemptive cyclic scheduler with the efficiency of a modified version of the Earliest Deadline First algorithm. Implementation details on ARM7-based platforms are provided, along with a case study of real-time wireless communication driver for sensor networks. The experimental results prove that this method achieves the proposed goals: an increased execution efficiency and flexibility while preserving the required real-time predictability of the systems.
[Conf 33]Data Fusion and Visualization Based on Voronoi Diagrams for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author(s): Stratulat, Bogdan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Filote, Constantin
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems, ICIMCS 2011
Volume 2
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Hong Kong, China, 12-13 Dec. 2011
Pages: 41 - 44, ISBN 978-0-7918-5990-2
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000306295600010)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Data visualization; Voronoi diagram; Estimation map; Wireless sensor networks
The paper presents a framework proposal as a solution to measure, organize and visualize the data from Wireless Sensor Networks, based on the Voronoi diagram. Due to its superior performance, Steven Fortune's algorithm using the plane sweep technique has been employed for generating the Voronoi diagram. Two distinct maps have been developed, one for the visualization of collected data and one for estimating areas with non-existing data. A set of experiments and simulations have been conducted to understand the influence of the size of the network on the framework performance as well as on the number of vertexes and site events.
[Conf 32]Foodball: Emergent resource gathering in collective robotic environments
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Banc, Andrei; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2011
Editor(s): Christensen, Henrik; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre
Publisher: IEEE
Montreal, Canada, 17-18 Sep. 2011
Pages: 184 - 189, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4577-0819-0, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2011.6058537
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 12317617)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Mathematical model; Mobile robots; Robot kinematics; Robot sensing systems; Wheels
Robotic collectives have been a very popular research topic in the last years. Also, applying emergent behavior patterns to such collectives has been similarly popular. This article introduces a mathematical model for resource gathering applications which is based on the study of ant colonies and validates it by simulating it inside Microsoft Robotics Studio simulator. The model is based on the implementation of a new emergent pattern, called Patrol. During the course of the simulations, another emergent behavior pattern, called Foodball, is studied.
[Conf 31]Requirements of a Real-Time Multiprocessor Operating System for Multimedia Applications
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Macariu, Georgiana; Micea, Mihai Victor; Muresan, Valentin; Barry, Brendan
In: Proceedings of the 6-th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2011
Editor(s): Fodor, Janos; Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: IEEE
Timisoara, Romania, 19-21 May. 2011
Pages: 209 - 215, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-9108-7, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2011.5873001
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 12048107)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture
Operating systems; Real-Time multiprocessors; Multimedia applications; Mobile-oriented systems
Many modern embedded applications need the execution support of a real-time operating system. Such applications have usually critical or hard timing requirements, but giving the high presence of multimedia devices, real-time operating systems can also be used to manage the tasks that execute within multimedia devices. This paper focuses on identifying the requirements of a real-time operating system capable of fulfilling the needs of the multimedia applications typically executed on multiprocessor, mobile-oriented systems such as the Movidius platform.
[Conf 30]Power Factor Improvement Using RNSIC Rectifier
Author(s): Filote, Constantin; Ciufudean, Calin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cozgarea, Ana-Maria
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2010
Editor(s): Ngamroo, Issarachai
Publisher: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
Phuket, Thailand, 24-26 Nov. 2010
Pages: 96 - 102, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-0-88986-855-7, ISSN 1922-8074, DOI: 10.2316/P.2010.701-090
Indexed: Scopus, Elsevier B.V.
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide | ActaPress Index Record
AC/DC converter; RNSIC; Power quality; Power factor correction; Rectifier
This paper proposes a practical new method for power factor compensation of a three-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier with a dc filter and nonlinear load. The proposed method is based on the rectifier with near sinusoidal currents called RNSIC, which functions as power factor compensation in a wide range of load currents. The decrease of input currents harmonics, below the limits imposed by IEEE 519/1992 and IEC 61000-3-4 international standards, allows the decrease of THD, hence the increase in real power factor. The validity of proposed method is supported by the practical results obtained by means of an experimental bench.
