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Citations Report
Cited Paper
[Jrnl 1]Power Efficiency Study of Multi-threading Applications for Multi-core Mobile Systems
Author(s): Marcu, Marius; Tudor, Dacian; Fuicu, Sebastian; Copil-Crisan, Silvia; Maticu, Florin; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Volume 7, Issue 12
Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
Wisconsin, USA, Dec. 2008
Pages: 1875 - 1885, ISSN 1109-2750
Indexed: Compendex, Elsevier, Inc. (Compendex: 20090611900400)
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal Table of Contents | ACM Index Record
Power consumption; Multi-threading; Multi-core; Mobile applications; Power profiling
One constant in computing which is true also for mobile computing is the continue requirement for greater performance. Every performance advance in mobile processors leads to another level of greater performance demands from newest mobile applications. However, on battery powered devices performance is strictly limited by the battery capacity, therefore energy efficient applications and systems have to be developed. The power consumption problem of mobile systems is in general a very complex one and remained very actual for quite a long time. In this paper we aim to define a software execution framework for mobile systems in order to characterize the power consumption profile of multi-threading mobile applications. Study results for different thread libraries, multi-core processors and multithreaded parallelized applications are also presented.
7 Citations in total (with a cummulated IF: 1.765)
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