5 | Supervized PhD Theses in total |
3 | Patents for Invention and Industrial IP in total |
50 | R&D Projects in total: |
4 | International R&D Grants |
27 | National R&D Grants |
11 | R&D Contracts |
7 | Partnership Programs |
1 | Development Projects |
21 | Projects as Project Director |
8 | Projects as Partner project manager or Research theme manager |
+1.8 Mil EUR | Total value executed as project director or manager |
2020 - pres: | Member, National Council for Validation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania, Specialty Board no. 15 - Computers, Information Technology and System Engineering [Number of evaluations of PhD and Habilitation Theses: 67] |
2015 - pres: | Qualification of PhD Supervisor, Computers and Information Technology, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania [Order of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Romania, no. 3216/18.02.2015] |
2008 - pres: | Expert Evaluator and Rapporteur, National Council for Academic Research (CNCSIS-UEFISCSU-UEFISCDI), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania [Number of evaluations of R&D grant proposals: 21 | UEFISCDI Diploma for PED2019] |
1999 - 2006: | Initiator and Executive Director, Motorola DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara (DALT), Computer and Software Engineering Department, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania |
1995 - pres: | Initiator and Coordinator, Digital Signal Processing Labs Timisoara (DSPLabs), Computer and Software Engineering Department, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania |
2015, Dec: | Award for the Habilitation Degree, UEFISCDI, Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Bucharest, Romania |
2006, Dec: | Eminent Young Researcher of Timisoara Prize and Medal, National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania |
2006, Dec: | Eminent Researcher Prize, Orizonturi Universitare Association, Timisoara, Romania |
2006, Apr: | Best Doctoral Thesis of the Year 2004 Prize, Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Timisoara Branch, Romania |
2005, Feb: | Cum Laude Distinction, Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania, Order No. 3184/07.02.2005, title of the PhD. Thesis: "Design and Implementation of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing" |
1995, Jun: | Special Award of the Jury, Scientific Student Communication Session, Computer and Software Engineering Department, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, title of the project: "A Client-Server Approach of a Library Database Management in UNIX" |
[PhDT 5] | Multi-Recommender Framework to Aid Identifying and Addressing Research Themes Using Bibliographic Metadata and AI |
PhDT | Author: Curiac, Christian Daniel Publisher: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Distinction: Excelent (Magna Cum Laude) Year: 2024 |
[+] Keywords | Public presentation announcement | Thesis Summary (EN) | Thesis Summary (RO) | Event picture 1 | Event picture 2 Recommender system; Bibliographic metadata; AI techniques; Research gap; Research theme; Research trend prediction; Knowledge transfer; Research team formation |
[PhDT 4] | Static Constructs: Evolution and Impact on Software Quality Aspects |
![]() | Author: Marsavina, Cosmin Publisher: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Distinction: Foarte Bine (Cum Laude) Year: 2022 |
[+] Keywords | Public presentation announcement | Thesis Summary (EN) | Thesis Summary (RO) Complex software; Software quality assessment; Software evolution; Testability; Static structure |
[PhDT 3] | Metode de planificare timp real pentru sisteme distribuite cu niveluri mixte de criticalitate (Scheduling methods for mixed criticality real-time distributed systems) |
PhDT | Author: Capota, Eugenia Ana Publisher: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Distinction: Foarte Bine (Cum Laude) Year: 2021 |
[+] Keywords | Public presentation announcement | Thesis Summary (EN) | Thesis Summary (RO) Real-time system; Distributed system; Mixed-criticality system; Scheduling algorithm |
[PhDT 2] | Evaluarea starii de degradare a bateriilor reincarcabile in sisteme alimentate cu baterii (Rechargeable Batteries State of Health Assessment for Battery Powered Embedded Systems) |
![]() | Author: Ungurean, Lucian Publisher: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Distinction: Excelent (Magna Cum Laude) Year: 2021 |
[+] Keywords | Public presentation announcement | Thesis Summary (EN) | Thesis Summary (RO) Battery state of health (SOH); Battery management system (BMS); Recurrent neural networks (RNN) |
[PhDT 1] | Maximizarea eficientei de gestionare a bateriilor reincarcabile in aplicatii critice de stocare de energie (Maximizing the Management Efficiency of Rechargeable Batteries in Critical Energy Storage Applications) |
![]() | Author: Carstoiu, Gabriel Nicolae Publisher: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Distinction: Excelent (Magna Cum Laude) Year: 2021 |
[+] Keywords | Public presentation announcement | Thesis Summary (EN) | Thesis Summary (RO) Battery; State of health (SOH); Wear leveling; Large scale battery pack; Reconfigurable battery management system (BMS) |
[Ptnt 3] | System and Method for Orientation and Relative Localization of Autonomous Subsystems |
![]() | Inventor(s): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stancovici, Andrei; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan Type: Patent for invention (Brevet de inventie) Publication Number: RO 129802 B1 Publication Date: 29.07.2022 Application Number: RO 129802 A0 Filing Date: 30.09.2014 International Patent Classification (IPC): G01S 5/18; G01S-013/02; G05D-001/02; H04W-004/04 Granting Organization: Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci (OSIM), Bucharest, Romania IP Owner: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Romania Indexed: Derwent Innovations Index, Thomson Reuters (Derwent: 2014-S44619) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Patent specification page | EPO patent bibliographic data Derwent Class Code(s): T06 (Process and Machine Control); W01 (Telephone and Data Transmission Systems); W06 (Aviation, Marine and Radar Systems) NOVELTY - The invention relates to a system and a method for orientation and relative localization of autonomous subsystems as related to a common reference system. According to the invention, the system consists of a set of autonomous subsystems, each of which are provided with an orientation and localization hardware device, and communicating by electromagnetic and mechanical waves, and a central node having the role of summarizing the coordinates, which can be a steady equipment or a preset system. The method, as claimed by the invention, comprises a first stage of subsystem localization based on mobility prediction, a second stage of localization by distributed processing and cooperation with the proximal subsystems and a third stage of coordinate summarizing and subsystem mobility management with a view to maintaining the localization accuracy coefficient at high values. |
[Ptnt 2] | Metoda pentru detectarea cadrelor cu continut compatibil 3D (Method for detecting frames with 3D compatible content) |
![]() | Inventor(s): Brick, Cormac; Cosma, Andrei Claudiu; Diaconescu, Demis; Micea, Mihai Victor; Muresan, Valentin; Olar, Cristian Gavril Type: Patent for invention (Brevet de inventie) Publication Number: RO 127932 B1 Publication Date: 30.12.2014 Application Number: a 2012 00376 Filing Date: 29.05.2012 International Patent Classification (IPC): H04N-013/00; G06T-015/00 Granting Organization: Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci (OSIM), Bucharest, Romania IP Owner: Movidius SRL, Timisoara, Romania Indexed: Derwent Innovations Index, Thomson Reuters (Derwent: 2012-Q05565) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Patent specification page | EPO patent bibliographic data Derwent Class Code(s): T01 (Digital Computers); W02 (Broadcasting, Radio and Line Transmission Systems); W03 (TV and Broadcast Radio Receivers). Derwent Manual Code(s): T01-J10C4; W02-F03B; W03-A12A. NOVELTY - The invention relates to a method and a system for analyzing video frames with a view to improving the stereographic image and the video processing mostly used in television and 3D devices. According to the invention, the method consists in applying a filter for detecting input frames, the relevant part of the edge values is used for determining some projections of images on the requested image surfaces, then multiple checkings are performed, each contributing to analyzing the similarity between the processed frames and the characteristics of the frames compatible to some Adjacent 3D frames (SBS) or Overlapped 3D frames (TAB), the checkings consisting in comparing with some specific parameters based on learning from processing an ample range of video frames. The system claimed by the invention consists of a frame receiving circuit (1) functionally connected through a bus to a memory unit (2) meant to store video frames, a memory unit (3) for storing the data processing and a central processing unit (4). |
[Ptnt 1] | Method for detecting frame compatible three-dimensional (3D) content in video stream of TV, involves processing projection series, and processing final comparisons such that viewable images are displayed |
Ptnt | Inventor(s): Brick, Cormac; Cosma, Andrei Claudiu; Diaconescu, Demis; Micea, Mihai Victor; Muresan, Valentin; Olar, Cristian Gavril Type: Patent pending for invention Application Number: WO 2013180590 A1 Filing Date: 05.12.2013 International Patent Classification (IPC): H04N-013/00 Granting Organization: World International Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland IP Owner: Movidius SRL, Timisoara, Romania Indexed: Derwent Innovations Index, Thomson Reuters (Derwent: 2013-W65426) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract Derwent Class Code(s): T01 (Digital Computers); W02 (Broadcasting, Radio and Line Transmission Systems); W03 (TV and Broadcast Radio Receivers); W04 (Audio/Video Recording and Systems). Derwent Manual Code(s): T01-J10B2; W02-F03B; W03-A12A; W04-Q01E. NOVELTY - The method involves storing (2) received frames in a frame memory. The data is stored (3) in a processing data memory. The edge image processing is executed (5) by a central processing unit. The projection series is processed (6). The final comparisons are processed (7), such that the viewable images are displayed. USE - Method for detecting frame compatible three-dimensional (3D) content in video stream of TV and 3D device. ADVANTAGE - The improved display of video frame can be enhanced. The fault decisions can be filtered effectively. The processing time and memory consumption of the compatible 3D content frame system are reduced effectively. The possibility of misleading lines and columns from around the frame border can be avoided effectively. |