[Conf 29]Wireless Synchronization Protocols for Collaborative Robotic and Sensor Environments
Author(s): Stratulat, Bogdan; Barzeianu, Sebastian; Micea, Mihai Victor; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 19-th IEEE International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2010
Editor(s): Szakal, Aniko
Publisher: IEEE
Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 Jun. 2010
Pages: 25 - 30, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-6885-0, DOI: 10.1109/RAAD.2010.5524616
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 11446988)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide
Precision Time Protocol; Collaborative environments; Robotic collectives; Synchronization protocols; Wireless sensor networks
In this paper we consider the problem of time synchronization in collaborative environments of robots and intelligent sensors. Due to its superior performance, the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) has been implemented and tested using various topologies of complex, multi-hop networks. Two distinct approaches have been studied. The first one uses boundary clocks, while the second uses a transparent clock for the intermediary nodes. A set of experiments and simulations have been conducted with the OMNeT++ environment. Finally, we propose and discuss a modified version of the PTP protocol, specifically designed to consider the particular problems of networks with mobile robotic nodes.
[Conf 28]Obtaining Highly Localized Edges using Phase Congruency and Ridge Detection
Author(s): Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics, ICCC-CONTI 2010
Editor(s): Fodor, Janos; Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara and Obuda University, Budapest
Timisoara, Romania, 27-29 May. 2010
Pages: 339 - 342, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-7431-8, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCYB.2010.5491252
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide
Image feature extraction; Edge localization; Phase congruency; Ridge detection
Edge localization is an important factor when choosing between various image feature extraction techniques. Lesser edge displacement means more accurate results, and this is the aim of most edge detectors. We present a novel algorithm for obtaining highly localized edges from grayscale images, based on an analogy between phase congruency maps and digital elevation models. In the first step, phase congruency is used to obtain an initial edge map, which is then processed in a second step by a modified ridge-detection algorithm in order to obtain an increased edge localization.
[Conf 27]Evaluation of Fish Shoal Inspired Movement in Collaborative Robotic Environments
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 27-th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2010
Editor(s): Dyer, Ruth A.; Schmalzel, John L.; Piuri, Vincenzo
Publisher: IEEE
Austin TX, USA, 03-06 May. 2010
Pages: 1539 - 1544, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-2832-8, ISSN 1091-5281, DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2010.5488117
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000287997200294)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Behavior-based systems; Fish shoal inspired movement; Obstacle avoidance; Robotic collectives; Robotic navigation
In this paper we consider the evaluation of fish shoal inspired movement in collaborative robotic environments. Based on two new metrics, the polarization and the cohesion, a navigation and obstacle avoidance environment composed of LEGO Mindstorm NXT robots has been implemented and evaluated. A set of experiments have been conducted using the LEGO robotic set, targeting specific emergent behavior patterns such as flash expansion and fountain effect (which are typical fish shoal evasive maneuvers). These experimental results prove the quality of the metrics when used for the evaluation and validation of fish shoal inspired models for navigation and obstacle avoidance in complex movement applications which demand collaborative intelligence.
[Conf 26]Robust-Adaptive Flux Observers in Induction Motor Drive Systems
Author(s): Filote, Constantin; Alexa, Dimitrie; Pletea, Irinel Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Ciufudean, Calin; Cozgarea, Ana-Maria
In: Proceedings of the 12-th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, ISC 2009
Editor(s): Hamza, Mohamed
Publisher: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, 02-04 Nov. 2009
Pages: 127 - 134, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-0-88986-814-4
Indexed: Scopus, Elsevier B.V.
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide | ActaPress Index Record
Rotor flux simulator; Robust-adaptive flux observer; Induction motor; Field-oriented control; Numerical simulation
In this paper, we present a comparison of the performances among three rotor flux observers. If the rotor flux is applied as criterion in the vector control of induction motor, the value and direction of the flux needs to be known. Starting from two induction motor mathematical models, this paper analyses theoretically and in terms of simulation, the performances of a conventional rotor flux simulator with a view to the temperature influence of the rotor resistance. Flux observers were used to estimate the flux, since classic methods do not seem to provide acceptable performances. This paper analyses the performances of a robust-adaptive rotor flux observer, starting from a mathematical model and using simulation.
[Conf 25]Emergent Exploration and Resource Gathering in Collaborative Robotic Environments
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Nalatan, Iuliana; Tura-Bob, Sergiu; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2008
Editor(s): Siegel, Mel; Payeur, Pierre
Publisher: IEEE
Ottawa, Canada, 17-18 Oct. 2008
Pages: 13 - 18, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-2594-5, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2008.4669173
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000264584500003)
Times cited: 10
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Emergent behavior; Collective robotics; Resource gathering; Exploration
The last years demonstrated a significant increase in the interest for emergent, collaborative robotics as a viable alternative to the more centralized classic approach. The design and implementation of a system of numerous cheaper robots have become more attractive than the construction of a larger, more expensive robot. This paper describes the algorithm which is used by a collaborative system of autonomous robots to find food sources (resources) on an unknown territory. As a case study, the implementations of this algorithm using a robotic collective composed of LEGO Mindstorm robots is discussed in this article. Some of the more interesting experimental results are also presented.
