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[Jrnl 1]Implementing Professional Audio Effects with DSPs
(Implementarea efectelor audio profesionale cu procesoare DSP)
Autor(i): Micea, Mihai Victor; Stratulat, Mircea; Ardelean, Dan; Aioanei, Daniel
In: Scientific Bulletin of the UPT: Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
Volumul 46, Numarul 1
Editor(i): Holban, Stefan
Publicat de: Politehnica University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania, Apr. 2001
Pagini: 55 - 60, ISSN 1224-600X

 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Journal info | Preprint version
DSP; Digital audio effect; Chain of effects; Real-time; Communication protocol
Digital signal processors are highly used in a large variety of today's domestic and industrial applications. This paper emphasizes on the principles and techniques involved in professional audio processing field. Some basic digital audio effects are described along with the corresponding guidelines for DSP implementation.
4 Citari in total (cu un IF cumulat: 0.912)
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