[IntG 4] | RoNaQCI: Romanian National Quantum Communication Infrastructure |
![]() | Team: Carabas, Mihai; Popescu, George Pantelimon (Director); Udrescu-Milosav, Mihai (UPT Partner project manager); Micea, Mihai Victor; Marcu, Marius; Chirila, Ciprian; Stangaciu, Valentin; Opritoiu, Flavius; Ardelean, Sebastian Mihai; Grecu, Daniela; Popescu, Marinela Type: R&D Grant, EU Secure Quantum Communication Infrastructure, DIGITAL - Digital Europe Programme Partner List: Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (Co-ordinator); Agentia de Administrare a Retelei Nationale de Informatica pentru Educatie si Cercetare - RoEduNet; Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi - TUIASI; Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi - UAIC; Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara - UPT; Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara - UVT; Universitatea Babes Bolyai - UBB; Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca - UTCN; Universitatea din Bucuresti - UBC; Universitatea din Craiova - UCV; Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati - UGAL; Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu - ULBS; Universitatea Maritima din Constanta - CMU; Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara -Horia Hulubei - IFIN-HH; Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor Plasmei si Radiatiei - INFLPR; Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Izotopice si Moleculare Cluj-Napoca - INCDTIM; Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor - INCDFM; Trencadis Corp SRL - TRC; Intergraph Computer Services SRL - ICS; Trans Sped SA - TSP; Agentia Spatiala Romana - ROSA; Institutul pentru Tehnologii Avansate - ITA; Ministerul Apararii Nationale - MAPN; Institutul de Stiinte Spatiale - ISS Code: DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01 Total Duration: 2023 - 2025 (30 months) Funding Organization: DIGITAL - Digital Europe Programme, European Union Contract: 101091562/08.12.2022 Total value: 10 Mil. EUR Value, UPT Partner: 143455 EUR |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Project image - national map | Project image - Timisoara map Quantum communication technology; Network monitoring; Quantum key distribution; Quantum random number generation; Security certificates; Virtual private network; Secure shell protocol RoNaQCI proposes the deployment of a 1500km+ QCI network including 6 metropolitan networks in the cities of Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Craiova and Constanta, with 36 QKD links spanning Romania and connecting 10 universities, 5 research institutes, 5 public bodies, 3 data centers and a medical clinic, and with future links planned for quantum Internet interconnecting with neighbors. The project will be implemented by a consortium lead by UPB, the largest technical university in Romania and with key infrastructure support from RoEduNet who manages the 6000km+ Romanian network for education and research. The consortium benefits from multi-disciplinary expertise of 30 partners: 12 universities, 7 research institutes, 3 national agencies, 3 companies and 5 relevant stakeholders. It includes both Romanian participants to QuantERA and 10/14 partners from all Romanian quantum communication projects (QUTECH-RO, QSTRAT, QUANTEC). RoNaQCI will provide both upskilling and technology testbeds, establishing a national network of quantum communication technology (QCT) hubs. Through them, RoNaQCI will produce a national QCT training and education standard. This includes the development of a standard QCT certification and organizing workshops and training sessions to deliver a large number of trained users in academia, public bodies and industry including internet service providers. RoNaQCI will develop and contribute to open source software for QCI monitoring and exploitation including security certificates, VPN and SSH. RoNaQCI software will be used for QCI testing, for 15 metropolitan advanced use cases on medical, financial and big data, public administration, research and special communication and for 2 national use cases on education and special communication. RoNaQCI is developed in partnership with national institutions such as the Romanian Naval Authority, the National Ministry of Education and the National Ministry of Defense. |
[IntG 3] | MobileAssistant: Cross border academic development of an image-based recommendation system for regional educational purposes |
IntG | Team: Hajdu, Andras (Director); Marcu, Marius (UPT Partner project manager); Gui, Vasile; Popa, Mircea; Micea, Mihai Victor; Amaricai-Boncalo, Alexandru; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Chiciudean, Dan; Ciuleanu, Mihaela; Cuc, Dan Mihai; Martin, Sillvia Stefania; Sirbu, Andrei Raoul; Isbiceanu, Cornel Paul; Papp, Georgia Carina; Raut, Robert Cristian Type: HU-RO Cross-Border Grant Partner List: University of Debrecen, Hungary (Co-ordinator); Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) Code: HURO-1001-283-2.3.1 Total Duration: 2012 (12 months) Funding Organization: EU - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Budapest, Hungary Total value: 184460 EUR Value, UPT Partner: 89202 EUR |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Project website Image-based recommendation systems; Mobile technologies; Augmented reality; Image processing; Data mining; Education; Cross-border co-operation The project aims to strengthen the education process of both universities (Univ. Debrecen and Politehnica Univ. Timisoara) by an extensive exchange of know-how in the field of mobile technologies and augmented reality. The outcome of the project is expected to be a software based on image processing and data mining techniques, which can be used for education in several ways. This partnership includes both joint research and bilateral educational work: the first augmented reality enviroment will be developed in the border region, using the expertise of both universities and involving students into the development of the system. The participating students have the opportunity to learn to work in groups using state-of-the-art development tools. By taking shared seminars, the students can also benefit from the knowledge gained from the other side's experts. The developed system can also be beneficial for several institutions of both sides (arts, natural sciences, architecture, etc.). |
[IntG 2] | FALX DACIAE: Unelte si Procese de Dezvoltare SW pentru Aplicatii Multimedia Avansate pe Arhitecturi Multi-Core pentru Telefoane Mobile (FALX DACIAE: SW Development Tools and Processes for Advanced Multimedia Applications on Mobile Phone Multi-Core Architectures) |
![]() | Team: Muresan, Valentin (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (UPT Partner project manager); Amaricai-Boncalo, Alexandru; Amaricai-Boncalo, Oana; Guran, Gheorghe; Tanase, Andrei; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina; Tite, Teodor; Ivascu, Ancuta Maria; Vig, Adelina; Dura, Alexandru; Diaconescu, Demis; Miclea, Florian; Ruset, Dorina; Micea, Claudia; Jebelean, Lidia; Mondoc, Alina; Atanasescu, Alina; Cretu, Vladimir; Vladutiu, Mircea; Ciocarlie, Horia; Todinca, Doru; Prodan, Lucian; Udrescu Milosav, Mihai Type: European Structural Funding R&D Grant, type POSCCE Partner List: Movidius SRL. Timisoara (Co-ordinator); Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) Code: POSCCE-499-11844 Total Duration: 2010 - 2012 (24 months) Funding Organization: EU - Structural Instruments, ANCS - The Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 133/04.06.2010 Total value: 2126766 RON (~ 506400 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 1143416 RON (~ 272300 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Project overview | Project website Software development tools; Software development processes; Advanced multimedia applications; Mobile phones; Multi-core architectures The field of mobile devices and applications is currently of key interest for the scientific and industrial communities in the world. In this field, Movidius Ltd. Ireland and its branch in Timisoara have been developing a state-of-the-art multi-core processing platform for advanced multimedia applications. For instance, this architecture is able to perform complex real-time image and video processing. This project aims to study and implement the necessary software development processes and tools, to cover and optimize all the layers involved in the production of advanced multimedia applications for mobile devices, from design to operation and testing. |
[IntG 1] | ICT-eMuCo: Embedded Multi-Core Processing for Mobile Communicating Systems |
![]() | Team: Bilgic, Attila (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (UPT Partner project manager); Ciocarlie, Horia; Marcu, Marius; Micea, Mihai Victor; Jebelean, Calin; Tudor, Dacian; Macariu, Georgiana; et al. Type: STREP R&D Grant, EU 7th Framework Programme Partner List: Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany (Co-ordinator); Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania (UPT); GWT-TUD GmbH, Germany; University of York, United Kingdom; Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany; Telelogic AB, Sweden; Infineon Technologies AG, Germany; ARM Limited, United Kingdom Code: FP7-ICT-216378 Total Duration: 2008 - 2010 (24 months) Funding Organization: CORDIS, European Union Contract: 216378/01.02.2008 Total value: 4.58 Mil. EUR Value, UPT Partner: 147000 EUR |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Project poster | Project website Electronics; Microelectronics; Information processing; Information systems; Telecommunications ICT-eMuCo addresses the platform architecture of future mobile devices. This comprises the relevant controller elements as well as the operating system and application layers. It is expected that the computational performance needed by these devices will grow exponentially due to the growing number of features implemented and the advances in the wireless communication standards. The fast growing number of applications and the resulting diversification requires a co-existence of open and protected environments. It is therefore proposed to choose a multi-core architecture to get the best ratio of performance and power consumption while maintaining a high flexibility and scalability in the system through variations in number of cores, cache sizes, clock speeds etc. Existing multi-cores are taken as a starting point for the controller architecture. The actual implementation of e. g. the cache and memory system will be optimised to the specific needs as well as the extension by hardware accelerators for dedicated tasks. Virtualisation technology will be employed to abstract the applications including potential legacy operating systems from the hardware architecture. This provides the means to separate real-time from non-real-time and secure from open domains. To account for the embedded nature of mobile devices and its limitations in performance and power consumption the virtualisation functionalities are supported by hardware where appropriate. The awareness for the existence of multi-cores must also arise at the programmer's level. This is taken care of by a modeldriven code generation technology based on SDL for typical communications protocol tasks and UML for the application development and modelling. |