[Conf 24]Fish Shoal Inspired Movement in Robotic Collectives
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Panus, Bogdan; Oancea, Claudia; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Petriu, Emil M.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2008
Editor(s): Siegel, Mel; Payeur, Pierre
Publisher: IEEE
Ottawa, Canada, 17-18 Oct. 2008
Pages: 7 - 12, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-2594-5, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2008.4669172
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000264584500002)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Collective robotics; Emergent behavior; Nature inspired movement
Robotic collectives are used for the efficient achievement of complex tasks. There is a significant increase in the interest for emergent, collaborative robotics as a viable alternative to the more centralized classic approach as the dimensions, energy consumption and especially price are becoming required constraints. This paper describes a nature inspired algorithm intended for the movement and communication of such robotic collectives. As a case study, the implementation of the emergent algorithm on a system consisting of LEGO Mindstorm Robots is further discussed along with some of the most interesting experimental results.
[Conf 23]Inter-Task Communication and Synchronization in the Hard Real-Time Compact Kernel HARETICK
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Certejan, Cristina; Stangaciu, Valentin; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Petriu, Emil M.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2008
Editor(s): Siegel, Mel; Payeur, Pierre
Publisher: IEEE
Ottawa, Canada, 17-18 Oct. 2008
Pages: 19 - 24, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-2594-5, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2008.4669174
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000264584500004)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Inter-process communication; Synchronization; Hard real-time; HARETICK
HARETICK is a hard real-time compact operating kernel designed specifically to support critical applications on DSP and embedded platforms including intelligent sensor networks and robotic environments. It provides operating support for both hard real-time and soft/non real-time tasks. The hard real-time task execution context is based on non-preemptive mechanisms. This paper focuses on the inter-task communication and synchronization techniques involving the two types of tasks previously mentioned. As a case study, a highly predictable synchronous serial communication (i.e., SPI) interface implemented on an ARM7-based HARETICK platform, is presented and discussed, along with some of the most interesting experimental results.
[Conf 22]Predictable Data Communication Interface for Hard Real-Time Systems
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Carstoiu, Gabriel N.; Ungurean, Lucian; Chiciudean, Dan; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2008
Editor(s): Siegel, Mel; Payeur, Pierre
Publisher: IEEE
Ottawa, Canada, 17-18 Oct. 2008
Pages: 98 - 101, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-2594-5, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2008.4669188
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000264584500018)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Data communication; Predictability; Hard real-lime; SPI; HARETICK
This paper presents a data communication interface specifically designed to sustain the predictable operation of hard real-time systems. The general interface architecture, data format and communication protocols are discussed, along with a case study - the full-duplex SPI (serial peripheral interface) for the HARETICK kernel. Some of the most interesting experimental results are also presented.
[Conf 21]Scheduling and Simulation of a Semiconductor Production Facility Using Petri Nets, Composite Dispatching Rules and Evolutionary Algorithms
Author(s): Kuczapski, Artur M.; Trebuian, Silviu; Novac, Mihai G.; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Maniu, Laurentiu A.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI 2008
Volume 1
Editor(s): Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, 05-06 Jun. 2008
Pages: 115 - 120, ISSN 1844-539X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Conference guide
Scheduling; Real-time production forecast; Composite Dispatching Rules (CDRs); Real-time simulation; Timed Petri Nets (TPNs); Evolutionary algorithms; Semiconductor production facility
This paper presents a scheduling paradigm that blends several methods, applied so far in isolation or utilized for other production related advancements. The most prominent features of the scheduling system are: its flexibility in providing a schedule for a system that presents random undesirable events, and its capability of reassessing the state of the system, to offer a real-time forecast of the production. These characteristics are due to the use of Composite Dispatching Rules (CDRs) and real-time simulations using Timed Petri Nets (TPN). The scheduler employs evolutionary algorithms, generally regarded suitable for this class of problems, as they provide a solution in a reasonable amount of time, and easily allow multicriteria optimization. The present solution is directed towards Stochastic Flexible Job-Shop Problems.
