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Citations Report
Cited Paper
[Jrnl 1]MAC-Level Communication Time Modeling and Analysis for Real-Time WSNs
Author(s): Stangaciu, Valentin; Micea, Mihai Victor; Cretu, Vladimir Ioan
In: Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Volume 16, Issue 1
Editor(s): Graur, Adrian
Publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Romania, Feb. 2016
Pages: 35 - 40, Online, ISSN 1582-7445, DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2016.01005
Indexed: ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (WOS: 000376995400005), IF: 0.459
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Journal info | AECE Journal Index Record | Full paper
Wireless sensor networks; Real-time systems; Wireless communication; Access protocol; Time measurement
Low-level communication protocols and their timing behavior are essential to developing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) able to provide the support and operating guarantees required by many current real-time applications. Nevertheless, this aspect still remains an issue in the state-of-the-art. In this paper we provide a detailed analysis of a recently proposed MAC-level communication timing model and demonstrate its usability in designing real-time protocols. The results of a large set of measurements are also presented and discussed here, in direct relation to the main time parameters of the analyzed model.
1 Citations in total
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