[NatG 27] | CloudPUTing: Platforma Cloud de inalta performanta la Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara (CloudPUTing: High-performance Cloud Platform at the Politehnica University of Timisoara) |
![]() | Team: Dragan, Florin; Marcu, Marius (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (Implementation manager); Popa, Mircea; Cretu, Vladimir; Cioarga, Adriana Ramona; Cioarga, Razvan; Pescaru, Dan; Cernazanu-Glavan, Cosmin; Chirila, Ciprian; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina; Fuicu, Sebastian; Amaricai-Boncalo, Alexandru; Nimara, Sergiu; Bogdan, Razvan; Iercan, Daniel; Ciuleanu, Mihaela; Jurchescu, Ana; Adamescu, Nicolina Type: R&D Grant, POC National Program (Competitivity Operational Program) Code: POC-398-1-1-123466 Total Duration: 2020 - 2022 (24 months) Funding Organization: AM-POC, Romanian Ministry of Investitions and European Projects, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 237/21.04.2020 Total value: 4051241 RON (~ 826784 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 3.832.506 RON (~ 782144 EUR) |
[+] Abstract | Project small poster | Project large poster The CloudPUTing project, High Performance Cloud Platform at Politehnica University of Timisoara, has as main result the creation of a heterogeneous HPC cloud node dedicated to research projects. The aim of the project is to increase the research and innovation capacity of UPT by creating an energy efficient, private cloud based on open technologies, attached to national and international networks of research cloud infrastructures, with applicability in collection, storage, analysis, distribution and the protection of the heterogeneous data masses, produced within the research and innovation initiatives carried out in the western region of Romania. The main and direct target group of the project consists of all UPT researchers and PhD students, regardless of the research field in which they operate, who can benefit from the services provided by tools specific to the CTI field, provided in the form of centralized computing services, storage and productivity. The project has an implementation duration of 2 years, benefiting from an initial budget of 4,051,241 LEI, of which 3,832,506 LEI are non-reimbursable funds financed by the program POC / 398/1/1: Development of networks of R&D centers, coordinated at national level and connected to European and international networks and ensuring researchers' access to European and international scientific publications and databases. |
[NatG 26] | TEEFIOS: Sistem cadru pentru inter-operare eficienta energetic si de timp-real a dispozitivelor cu inteligenta incorporata (TEEFIOS: Time and Energy Efficient Framework for Inter-Operation of Smart devices) |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Pescaru, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina; Ungurean, Lucian; Micea, Claudia; Tirnovan, Adriana Ramona Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Human Resource Program - Young Research Teams (TE) Code: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0731 Total Duration: 2015 - 2017 (24 months) Funding Organization: UEFISCDI, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 63/01.10.2015 Total value: 548850 RON (~123337 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | TEEFIOS specifications | Project website Real-time systems; Energy efficiency; Sensors and smart devices; Wireless communication; Ad-hoc networks Wireless networks of sensors and smart devices (WSN) are an extremely interesting topic, at the confluence of engineering fields with enormous impact on worldwide society: digital networks, wireless communications, and miniature embedded digital devices. Aware of the severe requirements and challenges raised by current applications in this area, we propose a new paradigm - Time and Energy Efficiency (T: or TEE). The goal of the project is to develop an integrated real-time and energy efficient inter-operation framework for networks of smart sensors and devices - TEEFIOS. The main proposed objectives focus on three distinct layers: (a) T:Node, a hardware-software environment and methodology for designing and assessing real-time behavior and efficient energy consumption of embedded devices, (b) T:YNet, a system for the development and analysis of TEE communication in wireless ad-hoc networks, and (c) T:PIlot, a methodology for the power management of the entire network. An integrated set of tools, benchmarks and databases will also be created to help advanced developers and researchers in the WSN area apply the TEE paradigm to applications with high impact. All the results will be validated using real-life case studies. Existing resources include a postdoc and PhD students with direct interest in these fields, balanced by senior researchers with high expertise and international visibility, all supported by a well equipped environment - the DSPLabs. |
[NatG 25] | FILOLET: Sistem novativ de monitorizare a calitatii energiei electrice bazat pe transformarea wavelet in vederea cresterii eficientei energetice a consumatorilor industriali (FILOLET: Wavelet Innovative Power Quality Monitoring System with Respect to Industrial Consumers Power Efficiency Increase) |
NatG | Team: Filote, Constantin (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (UPT Partner project manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Stratulat, Mircea; Micea, Claudia; Miclea, Florian; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Chiciudean, Dan; Stanescu, Daniela; Stratulat, Bogdan; Stratulat, Iulia; et al. Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Program 4 - Partnerships Partner List: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Co-ordinator); Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi; Technosoft International SRL. Iasi; Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT); Institute of Electrotechnics Research SA. Bucharest Code: PDP-4339 Total Duration: 2008 - 2011 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNMP, Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 22-137/01.10.2008 Total value: 2191000 RON (~ 595000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 250000 RON (~ 68000 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract Wavelet Transform; Power quality; Monitoring systems; Power efficiency; Industrial consumers Power systems are facing major challenges nowadays. Power electronics technologies and microprocessor control systems improved the performances of the equipment that uses them. Their features generate a double dependency: on one hand, the new installations became highly sensitive to power supply quality and on the other hand, their functioning principle determines the change of this quality. The research in the field of numerical algorithms development and implementation for power quality (CEE) and the disturbance decrease/limitation becomes more attractive and many producers integrate the monitoring functions in their products. A CEE monitoring system must possess two qualities: real time measurement of the disturbed network power parameters and calculation of quality indices and power components according to the suitable definitions. It is a fact that the Fourier technique is used to define a large number of power components (Standard IEEE 1459-2000). The representation given by the Fourier technique in non-sinusoidal and non-linear environments is not sufficient. The wavelet transform can solve the loss of time information problem. Recently, the wavelet transform is used to define power components and quality indices in time-frequency domain and to spot network deviations. The general objective of the project consists in the improvement of technological competence and the promotion of power information and technologies transfer using long-lasting power technologies and systems in reference to the improvement of power conversion equipment and systems competitivity. The derived objectives: 1. Increase the CDI sector capacity regarding the knowledge sustaining of society and economy; 2. Increase the technological competence and the promotion of power information and technologies transfer taking into account quality and power supply criteria and durable development principle; 3. Design environment friendly products, systems and technologies; 4. Initiate a STREP proposal to participate in Program Frame 7 and/or other research European and international programs. The projest is achieved by a group of CNCSIS approved research centres, universities (Suceava, Iasi, Timisoara), a reserch institute (ICPE SA) and an IMM economic agent (S.C. Technosoft International SRL). All parteners are doing research work in power quality, power efficiency increase and focus on industrial consumers power loss reduction. The dissemination of the project results consists of: (1) an EPO patent proposal, (2) publish at least 3/8 papers in ISI journals / journals indexed in international databases , (3) participate in international conferences and symposiums with at least 10 papers, (4) create a monography and mention the contribution of research parteners in CEE monitoring systems, (5) initiate a PC7 participation proposal regarding the CEE and power converters improvement. We intend to encourage and actively involve the doctoral students in the project activities since at least 30% of the project participants and beneficiaries are under 35 years old. The theoretical concepts that we proposed in the project have been presented in papers that are published or accepted to be published in ISI and BDI indexed journals. Our proposal fits in Research Direction 2: Energy, 2.1. Durable power systems and technologies; power security, 2.1.3. Power efficiency increase in the whole power distribution system with special attention payed to power loss reduction in public and residential buildings and industrial consumers. We consider the project theme to be of great novelty and in accordance with the international trends and also able to stimulate the CEE activity in our country. |