[Conf 20]Power Profile Evaluation of Battery-Powered Mobile Applications
Author(s): Marcu, Marius; Tudor, Dacian; Moldovan, Horatiu; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 14-th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2007
Publisher: IEEE
Marrakech, Morocco, 11-14 Dec. 2007
Pages: 1015 - 1018, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-1377-5, DOI: 10.1109/ICECS.2007.4511165
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000255014801074)
Times cited: 8
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Battery-powered mobile applications; Power consumption; Power profile evaluation; Semiconductor technologies; Wireless communication
Advances in semiconductor technologies and wireless communication are contributing to the rapid growth of the mobile devices market. They have a large number of applications but all of them depend on their battery lifetime. Therefore we present in this paper how power benchmarks can be used to characterize power consumption of battery-powered devices running different applications.
[Conf 19]eBML: A Formal Language for Behavior Modeling and Application Development in Robotic Collectives
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Chiciudean, Dan; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2007
Editor(s): Payeur, Pierre; Mukhopadhyay, Subhas
Publisher: IEEE
Ottawa, Canada, 12-13 Oct. 2007
Pages: 80 - 85, CD-ROM support, ISBN 1-4244-1527-6, DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2007.4373972
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 10105925)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Behavioral modeling; Collaborative environments; Embedded programming; Real-time operating systems; Robotic environments
The new trend of miniaturizing the electronic devices leads to the necessity of small, relatively independent entities which can interact with each other and with other entities forming collective, associative environments. This paper describes the formal specification of the eBML modeling language and its use in programming intelligent terminals like robots or intelligent sensor nodes which compose such collaborative robotic environments.
[Conf 18]About a New Method for the 3D Determination of the Human Spine Geometry
Author(s): Mateas, Marius; Vacarescu, Valeria; Lovasz, Erwin C.; Nemes, Ioan D.A.; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: About a new method for the 3D determination of the human spine geometry, IFToMM 2007
Publisher: IFToMM
Besancon, FR, 18-21 Jun. 2007
Pages: 1 - 6, Online
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Human spine geometry; Scoliosis
The majority of the population suffers of mild or severe spinal column deformations, such as scoliosis, lordosis, cifosis, leading to the reduction of the personal comfort and the reduction of the physical and intellectual effort capacity, also leading to severe distortions of thorax shape and alteration of the respiratory process. In order to emit the right diagnosis it is necessary to measure 3D geometry parameters of the human spine including the rotations angle between the vertebrae. The classical non-invasive investigations methods don't establish vertebrae rotation angle. This paper presents a method for the determination of the vertebrae rotation angle with a noninvasive investigations method using the ultrasound device. It is assumed that every vertebra is associated with a precision point and a characteristic line.
[Conf 17]Embedding Data in Video Stream Using Steganography
Author(s): Stanescu, Daniela; Stratulat, Mircea; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 32-nd IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2007
Editor(s): Fodor, Janos; Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara and Budapest Tech
Timisoara, Romania, 17-18 May. 2007
Pages: 241 - 244, ISBN 978-1-4244-1234-X, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2007.375518
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000248622500042)
Times cited: 35
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | DBLP Index Record
Cryptography; Data communication; Data encapsulation; Video coding; Video communication; Video streaming; Watermarking
The transmission of streaming data, because of its real-time nature, is subject to bandwidth constraints. We propose a MPEG-2 compliant decoder which uses data hiding to transmit additional data with no extra bandwidth while creating an almost imperceptible degradation of the picture. The additional data can be anything from subtitles to correction signals and watermarking.
[Conf 16]Connectivity Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Mobile Nodes
Author(s): Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Chiciudean, Dan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Stratulat, Mircea
In: Proceedings of the 24-th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 2007
Editor(s): Morawski, Roman Z.
Publisher: IEEE
Warsaw, Poland, 01-03 May. 2007
Pages: 1640 - 1645, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-0588-6, ISSN 1091-5281, DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2007.379002
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000251296801130)
Times cited: 9
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Wireless sensor networks; Network deployment; Mobile nodes; Obstacle avoidance
In this paper we address the topic of wireless sensor networks deployment, redeployment and post-deployment network maintenance based on mobile robotic nodes in order to achieve optimal connectivity and minimum energy consumption. The research is based on the CORE-TX platform, which provides the necessary hardware and software modules used for evaluation and testing of the solutions discussed. The quality of the communication link has an important role in energy saving due to packet loss ratio and the required power level of the transceiver. The paper proposes and discusses an automated approach to network deployment and network maintenance based on local connectivity evaluation.
[Conf 15]Emergent Behavioral Modeling Language in Obstacle Avoidance
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Chiciudean, Dan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 24-th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 2007
Editor(s): Morawski, Roman Z.
