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Citations Report
Cited Paper
[Conf 1]Wireless Synchronization Protocols for Collaborative Robotic and Sensor Environments
Author(s): Stratulat, Bogdan; Barzeianu, Sebastian; Micea, Mihai Victor; Groza, Voicu
In: Proceedings of the 19-th IEEE International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2010
Editor(s): Szakal, Aniko
Publisher: IEEE
Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 Jun. 2010
Pages: 25 - 30, CD-ROM support, ISBN 978-1-4244-6885-0, DOI: 10.1109/RAAD.2010.5524616
Indexed: IEEE Xplore, IEEE (INSPEC: 11446988)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Conference guide
Precision Time Protocol; Collaborative environments; Robotic collectives; Synchronization protocols; Wireless sensor networks
In this paper we consider the problem of time synchronization in collaborative environments of robots and intelligent sensors. Due to its superior performance, the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) has been implemented and tested using various topologies of complex, multi-hop networks. Two distinct approaches have been studied. The first one uses boundary clocks, while the second uses a transparent clock for the intermediary nodes. A set of experiments and simulations have been conducted with the OMNeT++ environment. Finally, we propose and discuss a modified version of the PTP protocol, specifically designed to consider the particular problems of networks with mobile robotic nodes.
2 Citations in total
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