[NatG 24] | MERLIN: Platforma IT de Modelare, Simulare, Planificare si Optimizare a Productiei Automatizate in Industria Semiconductorilor (MERLIN: IT Platform for Modeling, Simulation, Scheduling and Automatic Production Optimization in Semiconductor Industry) |
NatG | Team: Maniu, Laurentiu (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (UPT Partner project manager); Micea, Mihai Victor; et al. Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Program 5 - Innovation Partner List: Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) Code: PDP-1262 Total Duration: 2008 - 2011 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNMP, Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 198/12.09.2008 Total value: 2546000 RON (~ 710000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 152782 RON (~ 42500 EUR) |
Project website |
[NatG 23] | MELISSEVS: Dezvoltarea si analiza unui model integrat de reprezentare a sistemelor colaborative robotice si de senzori inteligenti in aplicatii de explorare-supraveghere de mediu (MELISSEVS: Development and Analysis of an Integrated Model for Representation of Collaborative Robotic and Intelligent Sensor Systems in Environment Exploration and Supervision Applications) |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Stratulat, Bogdan Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Program 3 - Ideas Code: ID-22 Total Duration: 2007 - 2010 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 58/01.10.2007 Total value: 731000 RON (~ 225000 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | MELISSEVS specifications | Project website Collaborative robotic systems; Intelligent sensor networks; Collaborative behavior patterns; Formal methods and mathematical modeling; Environmental quality and security The project approaches a multi-disciplinary thematic area, covering high-priority fields of fundamental and applicative research: environment quality and security, collaborative robotic environments, intelligent sensor networks, emergent behavior, mathematical modeling and formalization. The goal of the project is the development and analysis of an integrated model for representation of collaborative robotic and intelligent sensor systems, MELISSEVS, for the implementation of environment exploration and supervision applications with direct impact on the modern information-based society, the introduction of high-end technologies in the industry and in every-day life, as well as for the protection of the environment. The main objectives of the project focus on the study and implementation of the following aspects: the definition, integration and validation of a coherent set of models for the formalization of collaborative behavior patterns, on the infrastructure, the provided services and the interactions within robotic collective and intelligent sensor systems, as well as on the evaluation of the entire modeling system in the context of a set of applications for exploration, supervision and operation in various types of environments. The project resources include a research team with rich theoretical and practical experience in the field (2 PhD. staff and 3 PhD. students), as well as an inter-disciplinary research and development network, RTE-DSP, composed of 4 well-equipped laboratories. The project results will consist of the integrated modeling system MELISSEVS to provide an ideal framework for the development and analysis of complex applications involving collaborative-type distributed intelligence, perception and operation, as well as of a number of complete methodologies, studies and applications in the field, the successful finalization of the PhD. program for 3 team members, and an important number of highest-level scientific publications. |
[NatG 22] | SICRAMAS: Sistem inteligent de conducere neliniara robust-adaptiva dupa fluxul rotoric a actionarilor cu motoare asincrone (SICRAMAS: Intelligent System for Non-Linear, Robust-Adaptive, Rotoric Flow Based Control of Asynchronous Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Filote, Constantin (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (UPT Partner project manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Stratulat, Mircea; Micea, Claudia; Miclea, Florian; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Chiciudean, Dan; Stanescu, Daniela; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; et al. Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Program 4 - Partnerships Partner List: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Co-ordinator); Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi; Institute of Electrotechnics Research SA. Bucharest; Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) Code: PDP-2306 Total Duration: 2007 - 2010 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNMP, Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 71-065/18.09.2007 Total value: 2140000 RON (~ 641000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 260000 RON (~ 78000 EUR) |
[+] Keywords Non-linear control; Robust-adaptive control; Rotoric Flow-based control; Asynchronous electrical machines |
[NatG 21] | GENEX: Optimizarea functionarii hidrogeneratoarelor electrice prin modernizarea sistemelor de excitatie in vederea cresterii eficientei energetice si competitivitatii lor (GENEX: Optimization of Electric Hydrogenerator Operation, Based on the Update of the Excitation Systems, to Increase Their Energy Efficiency and Competitivity) |
NatG | Team: Nedelcut, Dorel; Pistol, Petre (Director); Biriescu, Marius (UPT Partner project manager); Prostean, Octavian; Filip, Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Vasar, Cristian; Szeidert, Iosif; Ungureanu, Dan; et al. Type: R&D Grant, National Research, Development and Innovation Plan II (PNCDI II), Program 4 - Partnerships Partner List: National Institute of Electrotechnics Research, Development and Testing, ICMET Craiova (Co-ordinator); Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT); Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch; University of Craiova Code: PDP-1412 Total Duration: 2007 - 2010 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNMP, Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 21-040/14.09.2007 Total value: 1441000 RON (~ 400000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 450000 RON (~ 125000 EUR) |
Project website |
[NatG 20] | OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat (OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control) |
![]() | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (Research theme manager); Stratulat, Mircea; Popa, Mircea; Holotescu, Carmen; Marcu, Marius; Todinca, Doru; Stanescu, Daniela; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Tomescu, Victor; Zilahi, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu; Patcas, Lucian; Fagadar, Mihai; Hentiu, Ioan; Bocan, Valer; Husz, Zsolt Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-717 Total Duration: 2005 - 2007 (36 months) Research Theme: 9/2007 Research Theme Title: Dezvoltarea aplicatiilor critice de achizitie de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat, pe baza sistemului timp-real OPEN-HARTS Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: GR76/23.05.2007 Total value: 22105 RON (~ 6700 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | OPEN-HARTS overview | Project website Real-time; Embedded systems; Data acquisition; Digital signal processing; Critical applications; OPEN-HARTS system The project approaches a topic area of high priority within the information technology domain: the modeling, design and implementation of embedded hardware/software systems to correspond to their designed functional and temporal specifications (i.e., to guarantee the hard real-time deadlines). The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a homogenous methodology, OPEN-HARTS, for real-time and critical application development, analysis and operation, in digital data acquisition, processing and embedded control. The tasks of the project focus on studying and implementing the following aspects: development of a uniform set of models for time, signals and realtime tasks; studies of the scheduling techniques and implementation of a suitable algorithm, able to treat the realistic cases of embedded applications; design of an integrated visual environment (INVERTA) for real-time program development and analysis, and implementation of a compact real-time kernel (HARETICK) for embedded platforms. The project resources are based on a set of modern laboratories with suitable computing, testing and measurement equipment, as well as on a highly experienced research team - faculty staff and doctoral, master's and graduating students. An important component of the project research activity is the collaboration with two major companies in the field, Motorola and Alcatel, involving state of the art technology, and applications and publications to be developed. The project deliverables include the OPEN-HARTS system (methodology) with its two components (INVERTA and HARETICK), an important number of doctoral, master's and diploma theses to be finalized and presented, and publication of technical reports, scientific papers, application notes, books and didactic materials. |
[NatG 19] | iSMART-flow: Integrarea Tehnologiilor Magneto-Reologice Speciale si al Controlului Avansat al Curgerii in Aplicatii Industriale (iSMART-flow: Integration of Special Magneto-Rheological Technologies and of Advanced Flow Control in Industrial Applications) |