Publisher: IEEE
Warsaw, Poland, 01-03 May. 2007
Pages: 1614 - 1619, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-0588-6, ISSN 1091-5281, DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2007.379001
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000251296801125)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Emergent behavior; Behavioral modeling; Robotic environments; Collaborative environments; Obstacle avoidance
Artificial distributed systems employ sophisticated algorithms that are well matured and efficient but require a high degree of computational power. Opposite to artificial distributed systems, natural systems display emergent behavior by employing extremely simple algorithms that are very efficient when dealing with large number of entities but are unpredictable and nondeterministic. The formal modeling of such emergent behavior is presented in this paper by the introduction of a formal language called eBML. A simple yet effective obstacle avoidance algorithm is proposed and discussed here, based on studies of ant colonies which are modeled using eBML.
[Conf 14]Data Routing and Remote Protocol Analysis using the TETHRA System
Author(s): Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu D.; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 32-nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2006
Editor(s): Capolino, Gerard Andre; Franquelo, Leopoldo Garcia
Publisher: IEEE
Paris, France, 06-10 Nov. 2006
Pages: 603 - 608, ISBN 1-4244-0136-4, ISSN 1553-572X, DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2006.347450
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000245905001036)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Conference picture 1
Local area networks; Routing protocols; Time division multiplexing
This paper focuses on describing the data routing techniques and their applications to remote protocol analysis, of a digital equipment capable of acting as a bridge between a plesiochronous digital hierarchy and a Fast-Ethernet network. The paper also describes aspects related to the design and implementation of this device, named TETHRA (an acronym of TDM over Ethernet router and analyzer), which is capable of routing data contained in the received time-division multiplex (TDM) frames towards equipments connected to the Fast-Ethernet network, and vice-versa, in a transparent and flexible manner.
[Conf 13]Monitoring Serial Communications in Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems
Author(s): Popa, Mircea; Popa, Anca Sorana; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 32-nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, ICCES 2006
Editor(s): Fahmy, Hossam M. A.; Salem, Ashraf M.; El-Kharashi, Watheq M.; Bahaa El-Din, Ayman M.
Publisher: IEEE
Cairo, Egypt, 05-07 Nov. 2006
Pages: 56 - 61, ISBN 1-4244-0271-7, DOI: 10.1109/ICCES.2006.320425
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000245168200010)
Times cited: 27
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide | IEEE Index Record (Inspec)
Serial communications; Monitoring; Embeeded systems; Microcontrollers
More and more microcontrollers are embedded in a large area of products from industrial to domestic domains. A good example is the automobile, a modern one containing tens of microcontrollers. As their number increased the communication between them became necessary. The serial solution was preferred and a lot of serial buses and protocols were developed optimizing different parameters of the communication. Several examples are: RS232, LIN, SPI, CAN and so on. Monitoring serial communications is necessary in R&D phase, e.g. for creating virtual transfer partners, and in testing and debugging phases. The paper describes a message based monitoring tool for the RS232 bus and monitoring tools for the LIN and SPI buses. Many microcontrollers contain the LIN and SPI buses and almost all of them include the RS232 bus. The created tools work in passive mode, monitoring the transfers and sending the data to a PC or in active mode (only for the LIN bus), interfering in the communication and sending headers, responses or injecting typical errors.
[Conf 12]CORE-TX: Collective Robotic Environment - the Timisoara Experiment
Author(s): Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Micea, Mihai Victor; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Chiciudean, Dan; Stanescu, Daniela
In: Proceedings of the 3-rd IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2006
Editor(s): Fodor, Janos; Prostean, Octavian
Publisher: Politehnica University of Timisoara and Budapest Tech
Timisoara, Romania, 25-26 May. 2006
Pages: 495 - 506, ISBN 963-7154-46-9
Times cited: 26
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Collective robotic environments; Emergence; Robotic behavior
In a ubiquitous environment, intellignet functions are embedded in objects around the user, thus enabling him to create variuos functionalities by combining those objects. The collaborative robotic environments are a new approach to the coordination of multirobot systems which usually consist of numerous, relatively simple, small sized robots. The CORE-TX system (COllaborative Robotic Environment - the Timisoara eXperiment) is conceived as a complex platform composed by a heterogeneous set of autonomous microsystems with embedded intelligence, a collaborative communication environment and a central entity with supervising functions. This paper describes the general architecture of the CORE-TX system, the system model; this paper also contains a brief comparison bBetween CORE-TX and state-of-the-art collaborative environments.
[Conf 11]Non-Preemptive Scheduling for Critical and Hard Real-Time Applications on Embedded Platforms
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science, ICMCS 2005
Volume 2
Editor(s): Tiginyanu, I. M.; Sontea, V.
