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Citations Report
Cited Paper
[Conf 1]Relative positioning system using Inter-Robot Ultrasonic Localization Turret
Author(s): Stancovici, Andrei; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2014
Editor(s): Miguez, Juan Carlos; Slomovitz, Daniel
Publisher: IEEE
Montevideo, Uruguay, 12-15 May. 2014
Pages: 1427 - 1430, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4673-6386-0, DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2014.6860981
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000346477200282)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info | IEEE Index Record (Inspec) | Preprint version
Omnidirectional; Indoor; Ultrasound; Odometry
This paper focuses on the problem of relative localization system in collaborative environments based on our previous proposed relative localization methodology. We propose a low cost hardware module to achieve a relative positioning system used in research scope to develop some methods, techniques and algorithms in Multi Mobile Autonomous Robotic Systems (2MARS) applications. We discuss about existing hardware modules in literature by showing some constraints. We present some important design aspects of our proposed relative positioning system using the low cost hardware module: Inter-Robot Ultrasonic Localization Turret (IRULT).
3 Citations in total
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