![]() | Team: Muntean, Sebastian (Director); Susan-Resiga, Romeo (UPT Partner project manager); Cretu, Vladimir; Anton, Liviu Eugen; Baya, Alexandru; Cioara, Titus; Micea, Mihai Victor; Milos, Teodor; Crainic, Nicolae; Belgiu, George; Lita, Marin; Han, Adelina; Dinu, Florea; Balint, Daniel; Stuparu, Adrian; Badarau, Rodica; Sucitu, Iuliana; Chiciudean, Dan; Tocarciuc, Alexandru; Caplescu, Cristina; Tirdea, Amalia; Simoiu, Dorin; Nicolae, Ionel Valentin; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Marinica, Oana; Giula, George; Balanean, Florica; Potorac, Ioan; Todiruta, Mariana; Frunza, Teodora; Tanasa, Constantin; Catalin, Negrescu; Hasmatuchi, Vlad;i Alexandroni, Andre; Filip, Stefan; Bosioc, Alin; Pobega, Pavel; Ignea, Petre; Dubta, Ioan; et al. Type: R&D Grant of Excellence, MATNANTECH Program Partner List: Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch (Co-ordinator); Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT); West University Timisoara; Eftimie Murgu University Resita Code: CEEX-M1-C2-1185 Total Duration: 2006 - 2008 (26 months) Funding Organization: UEFISCSU, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: C64/10.08.2006 Total value: 1560000 RON (~ 450000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 1197400 RON (~ 342200 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Project poster | Project website Special magneto-rheological technologies; Advanced flow contro; Technology integration; Industrial applications In an effort to improve the operating efficiency and performance, the modern turbo-machines and various systems with engineering fluids are pushing the limits of the flowing field closer and even beyond severe self-inducted instability. A classic example can be found in the case of hydraulic turbines, which frequently imply unexpected and possibly destructive secondary effects into the suction tube when repairing the rotors. Furthermore, even in the case of older hydraulic turbines, the unbalanced energy market of today frequently requires their operation at partial loads. As a result, the |
[NatG 18] | CORE-TX: Sisteme timp-real incorporate in aplicatii complexe de perceptie artificiala distribuita, medii colaborative robotizate si retele de senzori inteligenti (CORE-TX: Real-Time Systems Embedded in Complex Applications of Distributed Artificial Perception, Collaborative Robotic Environments and Intelligent Sensor Networks) |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Sora, Ioana; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan Type: R&D Grant of Excellence Code: CEEX-ET-07 Total Duration: 2006 - 2008 (24 months) Funding Organization: UEFISCSU, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 1437/28.03.2006 Total value: 126000 RON (~ 36000 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | CORE-TX overview | Project website Collaborative robotic environments; Wireless Intelligent Terminal; Background Robotic Activity Induction Node; Wireless communication protocols; Real-time scheduling; Energy consumption optimization; Distributed artificial perception; Emergent behavior The project approaches a thematic area of high priority within the IT domain: real-time embedded systems for complex applications of distributed artificial perception, intelligent sensor networks and collaborative robotic environments. The goal of the project is the design and implementation of a system-platform, CORE-TX, used in studies on real-time autonomous microsystems with embedded intelligence, as well as for the development of large applications with direct impact on the modern informational society, on the introduction of the latest technologies in the industry and on the environment protection. The main objectives focus on studying and implementing of the following aspects: construction of the CORE-TX system, which is composed of the autonomous microsystems WIT (operating under the HARETICK real-time kernel), the central node BRAIN (having the role of configurating, coordinating and monitoring the system) and the set of communication protocols for intelligent sensor networks; research on the energy-conserving optimization of the real-time scheduling techniques; research and application development in the domains of distributed artificial perception, intelligent sensor networks, collaborative robotic environments and emergent behavior. The resources involved in the project consist of a research team with high theoretical and practical experience in the field (two PhD. members and three PhD. students, faculty staff), as well as a network of modern, properly equipped laboratories. The project results consist of the CORE-TX system with its components (a number of WIT nodes, the central node BRAIN, communication protocols, software systems for simulation/emulation and specific application development and analysis, a formal language for behavior description, etc.), integrated methodologies, research and applications in the field, development of PhD. programs for three members and over 35 scientific publications and reports. |
[NatG 17] | Metode de proiectare asistata - Intelligent CAD - folosite la personalizarea dispozitivelor de corectare a deficientelor de schelet (Intelligent CAD Methods for Personalization of Skeleton Deficiency Correction Devices) |
NatG | Team: Davidescu, Arjana (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor; Mateas, Marius; Lovasz, Erwin Christian; et al. Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-347 Total Duration: 2006 (12 months) Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Total value: 21800 RON (~ 6550 EUR) |
[+] Keywords CAD methods; Personalization; Skeleton deficiency correction device |
[NatG 16] | INBIRE: Dezvoltarea si implementarea unor sisteme performante de investigare si recuperare a deformatiilor de coloana vertebrala la populatia de varsta scolara si categorii profesionale cu activitati sedentare (INBIRE: Development and Implementation of Some Investigation and Rehabilitation Systems for the Spinal Column Deformations to School Age Population and Professional Cathegories with Sedentary Activities) |
NatG | Team: Lovasz, Erwin Christian (Director); Davidescu, Arjana; Sticlaru, Carmen; Luchin, Milenco; Ciupe, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Alba, Lavinia; Cioi, Daniel; Mateas, Marius; Nicoara, Ioan; Perju, Dan; Gruescu, Corina; Popa, Anca-Sorana; Ianosi, Endre; Hotea, Adriana; Margineanu, Dan; Maniu, Inocentiu; Argesanu, Veronica; Militaru, Rodica; Jula, Mihaela; Voda, Mircea; Radu, Adrian; Miclea, Florian; Margineanu, Eugenia; Crastiu, Ioan; Zabava, Eugen; et al. Type: R&D Grant of Excellence Partner List: Politehnica University of Timisoara (Co-ordinator); City Clinic Emergencies Hospital Timisoara; Scholar Inspectoare of the Timis County Code: CEEX-M1-C2-1612 Total Duration: 2006 - 2008 (28 months) Funding Organization: UEFISCSU, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: C88/2006 Total value: 1500000 RON (~ 429000 EUR) Value, UPT Partner: 984050 RON (~ 281200 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | Project website Investigation systems; Rehabilitation systems; Spinal column deformations; School age population; Professional cathegories; Sedentary activities |
[NatG 15] | OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat (OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control) |
![]() | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (Research theme manager); Stratulat, Mircea; Popa, Mircea; Holotescu, Carmen; Marcu, Marius; Todinca, Doru; Stanescu, Daniela; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Tomescu, Victor; Zilahi, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu; Patcas, Lucian; Fagadar, Mihai; Hentiu, Ioan; Bocan, Valer; Husz, Zsolt Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-717 Total Duration: 2005 - 2007 (36 months) Research Theme: 9/2006 Research Theme Title: Proiectarea si implementarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: A1/GR181/19.05.2006 Total value: 21995 RON (~ 6600 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | OPEN-HARTS overview | Project website Real-time; Embedded systems; Data acquisition; Digital signal processing; Critical applications; OPEN-HARTS system The project approaches a topic area of high priority within the information technology domain: the modeling, design and implementation of embedded hardware/software systems to correspond to their designed functional and temporal specifications (i.e., to guarantee the hard real-time deadlines). The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a homogenous methodology, OPEN-HARTS, for real-time and critical application development, analysis and operation, in digital data acquisition, processing and embedded control. The tasks of the project focus on studying and implementing the following aspects: development of a uniform set of models for time, signals and realtime tasks; studies of the scheduling techniques and implementation of a suitable algorithm, able to treat the realistic cases of embedded applications; design of an integrated visual environment (INVERTA) for real-time program development and analysis, and implementation of a compact real-time kernel (HARETICK) for embedded platforms. The project resources are based on a set of modern laboratories with suitable computing, testing and measurement equipment, as well as on a highly experienced research team - faculty staff and doctoral, master's and graduating students. An important component of the project research activity is the collaboration with two major companies in the field, Motorola and Alcatel, involving state of the art technology, and applications and publications to be developed. The project deliverables include the OPEN-HARTS system (methodology) with its two components (INVERTA and HARETICK), an important number of doctoral, master's and diploma theses to be finalized and presented, and publication of technical reports, scientific papers, application notes, books and didactic materials. |
[NatG 14] | Metode, tehnici si structuri pentru aplicatiile informatice adaptive din domeniul comunicatiilor (Methods, Techniques and Structures for Adaptive Computing Applications) |
NatG | Team: Sora, Ioana (Director); Cretu, Vladimir-Ioan; Todinca, Doru; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cosma, Dan; Bobu, Gabriela Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-663 Total Duration: 2005 - 2006 (24 months) Research Theme: 31/2006 Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 2379/19.05.2006 Total value: 17200 RON (~ 5200 EUR) |