Publisher: Technical University of Moldova
Chisinau, Rep. Moldova, 15-17 Sep. 2005
Pages: 53 - 56, ISBN 9975-66-040-1
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Conference picture
Non-preemptive; Scheduling; Hard real-time; Embedded
The problem of providing high predictability when scheduling critical and hard real-time applications on embedded and DSP-based platforms is studied in this paper. A model of hard real-time tasks, the ModX, is presented and a set of non-preemptive scheduling techniques are discussed, based on this model. Extensive evaluation tests have been performed to simulate and analyze the proposed scheduling algorithms and their comparative performance. The main evaluation results are also discussed in this work.
[Conf 10]TETHRA: TDM over Ethernet Router and Analyzer
Author(s): Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu D.; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science, ICMCS 2005
Volume 2
Editor(s): Tiginyanu, I. M.; Sontea, V.
Publisher: Technical University of Moldova
Chisinau, Rep. Moldova, 15-17 Sep. 2005
Pages: 36 - 39, ISBN 9975-66-040-1
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Conference picture
PCM E1; TDM over Ethernet; Transparent data routing; Protocol analysis
This paper focuses on the design and implementation of a digital equipment capable of acting as a bridge between two different networks: a plesiochronous digital hierarchy and a Fast-Ethernet network. The device, named TETHRA (TDM over Ethernet Router and Analyzer), is capable of performing the basic functions of a router, by transmitting the data contained in the received time-division multiplex (TDM) frames towards equipments connected to the Ethernet network, and vice-versa, in a transparent manner.
[Conf 9]Predictable Signal Generation with the Hard Real-Time Operating Kernel HARETICK
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 22-nd IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 2005
Volume 3
Publisher: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Ottawa, Canada, 16-19 May. 2005
Pages: 2097 - 2102, ISBN 0-7803-8879-8, DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2005.1604543
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 8968064)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Conference picture
Real-time; Operating kernel; Predictability; Task model; Execution context; Scheduling; Signal generation
This paper addresses the problem of predictability of critical digital signal acquisition and processing applications while interacting with signals. The real-time compact operating kernel, HARETICK, is briefly presented along with the model of hard realtime tasks, the ModX. The work focuses on the specification, analysis, scheduling and implementation of applications able to generate perfectly periodic signals on HARETICK-based platforms. Experimental results are also discussed.
[Conf 8]Determination of the Human Spine Geometry with CCD-Camera
Author(s): Lovasz, Erwin Christian; Mateas, Marius; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Reunion of the Special Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Sustainability for Humanity and Environment in the Extended Connection Field Science-Economy-Policy, SRSPAH 2005
Volume 2
Editor(s): Ionel, Ioana; Jadanent, Mihai; Oprisa Stanescu, Paul Dan; Padure, Gelu
Publisher: Editura Politehnica
Timisoara, Romania, 24-25 Feb. 2005
Pages: 292 - 295, ISBN 973-625-206-X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Human spine geometry; CCD camera; Target points algorithm
The geometric determination of the spine in 3D it represents interest from medical point of view for determination of deviation comparative with the vertebral columns geometry of a standard subject. In order to determinate the geometry of the vertebral column one can use a non-contact method, which allows a non-interference approach of the human subject, increasing speed and accuracy.
[Conf 7]Non-Preemptive Execution Support for Critical and Hard Real-Time Applications on Embedded Platforms
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, ISSSE 2004
Editor(s): Schlacher, Kurt; Weigel, Robert; Kubin, Gernot; Springer, Andreas
Publisher: Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria, 10-13 Aug. 2004
, CD-ROM support, ISBN 3-9501491-3-9
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Proceedings info | Conference picture
Non-preemptive; Execution context; Real-time; Critical applications; Embedded; Hard real-time kernel
The problem of providing a fully predictable execution environment for critical and hard real-time applications on embedded and DSP-based platforms is studied in this paper, from the viewpoint of system architecture and operation. We introduce a set of homogenous models for time, signals and tasks, which will further serve as a basis for describing the architecture and operation of a particular hard real-time kernel - HARETICK. The kernel provides support for concurrent operation of hard real-time tasks (the HRT execution environment), using non-preemptive scheduling algorithms, along with soft real-time tasks (the SRT environment), using classical, preemptive, priority-based scheduling algorithms.
