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[Conf 1]Determination of the Human Spine Geometry with CCD-Camera
(Determinarea geometriei coloanei vertebrale umane cu ajutorul camerelor CCD)
Autor(i): Lovasz, Erwin Christian; Mateas, Marius; Micea, Mihai Victor
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Reunion of the Special Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Sustainability for Humanity and Environment in the Extended Connection Field Science-Economy-Policy, SRSPAH 2005
Volumul 2
Editor(i): Ionel, Ioana; Jadanent, Mihai; Oprisa Stanescu, Paul Dan; Padure, Gelu
Publicat de: Editura Politehnica
Timisoara, Romania, 24-25 Feb. 2005
Pagini: 292 - 295, ISBN 973-625-206-X
 [+] Keywords | [+] Abstract | Cover picture | Proceedings info
Human spine geometry; CCD camera; Target points algorithm
The geometric determination of the spine in 3D it represents interest from medical point of view for determination of deviation comparative with the vertebral columns geometry of a standard subject. In order to determinate the geometry of the vertebral column one can use a non-contact method, which allows a non-interference approach of the human subject, increasing speed and accuracy.
1 Citari in total
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