[+] Keywords Methods; Techniques; Structures; Adaptive Computing; Applications |
[NatG 13] | Mediogrid: Prelucrare grafica paralela si distribuita pe structura grid a datelor geografice de mediu (Mediogrid: Parallel and Distributed Processing of Geographical and Environmental Data over Grid Structures) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (UPT Partner project manager); Horia, Ciocarlie; Micea, Mihai Victor, Marius, Marcu; Tudor, Dacian; et al. Type: R&D Grant of Excellence Code: 19-CEEX-I03-128 Total Duration: 2005 - 2008 (36 months) Funding Organization: UEFISCSU, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 19-CEEX-I03-128/07.10.2005 Value, UPT Partner: 280270 RON (~ 84420 EUR) |
[+] Keywords Parallel processing; Distributed processing; Geographical and environmental data; Grid structures |
[NatG 12] | OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat (OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control) |
![]() | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (Research theme manager); Stratulat, Mircea; Popa, Mircea; Holotescu, Carmen; Marcu, Marius; Todinca, Doru; Stanescu, Daniela; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Tomescu, Victor; Zilahi, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu; Patcas, Lucian; Fagadar, Mihai; Hentiu, Ioan; Bocan, Valer; Husz, Zsolt Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-717 Total Duration: 2005 - 2007 (36 months) Research Theme: 7/2005 Research Theme Title: Modelarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 27688/14.03.2005 Total value: 20995 RON (~ 6300 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | OPEN-HARTS overview | Project website Real-time; Embedded systems; Data acquisition; Digital signal processing; Critical applications; Modeling The project approaches a topic area of high priority within the information technology domain: the modeling, design and implementation of embedded hardware/software systems to correspond to their designed functional and temporal specifications (i.e., to guarantee the hard real-time deadlines). The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a homogenous methodology, OPEN-HARTS, for real-time and critical application development, analysis and operation, in digital data acquisition, processing and embedded control. The tasks of the project focus on studying and implementing the following aspects: development of a uniform set of models for time, signals and realtime tasks; studies of the scheduling techniques and implementation of a suitable algorithm, able to treat the realistic cases of embedded applications; design of an integrated visual environment (INVERTA) for real-time program development and analysis, and implementation of a compact real-time kernel (HARETICK) for embedded platforms. The project resources are based on a set of modern laboratories with suitable computing, testing and measurement equipment, as well as on a highly experienced research team - faculty staff and doctoral, master's and graduating students. An important component of the project research activity is the collaboration with two major companies in the field, Motorola and Alcatel, involving state of the art technology, and applications and publications to be developed. The project deliverables include the OPEN-HARTS system (methodology) with its two components (INVERTA and HARETICK), an important number of doctoral, master's and diploma theses to be finalized and presented, and publication of technical reports, scientific papers, application notes, books and didactic materials. |
[NatG 11] | Metode, tehnici si structuri pentru aplicatiile informatice adaptive din domeniul comunicatiilor (Methods, Techniques and Structures for Adaptive Computing Applications) |
NatG | Team: Sora, Ioana (Director); Cretu, Vladimir-Ioan; Todinca, Doru; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cosma, Dan; Bobu, Gabriela Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-663 Total Duration: 2005 - 2006 (24 months) Research Theme: 28/2005 Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 27688/14.03.2005 Total value: 16600 RON (~ 5000 EUR) |
[+] Keywords Methods; Techniques; Structures; Adaptive Computing; Applications |
[NatG 10] | Diagnoza si determinari de parametri la masini electrice (Diagnosis and Parameter Evaluation of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Biriescu, Marius (Director); Dordea, Toma (Academician, Research theme manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; et al. Type: ANSTI R&D Grant Code: 5199 Total Duration: 1999 - 2001 (36 months) Research Theme: B4/2001 Research Theme Title: Metodologie de incercare a masinilor sincrone de putere mare in regim tranzitoriu de stingeri de curent Funding Organization: ANSTI, National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Total value: 84.9 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Electrical machines; Diagnosis; Parameter evaluation; High power synchronous machines; Testing methodology; Transient regime |
[NatG 9] | Diagnoza si determinari de parametri la masini electrice (Diagnosis and Parameter Evaluation of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Biriescu, Marius (Director); Dordea, Toma (Academician, Research theme manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; et al. Type: ANSTI R&D Grant Code: 5199 Total Duration: 1999 - 2001 (36 months) Research Theme: A4/2000 Research Theme Title: Determinari de parametri la masinile de inductie Funding Organization: ANSTI, National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania |
[+] Keywords Electrical machines; Diagnosis; Parameter evaluation; Induction machines |
[NatG 8] | QUASAR: Structuri avansate pentru analiza complexa a performantelor sistemelor de achizitii numerice a datelor (Advanced Structures for Complex Performance Analysis of Data Acquisition Systems) |
![]() | Team: Stratulat, Mircea (Director); Micea, Mihai Victor (Research theme manager); Somosan, Calin; Stanescu, Daniela; Romanitan, Mircea Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-124 Total Duration: 1999 - 2000 (12 months) Research Theme: 42/1999 Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 35034/24.01.1999 Total value: 8 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | QUASAR diagram Data acquisition; Advanced hardware and software structures; System performance; Digital systems reliability The system is designed as a comprehensive set of hardware modules which can operate autonomously or interconnected into various structures. The entire ensemble is connected to a PC, which hosts the specialized control software and the graphical user interface for this system. The main system components are: hardware module for development and analysis of the signal conditioning and amplification logic within the DAQ systems; hardware module for the study of analog multiplexers/demultiplexers; hardware module for the analysis of Sample-and-Hold circuits and Analog-to-Digital converters; command and control logic for developing advanced, flexible interconnections of the system modules; specialized command and control software for the configuration, analysis, measurement and testing of the entire system; graphical user interface. The main element of novelty featured by this system is that it enables complex tests and studies on the majority of the modern DAQ systems, in a flexible manner. It will also provide an excellent support for future R&D projects and lab workshops in the field. |
[NatG 7] | Testare, modelare si monitorizare in domeniul masinilor si echipamentelor electrice utilizand sisteme de achizitie si prelucrare a date (Electrical Machines and Equipment Testing, Modeling and Monitoring Using Data Acquisition and Processing Systems) |
NatG | Team: Biriescu, Marius (Director); Dordea, Toma (Academician, Research theme manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; et al. Type: Major CNCSIS R&D Grant, type C Code: C-24 Total Duration: 1999 - 2001 (36 months) Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Total value: 150000 USD |
[+] Keywords Electrical machines testing; System modeling; Electrical equipment monitoring; Data acquisition and processing systems |
[NatG 6] | Diagnoza si determinari de parametri la masini electrice (Diagnosis and Parameter Evaluation of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Biriescu, Marius (Director); Dordea, Toma (Academician, Research theme manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; et al. Type: ANSTI R&D Grant Code: 5199 Total Duration: 1999 - 2001 (36 months) Research Theme: A1/1999 Research Theme Title: Programe de regim permanent si tranzitoriu sub mediul LabView Funding Organization: ANSTI, National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania Total value: 29 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Electrical machines; Diagnosis; Parameter evaluation; Permanent regimes; Transient regimes; LabView package |
[NatG 5] | Produs program pentru inregistrarea si prelucrarea informatiilor obtinute din regimurile tranzitorii ale masinilor electrice (Data Recording and Processing Software for Transient Regimes Study of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Biriescu, Marius (Research theme manager); Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-261 Total Duration: 1998 (12 months) Research Theme: 3/1998 Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 36/1998 Total value: 19 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Data acquisition; Data processing; Software; Transient regimes; Electrical machines |
[NatG 4] | Produs program pentru inregistrarea si prelucrarea informatiilor obtinute din regimurile tranzitorii ale masinilor electrice (Data Recording and Processing Software for Transient Regimes Study of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Biriescu, Marius (Research theme manager); Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-798 Total Duration: 1997 (12 months) Research Theme: 48/1997 Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 7004/1997 Total value: 8 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Data acquisition; Data processing; Software; Transient regimes; Electrical machines |