[Conf 6]HARETICK: A Real-Time Compact Kernel for Critical Applications on Embedded Platforms
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, DAS 2004
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian; Pentiuc, Gheorghe; Turcu, Cristina; Turcu, Cornel; Milici, Dan
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, 27-29 May. 2004
Pages: 16 - 23, ISBN 973-666-106-7
Times cited: 18
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Real-time; Embedded; Operating kernel; Non-preemptive; Scheduling; Temporal parameters
This paper discusses the problem of designing and implementing a real-time compact kernel for embedded and DSP-based platforms, able to provide a fully predictable execution environment for critical applications. Based on a sound and uniform set of models defined for time, signals and tasks, we describe the architecture and operating principles of a particular real-time kernel - HARETICK. Its modular and compact architecture is designed around the key idea of enabling concurrent execution of hard real-time (HRT) and soft real-time (SRT) tasks in two separate contexts. The HRT execution context is based on non-preemptive scheduling algorithms and has precedence over the SRT context, which uses traditional, preemptive, priority-based scheduling techniques.
[Conf 5]Embedded Techniques for Autonomous Robot Orientation
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Muntean, Lucian; Brosteanu, Daniel
In: Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, DAS 2002
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian; Mahalu, G.; Milici, Dan; Pentiuc, Gheorghe; Potorac, Alin; Filote, Constantin
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, 23-25 May. 2002
Pages: 22 - 27, ISBN 973-98670-9-X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | Conference picture
Robot; Autonomous; Orientation; SONAR; Digital signal processor; Affine transforms
Robotics is a top research and development field in today's engineering activity. Design and implementation of efficient hardware and software components for robots, using digital techniques is an open topic due to the large variety of requirements a robot system must satisfy. Special attention is paid to the issue of building and programming autonomous robots, able to operate in various hazardous environments. This paper analyses some design and implementation issues for an autonomously moving mini-robot, covering both hardware and software aspects. A SONAR sensing subsystem is proposed for obstacle detection and robot orientation. Of particular interest are the robot orientation techniques suitable for implementation on its central processing and control module - an embedded processing platform, based on a digital signal processor.
[Conf 4]Communication Protocols Implementation on DSP-based Systems
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Chiciudean, Dan
In: Proceedings of the 10-th International Symposium on Systems Theory, SINTES 2000
Publisher: University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania, 25-26 May. 2000
Pages: 205 - 208, ISBN 973-98836
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract
Digital Signal Processing; DSP-based system; Communication protocol; RS232; SPP; EPP; ECP
In this paper we focus on the implementation techniques of some communication protocols between a DSP-based system and a host computer. We describe the specific communication protocol specifications along with the characteristic details of their implementation on the DSP-based system. We also emphasize the routines created for testing the implemented communication protocols and the interpretation of their results. Finally, we make some comparative study and performance analysis on the implemented communication protocols.
[Conf 3]Simple Real-time SONAR Implemented with DSP-based Boards
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Muntean, Lucian; Brosteanu, Daniel; Chiciudean, Dan
In: Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, DAS 2000
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian; Pentiuc, Gheorghe; Potorac, Alin; Filote, Constantin; Mahalu, G.; Milici, Dan
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, 18-20 May. 2000
Pages: 67 - 72, ISBN 973-8122-11-2
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
SONAR; Digital signal processing; DSP board; DSP algorithms; Real-time; Ultrasound
In this paper we focus on the techniques of analysis and implementation of a simple real-time SONAR system on two different DSP-based boards connected to a computer. We describe the advanced methods developed for the audio/ultrasound emitter-receiver pair identification and evaluation. We also emphasize the specific digital signal processing algorithms developed for ultrasound frequencies and for SONAR-specific operations. Finally, we present the SONAR real-time operation along with the specific designed graphical user interface and some test results and performance analysis.
[Conf 2]Distributed Digital Signal Processing Using DSP-based Boards and the Khoros Package on LINUX Platforms
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Trifu, Adrian; Trifu, Mircea
In: Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, DAS 2000
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian; Pentiuc, Gheorghe; Potorac, Alin; Filote, Constantin; Mahalu, G.; Milici, Dan
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, 18-20 May. 2000
Pages: 61 - 66, ISBN 973-8122-11-2
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Digital signal processing; DSP board; DSP algorithms; KHOROS; Cantata; Glyph
KHOROS Package, developed by Khoral Research Inc., is a powerful software development system for digital and image processing, offering an extensive library of signal processing routines, an advanced and flexible graphical user interface and support for distributed computing environments. In this paper we focus on the implementation of a client-server-type of digital signal processing system using the KHOROS package and two or more DSP-based boards. We emphasize the techniques and tools used for implementing some DSP algorithms directly on the DSP board and the communication between the DSP board and KHOROS. Also, the client-server approach of a distributed digital signal processing application along with the obtained results will be described in this paper.
[Conf 1]Performant Multifunction I/O Board for the IBM PC AT
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Guzun, Iurie; Guzun, Viaceslav
In: Proceedings of the 1-st International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science, ICMCS 1997
Volume 1
Publisher: University of Chisinau
Chisinau, Rep. Moldova, 30-31 Oct. 1997
Pages: 167 - 171, ISBN 9975-910-25-4
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Data acquisition; Multifunction I/O board; Test and measurement; IBM PC AT
Whether in a rack-mount, industrial, or desk-top format, current PCs are high-performance computers that can handle the most demanding data acquisition and control applications. Plug-in data acquisition boards and instrument interfaces are available for all the popular platforms - PC/XT/AT, PS/2, Macintosh, and more. As a result of the popularity of PCs and their evolution into powerful, cost-effective computing platfonns, more PCs are being used in test and measurement applications. In addition, general-purpose workstations with powerful software tools have become popular instrument controllers. In this context, our goal was to implement a plug-in board for test and measurement applications. This paper presents the Performant Multifunction I/O Board Aquarius-DSP1 for the IBM PC AT.
Publications: Application Notes (4)
[AppN 4]Simple Real-time Sonar with the DSP56824
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Muntean, Lucian; Brosteanu, Daniel
Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Application Note
Issue AN2086/D
Publisher: Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
USA, Jun. 2001
Pages: 28
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
SONAR; Real-time; DSP algorithms; Ultrasound; DSP56824
The focus of this paper is on the techniques of analysis and implementation of a simple real-time SONAR system with a DSP56824-based board connected to a host computer. SONAR system's general architecture and its principles of functioning are further presented. Specific digital signal processing algorithms developed for the ultrasound frequencies are described in detail, along with their implementation using the DSP56824 processor. Finally, a particular application developed with the proposed SONAR system is presented as a case study. Some prospects and future work related to this subject are also mentioned as conclusion.
[AppN 3]Integrating the DSP563xx in Distributed Computing Environments
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Trifu, Mircea; Trifu, Adrian
Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Application Note
Issue AN2088
Publisher: Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
USA, Mar. 2001
Pages: 40
Indexed: IEEE Xplore (Application Notes), IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
Distributed DSP; Digital data acquisition and processing; Multiple signal sources
Distributed digital signal processing is the most suitable solution for many real-life applications involving digital data acquisition and processing from multiple signal sources scattered over large areas. The advantages of distributed computing over single-processor or other multi-processor architectures include high computing power at a low cost, flexibility, and scalability. Several ways to implement distributed digital signal processing exist, each with certain strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the optimum implementation for a particular application is often difficult, depending largely on the requirements of the application. This paper proposes a hardware and software structure for distributed digital signal processing which offers flexibility and scalability for many real-life applications.
[AppN 2]Interfacing a Data Acquisition System to the DSP56303
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Chiciudean, Dan
Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Application Note
Issue AN2087/D
Publisher: Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
USA, Dec. 2000
Pages: 28
Indexed: IEEE Xplore (Application Notes), IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
DAQ system; DSP system; Hardware and software interface; DSP56303
This paper discusses the hardware and software aspects of interfacing a data acquisition system (DAQ) to the DSP56303 digital signal processor. Included are descriptions of a generic DAQ system, a particular DAQ system connected to the DSP56303, and a case study of this sytem that emulates the function of a digital oscilloscope.
[AppN 1]ECP Standard Parallel Interface for DSP56300 Devices
Author(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Chiciudean, Dan; Muntean, Lucian
Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Application Note
Issue AN2085/D
Publisher: Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
USA, Nov. 2000
Pages: 26
Indexed: IEEE Xplore (Application Notes), IEEE
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Full paper
DSP-based systems; Parallel data communication protocol; ECP standard; PC interface
The data communication between the DSP and a host computer is one of the important issues in designing DSP-based systems directly connected to PCs which are commonly used as process controllers or as interactive user interfaces. This application note proposes the implementation of a high-performance, yet relatively simple, parallel data communication protocol for a DSP connected to a PC. This document focuses on the implementation of the Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) parallel communication standard on the DSP56300 family processors. Specific ECP communication protocols are described along with the characteristic hardware and software implementation details, both on the DSP and on the PC side. The performance evaluation routines designed for the ECP data link are also presented, along with the corresponding results and conclusions.