[NatG 3] | Produs program pentru inregistrarea si prelucrarea informatiilor obtinute din regimurile tranzitorii ale masinilor electrice (Data Recording and Processing Software for Transient Regimes Study of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Biriescu, Marius (Research theme manager); Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; Micea, Mihai Victor Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: A-344 Total Duration: 1996 (12 months) Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 5004/1996 Total value: 8 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Data acquisition; Data processing; Software; Transient regimes; Electrical machines |
[NatG 2] | Sistem de achizitii de date pentru determinarea parametrilor electromagnetici (Data Acquisition System for Electromagnetic Parameters Determination) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Biriescu, Marius (Research theme manager); Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; Micea, Mihai Victor Type: MCT R&D Grant Code: 666-A1 Total Duration: 1996 - 1998 (36 months) Funding Organization: MCT, Romanian Ministry of Research and Technology, Bucharest, Romania |
[+] Keywords Data acquisition system; Electromagnetic parameters; Data processing; Electrical machines |
[NatG 1] | Produs program pentru inregistrarea si prelucrarea informatiilor obtinute din regimurile tranzitorii ale masinilor electrice (Data Recording and Processing Software for Transient Regimes Study of Electrical Machines) |
NatG | Team: Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Director); Biriescu, Marius (Research theme manager); Mot, Martian; Sora, Ioana; Micea, Mihai Victor Type: CNCSIS R&D Grant, type A Code: 4004 Total Duration: 1995 (12 months) Funding Organization: CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania Contract: 4004/1995 Total value: 3 Mil. ROL |
[+] Keywords Data acquisition; Data processing; Software; Transient regimes; Electrical machines |
[RDCt 11] | EB_Tresos_AdaptiveCore |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Fuicu, Sebastian; Csereoka, Petra Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: EB_AdaptiveCore Total Duration: 2017 - 2018 (12 months) Funding Organization: Elektrobit Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: BC_72/28.06.2016, Sub-Secv. 3/11.11.2016 Total value: 22322 EUR |
[+] Abstract The project has the following main objectives: (1) Provide basic software and tooling for the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) Adaptive Platform; (2) Evaluate AUTOSAR concepts and code - Several use-cases are used to validate the concepts; (3) Develop concepts for contribution to AUTOSAR consortium - Starting from needed functionality, research for new concepts and evaluation of existing solutions is performed and then the best suitable concepts are proposed to AUTOSAR consortium. |
[RDCt 10] | AC_T_xDIV_PMT: Process, Methods and Tools Development |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Malaescu, Ana; Condescu, Bogdan Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: AC_T_xDIV_PMT Total Duration: 2016 (6 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 29/10.12.2015 Total value: 8543 EUR |
[RDCt 9] | AC_G_xBU_ADAPTIVE01: Definirea si validarea arhitecturii de ansamblu Adaptive AUTOSAR (AC_G_xBU_ADAPTIVE01: Defining and Validating the Overall Architecture of AUTOSAR) |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Fuicu, Sebastian; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: AC_G_xBU_ADAPTIVE01 Total Duration: 2016 (6 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 31/10.12.2015 Total value: 3957 EUR |
[RDCt 8] | AC_T_PMT15_2: Process, Methods and Tools Development |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Malaescu, Ana; Hodorog, Eduard Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: AC_T_PMT15_2 Total Duration: 2015 - 2016 (6 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 23/14.07.2015 Total value: 18393 EUR |
[RDCt 7] | AC_G_AST_Angelos: Automotive Next Generation Embedded Linux Operating System |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Fuicu, Sebastian; Stangaciu, Valentin; Stangaciu, Cristina Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: AC_G_AST_Angelos Total Duration: 2015 - 2016 (9 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 19/09.04.2015 Total value: 21336 EUR |
[RDCt 6] | AC_T_PMT15: IMS integration Part 2, CATCH Rollout and maintenance for BSW and RTE |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Ostoia, Ovidiu Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: AC_T_PMT15 Total Duration: 2015 (12 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 18/17.12.2014 Total value: 14575 EUR |
[RDCt 5] | CESSAR Configuration and Generation Tool - Release 2014b, 2014c |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Ostoia, Ovidiu Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: CESSAR_CT2 Total Duration: 2014 (6 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 11/25.06.2014 Total value: 12978 EUR |
[RDCt 4] | CESSAR Configuration and Generation Tool - Release 2013c, 2014a, 2014b |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Reidel, Martin R. Type: R&D and Execution Contract Code: CESSAR_CT Total Duration: 2013 - 2014 (6 months) Funding Organization: Continental Automotive Romania SRL., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 13/24.02.2012, Aad. 5/23.09.2013 Total value: 12549 EUR |
[RDCt 3] | Geodata Platform: Aplicatie pentru manipularea informatiilor geografice - GIS (AURORA Geodata Platform: Application for Handling Geographical Information - GIS) |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Co-director); Golcea, Delia; Fagadar-Cosma, Mihai; Chise, Cosmina; et al. Type: R&D and Execution Contract Total Duration: 2007 (5 months) Funding Organization: Alcatel-Lucent Romania SA., Timisoara, Romania Contract: 751/08.10.2007 Total value: 16738 RON (~ 5100 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract Geodata platform; .NET-based applications; GIS information; Project-based environment GeoData Platform, codenamed AURORA, is a standalone Microsoft .NET-based Windows application, designed for handling geodata (GIS data), using a project-based environment. As a GIS platform, it must provide the following range of functions, accessible to the user via a Graphical User Interface (GUI): 1. import and export from and to various raster and vector geodata formats; 2. visualization of geodata, using a layer-based display with geocoding between layers; 3. operations with geodata, such as merge, divide, crop, coordinate and resolution transformations etc; 4. an API, which provides the means of implementing new operations on the geodata; 5. a log system similar to the one employed by A9155 V6, which will store the application messages and signal the eventual errors encountered during tool operation; 6. an integrated help system. |
[RDCt 2] | PERL: Modelarea si simularea echipamentelor de productie automata si tehnici de planificare a productiei in industria semiconductorilor (PERL: Modeling and simulation of Automatic Production Equipments and Process Scheduling Techniques in Semiconductor Manufacturing) |
RDCt | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Co-director); Kuczapski, Artur; Novac, Mihai; Ciocarlie, Horia Type: R&D and Execution Contract Total Duration: 2007 (6 months) Funding Organization: Advanced Clean Production Information Technology SRL. (acp-IT), Timisoara, Romania Contract: 612/28.02.2007 Total value: 27194 RON (~ 8400 EUR) |
[+] Keywords | [+] Abstract ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning; MES - Manufacturing Execution System; Modeling and simulation systems; Process scheduling techniques; Semiconductor manufacturing Project PEARL is meant to be the starting point for developing a system that represents a proof of concept for the scheduling and simulation domains. If the concept proves successful further possibilities for enhancing it exist both from technology and conceptual point of view. The scope of this project is basically to build a system made out of two components: T1) one for implementing and running the scheduling algorithms, and T2) the other to simulate the execution of production orders according to the architecture of the production lines and the scheduling plan created by the first component. The objectives of the project are : to analyze the performance of scheduling algorithms, with an accent on multi-criterium flexible optimization, possibilities for real-time rescheduling and to provide data regarding production KPIs extracted from the simulation model. The deliverables for this project consist of two categories namely: running software and documents (electronic or hard copy). The term Running Software means: the scheduling and simulation system, test code, installation scripts and third party components used by our system. The documentation should include all documents related to the development process (requirements, architecture, design, test scripts etc.) and other studies, interesting articles or references. For each phase we must create a document that presents accomplishments, problems that we haven't been able to solve properly or at all, and two chapters that describe the project realizations from the scheduling and simulation point of views. |
[RDCt 1] | Executarea probelor necesare pentru determinarea curbei cuplului la MAS 5250 kW, 1500 rpm, pentru Centrala Nucleara Electrica de la Cernavoda, Unitatea nr. 2, in standul de proba al UCM Resita (Evaluation and Calculation of the Couple Curves for the Electrical Machine MAS 5250 kW, 1500 rpm, at the UCM Resita Test Stands, for the Nuclear Power Plant at Cernavoda, Unit 2) |
RDCt | Team: Biriescu, Marius (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Micea, Mihai Victor; Mot, Martian; et al. Type: R&D and Execution Contract Total Duration: 2005 (5 months) Funding Organization: Uzina de Constructii de Masini (UCM), Resita, Romania Contract: 205/2005 Total value: 12000 RON (~ 3600 EUR) |
[ParP 7] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Chiciudean, Dan (Technical manager); Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2006 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.7/2006 Research Theme Title: Equipment, software and documentation support; Development of DSP laboratory workshops Funding Organization: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 3750 USD |
[+] Abstract | Letter of Understanding * Equipment, software and documenation support (including: 15 Freescale Microcontroller Student Learning Kits, 15 DSP Application Modules - Hardware and Software, Documentation). * Development of laboratory workshops with the new Freescale SLK modules for the BSc. in Computers curricula. |
[ParP 6] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel (Technical managers); Tomescu, Victor; Zilahi, Mihai; Hentiu, Ioan; Roman, Mihaela; Kuczapski, Artur; Balint Gib, Mihai; Egyed, Antoniu; Zugravu, Radu; Groza, Lavinia Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2005 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.6/2005 Research Theme Title: Equipment, software and documentation support; Development of 5 application projects; Certification of 11 students Funding Organization: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 4800 USD |
[+] Abstract | DALT Diploma sample * Equipment, software and documenation support (including: 1 Motorola DSP StarCore SC8101 EVM kit, Metrowerks Code Warrior Licences, Documentation). * 5 application projects developed: - DALT.6.1: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Victor Tomescu, Mihai Zilahi, "Digital Audio Effects Library with the StarCore DSP"; - DALT.6.2: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Ioan Hentiu, Mihaela Roman, "HARETICK RTOS with the StarCore DSP"; - DALT.6.3: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Artur Kuczapski, "Sound Quality Improvement of Low Rate Sources"; - DALT.6.4: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Mihai Balint-Gib, Antoniu Egyed, "Multi-Precision Arithmetic Library for Large Integer and Rational Numbers with the StarCore DSP"; - DALT.6.5: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Radu Zugravu, Lavinia Groza, "Image Processing Library for the StarCore DSP". * 11 Diplomas issued to the students participating to the projects, as a certification that they have "successfully completed the training and project program in the DSPLabs laboratory using state-of-the art Digital Signal Processing technology provided by Freescale Semiconductor". |
[ParP 5] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
ParP | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Chiciudean, Dan (Technical manager); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Costil, Adrian; Tomescu, Victor; Zilahi, Mihai; Benea, Iulian; Patcas, Lucian; Degan, Cosmin; Hadarean, Florin; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan; Tigu, Sergiu; Susan, Adrian; Morar, Lucian; Fagadar Cosma, Mihai; Faniciu, Liviu Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2004 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.5/2004 Research Theme Title: Equipment, software and documentation support; Partial support for 1 PhD. program; Development of 8 application projects Funding Organization: Motorola, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 13700 USD |
[+] Abstract * Equipment, software and documenation support (including: 1 Motorola DSP StarCore SC8101 ADS kit, 2 PC workstations, 8 Metrowerks Code Warrior Licences, Documentation). * Partial support for 1 PhD. program: - DALT.5.PhD: Vladimir Cretu (Coordinator), Mihai V. Micea, "Design and Implementation of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing". * 8 application projects developed: - DALT.5.1: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Adrian Costil, Victor Tomescu, Mihai Zilahi, "MPEG 1 - Layer III Decoder for the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.2: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Iulian Benea, "Message Digest Library and Benchmarks for the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.3: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Lucian Patcas, "Hard Real-Time Compact Kernel (HARETICK) for the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.4: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Cosmin Degan, Florin Hadarean, "Image Processing Library for the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.5: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Razvan D. Cioarga, Bogdan Ciubotaru, "Audio Effects Library for the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.6: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Sergiu Tigu, Adrian Susan, "Multi-Precision Arithmetic Library for Large Integer and Rational Numbers With the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.7: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Lucian Morar, "Halftoning and Inverse Halftoning With the Motorola StarCore DSP"; - DALT.5.8: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Mihai Fagadar-Cosma, Liviu Faniciu, "TETHRA: TDM Over Ethernet Router/Analyzer With the Motorola StarCore DSP" (developed at DALT in collaboration with Alcatel Romania, Timisoara). |
[ParP 4] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
ParP | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Stratulat, Mircea; Chiciudean, Dan; Joni, Alexandru; Petrisor, Eddy; Patcas, Lucian; Kovacs, Peter; Todorescu, Dan; Velciov, Nicolae Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2003 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.4/2003 Research Theme Title: Equipment, software and documentation support; Development of 3 application projects Funding Organization: Motorola, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 3500 USD |
[+] Abstract * Equipment, software and documenation support (including: 2 Motorola DSP Evaluation Module boards, Metrowerks Code Warrior Licences, Documentation). * 3 application projects developed: - DALT.4.1: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Vladimir Cretu (Project Manager), Alexandru Joni, "Real-time Person Tracking System with Motorola DSP"; - DALT.4.2: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Eddy Petrisor, Lucian Patcas, Peter Kovacs, "Basic Real-Time Software and Tools"; - DALT.4.3: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Mircea Stratulat (Project Manager), Dan Todorescu, Nicolae Velciov, "Secure Steganographic Communication System". |
[ParP 3] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
ParP | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2002 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.3/2002 Research Theme Title: Documentation support; Development of DSP laboratory workshops Funding Organization: Motorola, Inc., USA |
[+] Abstract * Documentation support. * Development of laboratory workshops with Motorola DSP boards for the BSc. in Computers curricula. |
[ParP 2] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
![]() | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Co-director); Stratulat, Mircea; Udrescu Miroslav, Mihai; Chiciudean, Dan; Muntean, Lucian; Brosteanu, Daniel; Husz, Zsolt; Stefanov, Sergiu; Ardelean, Dan; Aioanei, Daniel; Maniu, Laurentiu Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2001 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.2/2001 Research Theme Title: Equipment and documentation support; Partial support for 1 PhD. program; Development of 5 application projects; Development of DSP laboratory workshops Funding Organization: Motorola, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 19000 USD |
[+] Abstract | DALT 2nd Anniversary flyer * Equipment support. * Partial support for a PhD. program: - DALT.2.1: Vladimir Cretu (Coordinator), Mihai V. Micea, "Parallel and Multiprocessor Data Processing System". * 5 application projects developed: - DALT.2.2: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Lucian Muntean, Daniel Brosteanu, "Self-guided Robot Using SONAR with the Motorola EVM"; - DALT.2.3: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Lucian Muntean, Sergiu Stefanov, Laurentiu Maniu, "Real-time MPEG-Layer 3 Decoder with the DSP56824"; - DALT.2.4: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Vladimir Cretu (Project Manager), Zsolt Husz, "DSP-based Face Recognition System"; - DALT.2.5: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Vladimir Cretu (Project Manager), Dan Chiciudean, Mihai Udrescu-Milosav, "Real-time Person Tracking System"; - DALT.2.6: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Mircea Stratulat (Project Manager), Dan Ardelean, Daniel Aioanei, "DSP-based Audio Effects Processor". * Development of laboratory workshops with Motorola DSP boards for the BSc. in Computers curricula. |
[ParP 1] | DALT: UPT and Motorola/Freescale Semiconductor Joint DSP Applications Lab in Timisoara |
ParP | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan (Co-director); Chiciudean, Dan; Muntean, Lucian; Trifu, Adrian; Trifu, Mircea; Brosteanu, Daniel Type: Academic Partnership Program Total Duration: 2000 (12 months) Research Theme: DALT.1/2000 Research Theme Title: Equipment, software and documentation support; Development of 4 application projects; Publication of 4 Motorola Application Notes Funding Organization: Motorola, Inc., USA Total value: ~ 10500 USD |
[+] Abstract * Equipment, software and documenation support (including: 6 Motorola DSP Evaluation Module boards, Development software tools, KHOROS Pro 2000 Software Development Kit with Academic/Resarch User Licence, Documentation, Various electronic devices such as high-speed ADC). * 4 application projects developed: - DALT.1.1: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Adrian Trifu, Mircea Trifu, "Integrating DSP563xx in Distributing Computing Environments with KHOROS Package"; - DALT.1.2: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Dan Chiciudean, "Performant DAQ System Interfacing the DSP65303"; - DALT.1.3: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Lucian Muntean, Daniel Brosteanu, "Simple Real-time SONAR with the DSP56824"; - DALT.1.4: Mihai V. Micea (Project Manager), Dan Chiciudean, Lucian Muntean, "ECP Standard Parallel Interface for the DSP563xx". * 4 Application Notes published by Motorola: - MOTOROLA SPS Application Note AN2085; - MOTOROLA SPS Application Note AN2086; - MOTOROLA SPS Application Note AN2087; - MOTOROLA SPS Application Note AN2088. |
[Dvlp 1] | DSPLABS: Dezvoltarea laboratorului multidisciplinar de prelucrare numerica a semnalelor, multimedia, telecomunicatii digitale, retele de senzori si robotica (DSPLABS: Development of the Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia, Digital Telecommunications, Sensor Networks and Robotics) |
Dvlp | Team: Micea, Mihai Victor (Director); Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Chiciudean, Dan; Cioarga, Razvan Dorel; Ciubotaru, Bogdan Type: Development Project, License Laboratories Program Code: AC-11 Total Duration: 2007 - 2008 (12 months) Funding Organization: Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, and Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Total value: 344759 RON (~ 100000 EUR) |